Gil didn’t say another word but instead ran over to one side of the fold and aimed for the first target. He was a kid in a candy shop.
Su took a look and after Gil had fired three arrows started to run. Her speed had definitely increased as she reached the first target Gil was firing at much earlier than normally. She raised her shield stopping Gil’s fourth arrow in its place. Once the arrow had fallen to the ground they understood this would be her training. She could adapt to her new speed and see how her skills affected her. How often protect lies could be deflected and if it was easily possible to block faster or farther arrows.
They all soon realized just how often they overlooked Su and his amazing ability to block. She dove to block arrows. She would slide in the snow in to a stable standing position. She would push her shield forward to purposefully deflect the arrow. The movements weren’t skills they were ingrained in her very body. It takes hours of practice to reach this point. Walker was convinced that she could block attacks in her sleep.
After coming out of his awe, walker stopped watching Su and Gil practice. Remey seemed to still be captivated so he didn’t distract her, knowing the long ranged attacks and the defenders’ skill would greatly help her as a front line defender.
He sat down to explore his newly expanded senses. He could already notice the enhanced sight. Gil’s arrows fled from his bow at a fairly quick speed. Yet Walker could track the arrow enough so that he could predict which target they were going to. Being able to do so would help against even the longest range battles, knowing even a second earlier of an incoming attack he could change the result.
Closing his eyes he did something he would regret. He breathed in deeply through his nose. Instantly he was attacked by the sour smell of sweat and mud. Scrunching his nose in disdain he resisted the urge to cover his face with his cloak. “After this, we all need to bathe!” His shout was heard by everyone and only received some weird glances. Walker could get used to smelling things a bit stronger, but that would be easier said than done. He made mental notes to head to the kitchen later to overwhelm himself to get used to it all.
His sense of taste was another reason he would head to the kitchen later. However, as he sat focusing on it a bit he did realize he could still taste a bit of his dinner the night before. Did he have some meat caught in his teeth? He scolded himself for not properly cleaning his teeth realizing his standards would rise.
His hearing was something that was surprisingly more useful. From this distance, he normally wouldn’t be able to pick up in Gils mumbling. He could clearly hear Gil telling himself he released too early on the last shot. Focusing his mind even more he heard the twang of Gils bow, in unison a soft step then a harder step immediately followed by the metal twang of Su’s shield. “Su don’t hesitate when you block, I know the snow is a tough terrain but if you hesitate even a second you could fail the block.” Su had heard these words and knew exactly what walker was talking about. Her moment of indecision had indeed made her step back and readjust. The thing that amazes her though, was that walker was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed not having seen it at all.
The uses of enhanced heating could be many, forget about someone sneaking up on them. Add the fact that walker could listen in to far away conversations he could become the sneakiest of spies. When he turned his hearing on himself he found that he didn’t breath smoothly, instead as he focused he was breathing a bit fast and uneven.
Feeling how his body was moving with each breath he now knew that he had overlooked the greatest change. He could feel more. Instead of just knowing he was breathing and feeling his heart beat, he now felt everything. As his breath came in he felt his lungs expanding and taking in the air. He could feel the paths of where his heart pumped blood. Even the slight twitching of muscles in his hands and legs while he thought. Even more so every time Su moved, Gil let loose an arrow, and Remey breathed he felt the air on his skin move. The world itself was moving around him changing how he reacted and moved. How could someone ever surprise him if he could feel the world itself?
Zeroing in on this feeling he explored it, he wanted to see just how much around him he could feel. He could tell there was ice all around them as the temperature in the wind was cooler higher or lower in the air. Even the small ice crystals in the air were not exempt from his notice.
There was more though, a tugging. Was this mana? The mana in the air and earth around him was almost visible. This must be why Gil can turn wind in to magical arrows. This must be why the earth reacts properly to my mana and changes shape. Even the snow and ice around me has its own shape of mana. It wasn’t hidden knowledge that the world had mana in everything but being able to sense it wasn’t normally possible.
‘ skill mana sense from the spiritualist system has been learned through the users own efforts.
The skill had been upgraded to high mana sense due to current equipped gear.
High mana sense- passive
Mana exists in everything in the world. However the ability to see how it all works in harmony is easily missed. This skill allows the user to gain insight in to the natural order of the world.’