Magic Gems Gourmet Novel
Magic Gems Gourmet Novel
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Thanks to the Goddess, he was reincarnated into nobility! That should have been great―― but the skill he got, 【Toxin Decomposition EX】 was simply too plain, and he was made fun of everyday at home……
However, at one time, he noticed he could eat the magic stones of monsters with that skill and absorbs their abilities, furthermore, he was informed he was the prince of the neighboring country!
What awaited him at the royal castle was an environment where he could train and experiment with the abundant amount of magic stones, bringing out his strong potential――and finally, even acquiring the ability of the legendary monster, the Dullahan!
Surrounded by an assertive fiancée and a clumsy knight girl, the new life for the boy who will become a “King” begins!
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Status in COO: 385 WN Chapters (Ongoing)
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Such an idiotic way to die.
- Chapter 2 - My adventure starts here!
- Chapter 3 - I’m on the winning team, but looks like there will be some problems.
- Chapter 4 - Some Time Later…
- Chapter 5 - First Outing, Let's Go To the Capital
- Chapter 6 - A Mothercon No Matter The Place, But The Heroine Suddenly Appeared
- Chapter 7.1 - Is this such a gem?
- Chapter 7.2
- Chapter 8.1 - The Archduke, and the future.
- Chapter 8.2
- Chapter 9.1 - Where will I be going from now on?
- Chapter 9.2
- Chapter 10.1 - The truth is, I know nothing.
- Chapter 10.2
- Chapter 11 - The “Former” Family At That Time.
- Chapter 12.1
- Chapter 12.2
- Chapter 13.1 - An Extremely Special Moving.
- Chapter 13.2
- Chapter 14 - After arriving at the castle [First Part]
- Chapter 15.1 - After Arriving At The Castle [Last Part]
- Chapter 15.2
- Chapter 16.1 - I Finally Understood.
- Chapter 16.2
- Chapter 17.1
- Chapter 17.2
- Chapter 17.3
- Chapter 18.1 - A High-Class Magic Stone is Eaten.
- Chapter 18.2
- Chapter 19.1 - Olivia’s real intentions and Ain’s future.
- Chapter 19.2
- Chapter 20.1 - Thoughts
- Chapter 20.2
- Chapter 21.1 - Dark Straw Ver.1
- Chapter 21.2
- Chapter 21.3
- Chapter 22.1 - Visiting The Town And A Magic Stone Store For The First Time
- Chapter 22.2