“No, not really… It’s just,” the man took another pause and a deep breath before completing. “This bank account is not from this planet.”
Noah stared at him, doubt plastered across his normally expressionless face, making the fat man sweat.
“What kind of joking are you pulling, let me see this,” the fat man angrily stood up, taking large strides towards the other bank employee.
“It’s not joke, look!” Noah watched, as the fat man pushed the man aside, and stared at the screen, before going ghostly pale.
“I… This… Excuse me Elder Stern,” he stuttered and apologized, as he sat back down in silence, and took a full minute to recompose himself.
Meanwhile, Lilith and Noah had an internal conversation about the topic.
‘What do you think he means with that?’ Lilith asked, her tongue hissing in anticipation.
‘Do you really think I have a single clue on that? The only option, considering he already mentioned Marcel and Michael, is that odd woman who introduced herself as the Head of the XXXX Family. But to think she has ties with another world is just…’
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