“Teacher, what is the meaning of this?”
Will since he had learned from Samara, had rarely disobey her.
In the few cases that he did disobey her, it is because the order and the instruction would harm her.
This time, is the first time he seems to be angry for someone else in front of his teacher
Samara had always known that the bond between his disciple and this person called Azief is quite complicated and weird.
They are sworn brothers but from what Samara had understood, honour, dignity all of these has long been abandoned on Earth
In a world ruled by ideology of materialism, such sentiment and feelings are useless.
But clearly the emergence of the All Source on Earth created back the environment where all of these feelings that birthed heroes appear again on Earth
Heroes exist in a world of materialism focused but all of these heroic could not achieved without having that archaic feeling of honour, of dignity.
Will himself did not come from a society where there is any sworn blood oath. And Azief is the
But these two imitate some stories they heard and created a sworn oath. And oaths, in a world of magic is the strongest binding force there is
Just like there is a source of power for Speedsters, there is also a source of power for promises. In a world without magic, breaking a promise taints the soul but nourish the body
In a world of magic, breaking promises is riding on a lane of fast tract of getting cursed by bad luck and bad fortune.
It also makes the two people feel bonded. This is one of the most mysterious magic there is in the Omniverse.
Will is angry right now. And logic and fear seems to be thrown out of the door the moment it involves his sworn brother.
“Calm down. Your friend…..and this is just my opinion but I don’t think he is in danger”
“You said that Wargod is doing all of this to lure him.”
“I did. I didn’t say that he is bringing him here to harm him. Didn’t you tell me once that your friend has some fate with Etherna”
Will nodded.
“But there is many exceptional beings in the Universe that has some kind of connection with the Etherna race”
“Most of their leftovers are all powerful weapons and some of their teachings that is left from their destruction are all sacred relics and sacred teachings. So, there is many people that have some kind of destiny and fate with the Etherna. After a few decade this destiny and fate would unravel by itself when the cause and effect is paid off”
It is more like Will is trying to convince himself.
But Samara see it.
The connection between this boy and the Etherna is probably stronger than what his disciple thinks.
“Let see what happens next” Samara managed to pull back Will.
Azief on the other hand finally break off from his shock and his face suddenly changed after hearing what Samara had said.
He did not have to have a super hearing to hear what Samara and Will was saying. They are already close enough in proximity that even if they whisper Azief could still hear it.
Will knows that he had some connections with Etherna relics. But, only he knew how closely associated he is with the Etherna
After all, he is learning their legacy.
Seeing Wargod right now is like confirming some of his doubts when reading the history of the Etherna
Azief did have some doubt on the annihilation of the Etherna. He believe there might be a survivor.
Because there is a legacy that is left.
Borgan even though only in Willform, she still existed until she gave the legacy towards him.
Of course, Brogan also give her legacy to all Seers. But that is her legacy.
Not the legacy of the entire race
What Azief had gotten was the entire knowledge of the Etherna.
And he dare say that he only learn around ten percent of one percent of the fraction of the entirety of the knowledge of the Etherna
One spell, one magic, one attack could make him spend hundreds of years just to understand it fully.
But this beg the question. The fact that Borgan prepare this legacy might not only be because she had seen him in his vision
It might because of something else.
So, maybe there is an Ethern that survives and seeking for the legacy. Maybe Borgan also prepares for a backup plan in case he didn’t show.
Knowing Brogan, knowing all the Seers and Oracles he had seen and heard about, these beings always have three of more escape plan prepared.
There is many thoughts that he had entertained when he was studying the legacy of the
So, is that why Wargod wanted to meet him? For now, Azief did not dare to speculate any
Wargod look at Azief and then he smiles. Like he could tell what he is thinking
“I have been thinking to meet you”
Azief frowned
“You know me?”
“Since the day you were born”
Azief narrows his eyes
“I never pay much attention to you even at that time. Because I have seen it before. And you failed. And nothing changed. So, since I did not do anything the last time, I should also not do anything this time. But, this time something changed. Someone changed it. And that makes
all the difference”
“And so, I began paying attention to you” Suddenly Borgan look up and smiles
“And I’m not the only one” he paused for a second and then shakes his head
“Since then, I have been looking at you. Waiting for the moment to meet. And now, the stars aligned, fate and destiny has been turned upside down, and finally we could meet without so
much obstacle”
Azief could only frown at this.
Wargod is speaking in words he could understand yet, he didn’t understand anything about
what Wargod is saying.
Things changed?
Last time?
Known him since he is a baby?
There is something about this he didn’t know.
There is a part of this story that he is missing.
He is sure of that.
He just doesn’t know what story he is missing.
One thing that he knows for sure right now, is that Wargod is probably doing all of this just to
meet him
And he must meet him….here….in Interium.
And maybe he could guess why. Out of the many things that Wargod has done and said, this is
one he could guess.
This is just his deduction….but for a being that is taboo, destiny and fate probably is not kind
to such a being.
And he understood something about Interium.
There is still a lot he doesn’t understands about it, but he could tell that this sailing star could block a lot of things. Maybe even the interference of fate and destiny
After all, beings that supposedly not exist, should not have fate and destiny. Wargod has it. But the threads connecting him to Interium is like faint. Like it is a lie.
Azief is looking at him. His eyes is shining. And Wargod could tell what Azief is looking at.
Then he said
“Asargan is my nephew. Borgan is my niece”
Azief hearing this was shocked
He knows some things about what happen to taboo existence and taboo magic.
Can he say this? Azief thought to himself. Sёarᴄh the NôᴠelFirё.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.
This question is answered almost immediately.
the moment Wargod said these words, a powerful pressure suddenly break through the
formation that is in the sky.
There is buzzing sound. Like the whole sky is groaning.
And then there is the sound of crack and explosion
Azief, Will and Samara was shocked as they quickly look up.
And they were all shocked with what they see.
“What the-” Will could not even finished his words because he is speechless.
Azief look at the sky with a frown on his face.
Samara seem to shudder. Like she recognizes this force.
There is holes in the sky. And in the holes one could see a spiralling vortex of nebulous energy,
spinning and going crazy, taking all the clouds and the space around it.
The destruction that it caused seems to grow.
And because of this, there is a crack.
From then beginning Azief had felt that the sky look artificial.
Like someone painted it.
And now that it had crack it confirmed some of Azief deduction
Even the sky is crafted. The sun and the moon in this place are all probably the creation of
the crack of the sky extended all over, like someone is hammering the sky and causes the sky
to cracked in all direction.
The buzzing sound did not stop
The formation seems to be battered by an invisible force.
And this force breaks through the formation easily, like a hammer smashing a fragile glass. It
shatters into pieces in an instant.
But before this pressure could land on Interium, the formation reforms itself in an instant and
once again tries to push these pressure away only to be broken again.
Search the AnimeDaily.Net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.