Legend of Ling Tian Novel
Source: Qidian International
Legend of Ling Tian Novel
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Ever met someone who started cultivating from his mother’s womb?
He does not care for his image, willing to take all steps necessary to ensure his plans succeed!
Watch Ling Tian, martial arts genius, who crossed from the modern world to the ancient times, bringing with him all his memories from his past self!
A person with high comprehension talent, blessed with the gift of eloquence as well as a burning desire to be the best!
Join us as we follow Ling Tian’s adventures in this new world has appeared in! Watch as he plays with the politics of the court and of the Great Families, and how he finds his allies which will help him to conquer this world!
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Ling Tian's Vengeance
- Chapter 2: Mutual Destruction
- Chapter 3: Yellow Springs Road
- Chapter 4: Training in the Womb
- Chapter 5: Complications
- Chapter 6: Finally Born
- Chapter 7: Powerful Family
- Chapter 8: Worldly Affairs
- Chapter 9: Yang Family Head
- Chapter 10: Framing The Queen
- Chapter 11: Empress Yang Xue
- Chapter 12: Catching the Fragrance Bag
- Chapter 13: Feigning Weak
- Chapter 14: Small Accomplishment
- Chapter 15: So It Was Him
- Chapter 16: Unreasonable
- Chapter 17: Quibbling
- Chapter 18: Deep Schemes
- Chapter 19: Malicious Father and Son
- Chapter 20: Late Night Conversation
- Chapter 21: Talking to Mister Qin
- Chapter 22: Commotion on the Streets
- Chapter 23: Planned Disturbance
- Chapter 24: The Test Begins
- Chapter 25: Little Beggar
- Chapter 26: Vicious Oath
- Chapter 27: A Problem of Address
- Chapter 28: City Gates Rumors
- Chapter 29: Three Year Plan
- Chapter 30: Planned Marriage
- Chapter 31: Xiao Family Prowess
- Chapter 32: I Want to Reject the Marriage
- Chapter 33: Destiny
- Chapter 34: Ling Jian's Position
- Chapter 35: Xiao Family Head
- Chapter 36: Super Domineering
- Chapter 37: Xiao Family Rejects the Marriage
- Chapter 38: Big Gamble
- Chapter 39: Scheming Grandmother
- Chapter 40: Master