Lust Knight Novel

Lust Knight Novel
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Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of L.u.s.t. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him.
This story contains s.e.x.u.a.l content. It's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system), but if you don't want to read a lot of s.e.x scenes, don't try it.
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Chapter List
- Chapter1 - Character Sheet (temporary)
- Chapter2 - Important Things - Spoilers*
- Chapter 1 - Two Sweet Voices
- Chapter 2 - Cute Sister
- Chapter 3 - Sloth Contract
- Chapter 4 - L.u.s.t Contract (part 1)
- Chapter 5 - L.u.s.t Contract (part 2)*
- Chapter 6 - L.u.s.t Contract (part 3)*
- Chapter 7 - Harder *
- Chapter 8 - Sis?!
- Chapter 9 - Brother!?
- Chapter 10 - Cute Sister (part 2)*
- Chapter 11 - Two Tattoos
- Chapter 12 - Wet Hero
- Chapter 13 - Why N.a.k.e.d!?
- Chapter 14 - Some Blood
- Chapter 15 - Hot / Dangerous Bathe (part 1)
- Chapter 16 - Hot / Dangerous Bathe (part 2)
- Chapter 17 - Back Door
- Chapter 18 - The Mine (part 1)
- Chapter 19 - The Mine (part 2)
- Chapter 20 - Soul Weapon
- Chapter 21 - White Tigress
- Chapter 22 - Moon Tigers
- Chapter 23 - True L.u.s.t
- Chapter 24 - Secret Room
- Chapter 25 - Finally Dressed
- Chapter 26 - On the Road
- Chapter 27 - Best Camp
- Chapter 28 - Adventurers' Group vs the Devil (part 1)
- Chapter 29 - Adventurers' Group vs the Devil (part 2)
- Chapter 30 - Difficult Journey
- Chapter 31 - Adventurers Guild
- Chapter 32 - Sweet Ravenous
- Chapter 33 - Sparring?!
- Chapter 34 - Rude?!
- Chapter 35 - Did she get a boyfriend?!
- Chapter 36 - The Queen (part 1)
- Chapter 37 - The Queen (part 2)
- Chapter 38 - My Queen (part 1)