Professor Oak and Julian entered the research room to continue their conversation
Oak “Now that we are here you should take it out”
Julian put his hand inside his pouch and took out three things an Ice Stone, a water stone and the Mega stone.
Julian “Here is your evolution stones”
Oak “Thank you for bringing them, Oh wait here I also have something for you”
Professor Oak walk’s near a shelf and takes a yellow color box from there and gives it to Julian
Oak “It was the only one my friend had, you were lucky that to contacted me in time or this would have been sent to Sinnoh region”
Julian “Thank you, Professor Oak”
Oak “Now that this is out of the way show me the mega stone”
Julian gave the Mega stone to Professor Oak so that he could look at it properly it was a shiny yellow color marble with the blue and red color pattern inside it, Professor Oak examins it properly and finally nods with satisfaction clearly shown on his face
Oak “This is indeed a Mega stone, I wanted to do research on this for a long time, I was even called to Kalos by Professor Sycamore to research about this phenomenon of Mega evolution but due to some circumstances I couldn’t go there, but now I can hahahaha, this is my luckiest day”
Julian “Professor calm down this will not go anywhere”
Oak “You don’t understand Julian how excited I am to continue this research and to do that I need your help”
Julian “My help?”
Oak “You said that your Gyarados found the Mega stone, so I am pretty sure that this is a Gyaradosite and let’s try to Mega evolve your Gyarados but first let me do some preparation”
Julian “Wait, Professor didn’t you tell that we need a Keystone for this to work”
Julian looked at Professor Oak with doubt but he realized something
Julian “Wait don’t tell me you have a keystone?”
Oak “Hehe, you guessed it right as soon as you said that you found a Mega Stone I contacted Professor Sycamore to send me a Keystone and he sent me one, he was also excited to hear that I could do some research on it and speed up its process of the research, he sent me one right away, wait let me bring it”
Oak went towards his personal desk and took out a locket which was holding a shiny Keystone surrounded by a black metal ring which was holding it on place followed by a black string tied to it
Oak “Look at this, isn’t it fascinating”
Julian “Indeed”
Oak “I have already prepared the necessary items lets go out, I have kept them in inside the storeroom”
Professor Oak walked out of the room followed by Julian, they entered a storeroom as Professor Oak lifted a huge box, it was a little heavy so Julian lifted it and brought it out.
When he opened the huge box he saw a huge shiny metal plate which was shaped like a wide V with a small hole in the middle and a small spike on top of it, it looked like a trident with a small middle blade and two long ones on the side, Julian figured it out seeing this, it was a metal armor for Gyarados’s head which could be put on his horns and a place to keep the Mega stone, it had some mechanisms for adjusting its size too.
Oak “I asked my friend who is an expert in handling tungsten to make this headpiece for Gyarados”
This armor was thick and was made up of tungsten, it was the hardest metal found in this world till now.
Julian ‘Its actually made up of tungsten, it’s the hardest metal found in this world, its same as on earth, now I look at it the metals and materials found in this world are not very different from earth’
Julian “Its good that you asked for Tungsten and it’s pretty thick it will be able to handle powerful hits from other pokemons”
Oak “I considering that option is why I asked him to specially make it from tungsten, he was really pissed of as it is very hard to melt tungsten hahahaha”
Julian “Let’s go I also want to try Mega Evolution”
Oak “Hahahaha you stole the words in my mouth, let’s go quickly”
Professor Oak bolted towards the lake where Gyarados was resting, seeing this Julian shook his head and followed him carrying the huge Tungsten armor, as they both arrived near the lake they saw all of his pokemons playing some games, Julian walked towards the lake and called Gyarados
Julian “Gyarados come here”
All his pokemons turned around to look at him to find out what he is doing, Gyarados approached Julian as he was also curious to why he is being called
Julian “Bend down a little, I need to put this plate on your forehead”
Gyarados lowered his head and allowed Julian to do what he wants, Julian adjusted the plate a little and placed it onto Gyarados forehead, it was a perfect fit next he took out the Mega stone and placed it inside the hole meant for it.
The trident shape plate didn’t completely cover his horns as they were still sticking out at the end and the middle horn was fully exposed with only a small spike covering the lower part but it looked very good and stylish like a crown and with the Mega stone shining in the middle it looked really magnificent.
Gyarados seeing the Mega stone placed on its head got what Julian was trying to do and become excited
Julian “Ok Gyarados now we will try to perform Mega evolution to try to focus”
Gyarados got serious and was ready for it, Professor Oak was also prepared as he had already placed several cameras around the lake and was put on recording, he had a tablet in his hand and was ready to take down the changes in Gyarados, Julian’s other pokemons were also excited, once Gyarados had mentioned them about a weird stone he and their master found under the ocean and how he felt a powerful attraction to it, they have already figured out that this was the stone Gyarados mentioned to them so they wanted to see what this stone could do.
Julian “Ready?”
Gyarados just nodded, Professor Oak and his other pokemons also noded their head subconsciously.
Julian “Gyarados MEGA EVOLVE”
Julian touched his Keystone yelling Mega Evolve, he knew some details about Mega Evolution and how it required a deep bond between a pokemon and its trainer to Mega Evolve, as he shouted he tried to focus and connect himself with Gyarados as he did that the Keystone started glow followed by the Mega Stone on Gyarados’s head, rays of light came out from both the stones and fused with each other then suddenly Gyarados started to glow brightly as his size gradually started to grow and once he reached his limits the white glow shattered into pieces revealing a huge 12 meters long Mega Gyarados.
Gyarados has grown exceptionally big, his three horns became black along with his belly, two huge light blue fins grew at his back right behind his head they looked like spines of a Spinosaurus, his fins which were coming from the side of his jaws also became longer and sharper his other fins also had the same changes, the side spots on his body became a very dark red in color.
Seeing this Julian was in shock because this shiny mega evolution was very different from the one he imagined.
Julian ‘What just happened, how come Gyarados have blue fins and why is his belly black instead of yellow and his horns also turned into black instead of dark red, from what I know shiny Mega Gyarados looked very different in the anime than my Gyarados, wait is this a different path of Mega Evolution just like how Charizard has one’
Julian ‘System quickly scan Gyarados and name it typing to me’
Status – Mega Gyarados
Type – Water/Dragon
Level – 65
Age – 3.4 years
State – exited
Bond – 100%
Hp – 380 (380)
Attack – 370 (290)
Defense – 275 (200)
Sp. Atk – 215 (150)
Sp. Def – 315 (275)
Speed – 200 (270)
Move set – Tackle, Bite, Thrash, Twister, Ice Fang, Scary Face, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rage, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Surf, Water Fall, Water Pulse, Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Tail.
Ability – intimidate (unlocked), moxie (unlocked)
Julian ‘It actual gained a Dragon-type class instead of Dark, as expected it is a different path of Mega Evolution for Gyarados than the one that was shown in the anime which was a Water/Dark type, if this is true that means every pokemon has different type of Mega Evolution paths just like they showed for Charizard X and Y, while Charizard X gains a Dragon-type becoming Fire/Dragon Charizard Y remains the same as before with Fire/Flying type, well this is reality and is much different than the anime where many things are limited so having more than one mega evolution path is not very surprising, Mega evolution doesn’t just evolve your pokemon and make it stronger, it also unlocks a pokemon’s hidden typing based on how they Mega evolve, as Gyarados looks like a dragon but was never classified as a dragon type but now after Mega evolving it gained the Dragon class, same can be said for Mega Charizard X’
While Julian was wondering about how Mega Evolution worked, Professor Oak and his pokemons were shocked seeing this transformation.
Oak “So this is what Mega Evolution looks like, MAGNIFICENT”
Professor Oak quickly starts to take down the changes on Gyarados and watch some footage captured by the cameras.
Julian’s other pokemon approaches Mega Gyarados as they start to talk something only pokemons could understand, Julian didn’t hear anything as he was still thinking.
Gyarados, on the other hand, was feeling very powerful, he knew his strength went up by leaps and bounds, he shared his experience with his friends who are obviously Julian’s other pokemons.
Julian shook his head and put the thought aside as he started to admire his Gyarados which looked very menacing as he stands 12 meters tall any pokemon who saw him will run away from fright.
Professor Oak finished taking down the notes and also started to admire Gyarados magnificence
Oak “Hahahaha I will send this footage to Professor Sycamore, he will be pleased with this new information, what I can see is your Gyarados Mega Evolution is different from the normal one, Professor Sycamore and mentioned the changes a Gyarados receives but this is something very different”
Julian just stays silent after hearing Professor Oak words, Julian just pretends as if he is shocked by listening to Professor Oak’s statement.
Oak “Ok Julian that enough, for now, I think we should head back inside now, Daisy will be coming soon, I told her that you have arrived so she is bringing extra food for you as well”
Julian “That’s great let’s go in”
Julian looks at Gyarados and thinks of how to cancel the Mega Evolution, as he does that Gyarados glows and returns back to normal, Julian sees this and smiles as he follows Professor Oak back to the laboratory leaving behind his pokemons to carry on their game.