“Alright. Again, please take note that our school service will be waiting at the same time and place for tomorrow’s visit. If there is nothing else, then the meeting is adjourned.” Geoffrey said as he dismissed everyone.
When everyone stood up to leave, he suddenly called Serena.
Serena was a bit confused. Did Geoffrey just called her to speak with him of his own volition? She sat back down contemplating, as the other members looked at them with knowing eyes as they left.
She noticed that he has been a bit friendlier as of late. Last week in their music class, when he passed by her their eyes meeting on their way to the music class, he nodded at her as a greeting. The next day in their student council meeting, he again gave her an acknowledgement. He even praised her idea regarding the orphanage.
Then this week, she saw him nod and give her a little upward tilt of his lips as a greeting when they passed by each other again in music class. It was bizarre, and if not because he was being publicly friendly with Emily this time, she would say that he was starting to notice her.
“Miss Maxwell, may I ask you some questions if you would not mind?” Geoffrey asked. This was the first time he initiated conversation. He wanted to talk to her since last week, but she was always surrounded by friends or accompanied by her brother. If not because of Leonard not attending the meeting today, he would have had no chance to speak to her alone.
Serena seeing that he was all seriousness nodded her head.
“Regarding the research paper, I know that because of your suggestion last time, the seniors decided to proceed with the path of having them equipped with skills that can help them make a living. So, I was wondering, what made you say that education will be better in the long run? Why can’t we continue to move towards that direction?” of course, he knew the answer to that, but he was playing dumb. If not, how can he proceed with the conversation?
Serena wanted to raise her brow and ask him if he was being serious. The answer was so obvious, but maybe he really did not know. The way of thinking in this era is very different from hers.
“Well, if we were to let them continue on that route, then it may cause a problem later. For example, the orphanage might start using the children for child labor.” She replied.
“I understand. Then what do you propose we do? I was thinking of suggesting continuous fund-raising drive and volunteer works so that even after this year, the orphanage can continue to get some assistance in terms of manpower and monetary support for the children’s education.”
“That idea is not bad, but I think we can make it better. Continuous volunteerism and fund raising for the children may seem good initially, because indeed the orphanages lack manpower and funding. However, this could have serious unintended consequences. Despite the best intentions, this may later drive an industry that separates children from their families and put them at risk of neglect and abuse. But that is just me thinking further ahead. If we do not go with your idea first, then how can we even start helping them? So, I think you should just add those words as precaution.”
Geoffrey wanted to wince with how stupid he sounded. It was a good thing that Serena did not laugh at him. He realized that he liked that about her. She gave intelligent ideas without making the one asking her to feel ignorant.
This time, he could not help but smile at her. “You’re right. Thank you.”
Serena blushed. It was the first time she saw him smile, though just slightly, his eyes were crinkling. Geoffrey, as the male lead, was very appealing. With his stone-cold face, she found him as an eye sore, but with a smile, it was like the flower started blooming around him. She found it strange. Why was he being friendly to her? Should she be friendly in return?
If she did not see him being more public with his favor to Emily, she would have been more guarded and would not have decided to smile back at him. She thought that perhaps, he was being friendly because she herself has been nice to him. Not being a pest in his life that always calls for attention.
Also, her motives were not that clean. Serena pretty liked the life she was living now, so if she can be on friendly terms with him, then maybe he could be more honest with her about his relationship with Emily. Anyway, he must be in love with her already, given how they spent more time together much earlier than in the novel. Also, he might even be more forgiving if she were to tell him about her relationship with Charlton. Then everyone can live happily ever after.
“You’re welcome. So, Is that all?” Serena asked as she smiled at him.
“Uhm…” Geoffrey felt a little awkward. How should he start apologizing?
“How have you been doing in school so far?”
“I’m doing fine. Everyone has been nice to me.” She replied without thinking much of it.
Geoffrey this time, feeling guilty winced. Well, everyone has been nice to her, except for him.
Serena seeing his reaction recalled how he has been treating her. Well, he was not nice all the time, but it was not like he has been downright evil. “Ah… I don’t mean anything about…”
Geoffrey did not let her finish, he looked her straight in the eye as he let out an apology. “Miss Maxwell, I would sincerely wish to apologize for my untoward behavior. I have been unfair to you because of my prejudice. I don’t want us to continue being that way in the future. Again, I’m really sorry.”
Serena felt embarrassed. She did not expect him to apologize to her. It was not like she has been innocent herself. She can vividly recall what she did the first time they met. Then how she reprimanded him later too. Though he was at fault that time.
“Although I admit that you were truly irritating specially with the frown always marring your face, there’s nothing to forgive. I know that I did not give the best of impressions and I have not been that nice to you either.” She said with a laugh. It felt so satisfying when she face-slapped him last time.
Hearing her laugher, he felt the atmosphere just right. So, he smiled and continued, “I insist to ask for your forgiveness. I don’t like the way things have been between us, and I also swear not to act that way in the future.”
“Alright. I forgive you, but you must forgive me too. I admit that I have been unfair to you too. However, if you act like a douche again, don’t blame me for returning everything in kind.”
Geoffrey chuckled, “Yes, you are forgiven, though I know everything was my fault. And yes, do feel free to censure me again in the future if I were to be an ass.”
“Ha! I never thought that your highness can utter such unrefined word.” She joked, finding the situation funny. She never even thought that it would be possible for them to have a civil conversation. But look at them now.
This time he could not help but laugh. He never thought that she could be humorous. “Stop calling me your highness. Just call me Geoffrey. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” he asked tentatively.
Serena nodded her head. If she can have a healthy and friendly relationship with him, then why not? It’s not like he will fall in love with her and leave Emily behind, right? Besides, if he had such intention, he would have mentioned their engagement in the first place. But he never once mentioned it. So safe to say, he should have another purpose. Or maybe he just realized he was in the wrong and since they will have to interact more in the future, might as well make things better.
“then call me Serena too.” She said as she offered him her hand for a handshake.
“Serena,” Geoffrey paused, liking the sound of her name with his own voice. Then, he took her hand as he continued, careful with his words, “I hope that this will be the beginning of our friendship and that everything will be good between us in the future.”
As he had decided to bet his happiness for the rest of his life with her, he chose this track to approach her. Friendship first then, get to know her better. He does not want to commit the same mistakes he did when he dived in a relationship with Emily.
Serena feeling reassured of his purpose shook their hands with a grin “Yes, I also hope so too, Geoffrey.”