Julian wakes up from his long afternoon nap and stretches his arms as he sees Electabuzz trying out his electric moves with great control over it, Julian nods seeing this he had already anticipated Electabuzz to fully grasp control over his electrical element.
Julian ‘I should give him the electirizer tomorrow, he should practice a little more before evolving’
Julian gets off from his chair and walks towards Electabuzz.
Julian “You should take a little rest, for now, you can continue on later”
Electabuzz nods his head and gives him the berries Professor Oak gave him a while ago.
Julian “Berries, wait these are Sitrus Berries, looks like professor oak found something really good”
He sent Electabuzz back to his Pokeball and went inside to find Professor Oak and Gary having some tea.
Oak “Oh, Julian want some tea”
Julian “No thanks, you know that I am a coffee person”
Oak “Haha I forgot”
Julian “I will go and prepare one for myself”
Julian walks in the kitchen to make himself some coffee to find a bunch of berries in a basket
Julian ‘look at these some Pecha berries and Rawst berries, why did he bring so many back from the forest, maybe for some weird experiment purpose’
Julian proceeds to make coffee as he hears a slam at the door and some voices after that, Julian sighs after hearing this voice, it was Ash, Brock, and Misty who just arrived.
Julian ‘He arrived earlier than expected, well no matter what he is as annoying as Gary’
Julian finishes making his coffee and exits the kitchen to see Gary and Ash arguing among themselves, Julian tries to walk away pretending he didn’t notice them but for god sake, Brock had to open his mouth.
Brock “Julian what are you doing here”
Julian “I stay here”
Brock/Misty “Huh?”
Oak “Julian is just like my assistant who helps me around the lab taking care of the pokemons living here and sometimes helps me in my research”
Brock “Oh, that why he is so much knowledge about pokemons, Professor Oak can I also take care of the pokemons here while I am at it, you see I aim to become a pokemon breeder so this can be counted as a good experience for me”
Oak “Julian what do you think?”
Julian “I don’t mind, it will also help remove some load off my shoulders”
Julian takes his seat near the TV and sips his coffee and completely ignoring all the drama going behind him.
Ash and Gray start to argue about who is the better trainer between them as Professor Oak takes them towards the lab’s pokemon storage room where they continue their mindless argument and finally decides to finish it with a battle.
They all come out of the pokemon storage room and head towards the field to start their battle where they suddenly get interrupted by the team rocket clowns, Julian who sipping his cup of coffee suddenly felt a huge explosion causing him to startle and spill his coffee, he froze on the spot as he watched the coffee slowly dripping down the table and off his clothes.
Julian comes out of the lab and looks coldly at Team Rocket as they were busy introducing themselves.
Gary/Oak “Wait is that a talking Meowth?”
Meowth “What you folks looking at, quickly grab that Pikachu and we are out of here”
But suddenly they hear a cold voice suddenly sending chills down their spine.
Julian “Hey you clowns, what are you doing here, don’t you know this is private property?”
All three of them turn around to see Julian who is looking at them with cold eyes, they never felt so much scared in their lifetime just by seeing someone’s eyes, they felt as if they were not even considered insects in front of these eyes.
Ash and others were also terrified by seeing Julian like this, only professor Oak was smiling warily as he saw stain of coffee on Julian’s clothes, he has seen this before and knew how terrifying Julian become if he gets pissed of especially when you spill his coffee, now he felt sorry for those three people.
Julian “You actually dare to barge in private property and upon that, cause me to spill my coffee, looks like you fools are tired of living?”
The Team Rocket Trio were shivering in fear as they looked at Julian
Meowth “Hee….ey guys don’t you think we have se…..seen this guy somewhere?”
James “Ev….even if we did I….I don’t w….want to remember”
Jessie “Sa…sa….same here”
Julian looked at them coldly and took out a Pokeball and tossed it up in the air and Gengar came out and looked at the surroundings, he saw that people where terrified and three of them were about to piss their pants, then he looked at Julian and understood that his master was pissed and laughed at the misfortune of those three who were on their knees.
Julian “Gengar use Bad Dream, then Dream Eater”
Gengar just laughed and attacked Meowth, Jessie, and James with the following moves causing them to become mindless zombies as they suffered from scary dreams then suddenly assaulted by Dream Eater caused them to become mindless people.
Julian “Dark Pulse”
Gengar finished it off and sent them flying as he went back inside the lab followed by Gengar behind him.
Ash, Misty, Brock, and Gary were still scared from the sight they witnessed just now but they escaped their trance when Professor Oak started to talk.
Oak “I think you guys should not battle, Julian really gets pissed when his coffee gets spilled and when he is pissed it not a good time to do anything but to stay quiet until he calms down.
All of them together “WE UNDERSTAND”
Oak “Shhhhhhh”
Oak quickly quiets them down as they sweat down thinking if they pissed of Julian again, seeing that Julian didn’t come out they sighed in relief.
Ash “Thank God we got to know about this thing now, imagine if future if anyone of us spilled his coffee?”
As all of them thought about it, it sent chills down their spine.
Misty “Let’s forget about it, Ash come lets go to your house we should stay there instead”
Brock “Yes you are right, lets go Ash”
They both run away followed by Ash as Professor Oak and Gary are left behind alone in the field.
The day went by silently as Julian calmed down as Professor Oak prepared another cup of coffee for him.
Julian was now in his room on his computer looking at Indigo Plateau where the league will be held within a month from now on.
Julian “Ha, I hope this month will be peaceful without anyone interfering with my precious time”
Julian switches of his computer as he heads of to sleep.