A/N: Read Author’s note at the end. There’s a surprise for you!
“Do as she says,” Kayla’s clone that was with Liz said. “Liz can’t bring herself to kill. Additionally, I’d rather prevent her from witnessing Calcer’s sea of blood.
“So, you’ll still be doing the majority of the job. Not to mention that you’ll be taking care of the other angels once she deals with the second Star Fifteen angel.”
“Alright then, let’s go,” Joey said quickly, urging everyone to follow. Erin and the rest followed behind.
Stopping suddenly in his tracks, Erin quickly dashed to Jina’s side and was about to hug her. But Amira stopped him bluntly. “Although she’s mostly fine, she’s still in pain. Just help her fly with the rest of us, it’s better if she doesn’t urge her Cyber Particles to form wings.”
Nodding, Erin gave Jina a light kiss on the brow before carrying her like a princess. Seeing that, Amira rolled her eyes but said nothing. She silently followed.
Kayla gave a last look towards Jericho who was still covered in her dark purple cocoon before focusing on her own tasks.
Not long after, the group had already reached The Raven’s Guards who -to their surprise- were toying with the Star Fifteen angel.
Erin and the rest could not help but marvel at the strength this group showed.
“What is that azure fire? How is the angel screaming?” Shin asked, confused. “I thought they could not talk…”
“It’s weird, it doesn’t even look hot since the scenery around it isn’t distorted,” Sara analyzed. “But for some reason, the moment I set my eyes on it, I feel like I’m in grave danger…”
“Uhm, something’s weird about this azure flame,” Vlad said in a serious tone that showed both fear and respect. “And what’s up with that Ian dude, how does the angel respond to his provocations?”
“He must be a psychic,” Erin replied. “Everytime the angel shows a hint of resistance, his yellow-orange eyes seem to glow…”
“Hm, the man and woman from the silver-folk seem to be pretty strong as well,” Haruki commented. “I feel immense power radiating from the spear they’re jointly using.”
“Uhm,” Amira nodded. “No doubt that this group can very well annihilate ours… Not to mention the rest, just look at those two, I think that they are siblings.” She said while pointing at Aella and Zeru.
Everyone could only swallow loudly the moment their eyes landed on the giant Lightning Phantom behind them.
“Well, I would not go as far as annihilate us, but their teamwork is way better than ours, and even their individual power is more unique…” Erin could only sigh in emotions.
“Don’t be like this,” Kayla said. “These people are Raven’s friends after all, they have obviously received some help from her.
“And even though they can’t reach your ranks, their strength is not something that one can scoff at.”
“So, err, since they have the situation under control, what should we do now?” Liz asked.
“Hm, well, hand this angel and the two we have to Joey so that he can deliver them to Clacer,” Kayla replied. “The Cyber Elites and The Raven’s Guards will go assist the Terran Army with their opponents.
“As for you, Liz, you just sit tight and wait. There’s nothing for you to do at the moment.”
“Uhm,” Liz nodded with a smile.
“Alright, everyone else get to work!” Kayla said loudly.
Quickly, the situation on Earth changed. The highest of the angels’ strengths were crippled, leaving only the weak ones available for the slaughter.
The EDA Generals and their Deputies, the Terran Soldiers, and Jakol’s Akash team all fought hard and were not weaker than their opponents. However, the moment the Cyber Elites and The Raven’s Guards joined the battle, everything kept on changing rapidly.
Not only that, but shortly after, even Gaia’s titans and Raven’s Executives joined the fray. Clacer, who was submerged in his coiled-python-like red Sea of Blood, was having the best time digesting the three powerful angels and raising his rank rapidly.
And, in less than half a day, Earth was angel-free and the Terran Army could not wait to start celebrating!
“Everyone, it’s not time to be happy yet!” Kayla called out through everyone’s bracelets all of a sudden. “Look around you!”
Looking around as ordered, the Terran soldiers could only sigh in emotion.
“What a shame…”
“Yeah, although we won, we paid an unimaginable price…”
“Uhm, Earth is no longer suitable for living…”
“What do we do now?”
“We can’t just abandon our home planet, right?”
“Wait you idiots, the Commanding General must have a way, otherwise, why would she say anything about it?”
“I guess you’re right!”
After giving them a while to chat with each other, Kayla started transmitting her message again: “Well, everyone, since you know that Earth is uninhabitable for now, you should realize that the best option is to leave it.
“Now, listen to my command: all Terran soldiers are to gather in the Demon Realm and evacuate as per plan.
“Once Earth is fixed by Gaia, the Mother Spirit, everyone can be rebuilt, and we’ll bring you back!”
Hearing the command, everyone felt that they’ve missed some important fact, but they didn’t comment. If it was the Commanding General’s will, then it’s an order that they must execute.
“Kay, what’s the matter?” Gaia whispered as she got closer to Kayla.
“Yes, Kay, why did you ask everyone to evacuate instead of asking for their help rebuilding everything?” Liz asked curiously.
“Well, I- honestly, I feel that we’ve missed something…” Kayla said after some hesitation. “Everything that we’ve been doing so far… it’s- it strangely seems easy…”
“Easy?” Gaia widened her eyes. The Cyber Elites, Raven’s Executives, and The Raven’s Guards were looking at Kayla as though she had gone mad.
“Kay, is there something that we don’t know but need to know?” Aella asked with raised eyebrows.
“Is it related to something that you and Lady Raven found in outer space?”
“Uhm,” Kayla replied seriously. “Let me ask you this: what’s the strongest enemy that we’ve fought?”
“The Star Twenty angel?” Joey asked suspiciously.
“Yes,” Kayla replied. “And what’s Liz’s rank?”
“Err, above Star Twenty?” Joey also asked in reply. “I’ve seen her handle the strong angels like they’re nothing…”
“Uhm, I saw that too,” Erin replied. “Just how strong is she now?”
“Well, she’s at rank Sixty Eight right now,” Kayla replied, causing everyone to take a deep breath in awe. Feeling embarrassed with everyone looking at her, Liz looked down at her feet.
“Wait, what you’re saying is that…” Aella, who suddenly understood what Kayla was hinting at, could not help but lose her cool.
“The rank above Star Twenty exists…” Maria followed her trail of thought. “So, you’re saying that there are more powerful angels?”
“Uhm,” Kayla replied, causing some more reactions from the groups around her. “Well, to keep this short, err, Raven faced some angels that were way beyond this rank; she faced an angel that was ranked at about Star One Hundred Fifty…”
“What!??” Maria almost lost her cool. “How is she now?” Saying that, she held Kayla by the shoulders and shook her uncontrollably.
“Please don’t worry,” Kayla managed to squeeze out of her lips. “Tu took care of it for us. With that being said, that wasn’t the strongest angel we met; we also met an angel that was ranked above Star Five Hundred.”
Seeing that everyone lost their colour, she quickly continued. “However, that angel was a friend!”
“A friend?” Maria looked at her strangely. “Oh wait, is it Maya?!”
Although not everyone was on the same page, they quickly realized that Maya was also an angel and a very powerful one at that.
“No, hehe…” Kayla laughed mysteriously. “Maya is above Stra Nine Hundred!”
Mouths were suddenly left wide open as everyone sucked in the air aggressively.
“Hehe,” laughing once again, Kayla explained the situation in outer space and everything that’s happened so far with Raven… well, almost everything, she had to skip some parts after all…
Giving them a while to digest, Kayla started explaining her point again. “So, anyhow, do you get why I feel like we’ve missed some important point?
“Uhm,” Erin nodded. “You’re saying that the other Seraphim had their own powerful subordinates, yet, none has yet attacked us…”
“Exactly!” Kayla replied. “It seems as though the stronger angels are not here for some unknown reason. And as if now, that reason may be one of three;
“First, the stronger angels have all been killed by some unknown entity.
“Second, they are currently somewhere else, doing something that we don’t know about.
“Third, they are on their way…”
Noticing everyone’s tense gazes, she continued. “Whatever one of the three it is, our best and only option is to leave as we mentioned before.”
“Uhm, it’s good if you guys leave, you’ve done a lot and I really appreciate everything, but that’s enough. Please take care!” Gaia tried her best to smile while urging everyone to leave. She didn’t want them to risk even more for her sake.