Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years Novel

Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years Novel
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Five of the world’s wealthiest tycoons descended upon a poverty-stricken district simultaneously, astonishingly just to visit a 20-year-old young man. This young man was their master fifty years ago. Initially, these magnates only acquired some rudimentary knowledge from William Johnson, but that was enough to make them leaders in their respective fields. However, they were stunned by William’s ageless visage when they saw him again, as they were unaware that William Johnson had lived for a billion years. He not only established different religions all over the world, but even Alexander the Great was once his student. Yet, after dispersing the tycoons fifty years ago, he chose a long slumber. But now, William Johnson has awakened…
Embark on a delightful literary journey as you immerse yourself in the captivating world of Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years Novel, conveniently available for online reading at AnimeDaily.Net. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing AnimeDaily.Net as your go-to destination to read light novels, particularly the enchanting Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years Novel. Our commitment revolves around providing you with a seamless and enjoyable platform to read light novels, creating a haven where you can savor your favorite narratives.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Awakening, A New Beginning
- Chapter 2: Has the World Lost Its Mind?
- Chapter 3: A god, he truly is a god
- Chapter 4: You guys are filming a movie, right?
- Chapter 5: My First Job in the New World
- Chapter 6: How destitute is this?
- Chapter 7: What? A marriage proposal already!
- Chapter 8: You have gotten into big trouble
- Chapter 9: No one is allowed to leave
- Chapter 10: Is this person remarkable
- Chapter 11: The Nose Bridge Crusher
- Chapter 12: Confidently Living Off Others
- Chapter 13: He had just come down from the mountains
- Chapter 14: Could anyone possibly live forever?
- Chapter 15: No such good thing would transpire!
- Chapter 16: The words on that stone tablet were carved by me
- Chapter 17: I will not take you as my disciple.
- Chapter 18: Can’t you be a little more polite to people?
- Chapter 19: Tell her not to come looking for me.
- Chapter 20: Is working in a bar just about chatting?
- Chapter 21: The salary that is about to double.
- Chapter 22: Being invincible is so lonely.
- Chapter 23: I refuse.
- Chapter 24: There must be something wrong with this wine!
- Chapter 25: At your fiercest age, you meet the fiercest you.
- Chapter 26: This lady, I’m not a casual person.
- Chapter 27: Is this little bit of alcohol enough?
- Chapter 28: If you don’t want to make an effort anymore, remember to tell me.
- Chapter 29: These three girls are really not easy to mess with.
- Chapter 30: Perhaps this is destined.
- Chapter 31 He was, after all, too eager for quick success and instant benefits.
- Chapter 32 Are you trying to tell me what to do?
- Chapter 33 I can’t let you go just like that!
- Chapter 34 Then, can we at least be friends?
- Chapter 35 Can’t you leave a little chance for everyone?
- Chapter 36 He was once known as the "Gentleman Thief".
- Chapter 37 Sometimes, it’s just such a coincidence.
- Chapter 38 I can’t stand up.
- Chapter 39 Trying to act profound?
- Chapter 40 He won’t be interested in you romantically.