“Well you can let her hang out all you wish here as long as she doesn’t cause trouble she’s the same as you or I.” Stella smiled at this, she would have spoken if she could but harpies lacked the ability until they reached adulthood. A harpy fully grown gained some powerful abilities related to their voice. Some of which could stun, cause sleep, and even deafen an enemy. They were often dangerous in groups hence why adventurers hunting a harpy would put wax earplugs in their ears and use hand signals to communicate.
“I wonder if I could as well? I have a red needle porcupine as one of my beasts. It’s needles have a fire attribute, hence the thick gloves. It’s rather young and isn’t used to out beast rings yet, it would be nice to allow it room to breath.” Walker recalled hearing about these monsters which lived near volcanoes and other extremely hot areas. They would consume tough minerals to grow sharp quills that could heat up to high temperatures. It wouldn’t often attack and was normally a defensive monster which would roll up in to a ball when attacked and shoot its quills. Remembering correctly they only grew to the size of a crystal ball.
“Sure thing, just let me know if it starts any fires so I can put it out. It will be good for a young porcupine to experience a larger gathering of people.” This was exactly the same thinking walker had when bringing onyx to the auction.
“Ah thank you very much, I knew you would understand my intentions.” Laurence raised his hand straitened his gloves and the red light flashed from his ring. Soon a small monster appeared in his left hand.
This small red porcupine was much smaller than walker expected. It’s quills we’re a full red color showing it hadn’t full developed yet. It gave of a decent amount of heat just due to its high internal temperature. It meekly looked around with its little black eyes before bouncing in to a ball seeing walker. “Now you see why I want it to get used to people more. Once it grows a little and I can figure out its strengths I’ll choose a name; mostly because I feel like naming him Hyde might be a bit much.” Walker smiled at this name and agreed it seemed to for at the moment but after it grew out of its young phase it might not be so skittish.
Using his hands to cup the little monster Laurence made soothing sounds. “Don’t worry it’s going to be a bit loud but I promise no one will hurt you here.” With his reassuring words the little porcupine unfurled and again gave walker some worried looks. It soon noticed onyx on walkers shoulder and the looks became curious. “Oh you’d like to meet the little serpent there? That’s unusual for you. Walker would you mind introducing onyx?”
“Yes of course, I’m sure onyx is just as curious. The two are both young and finding new friends is always beneficial.” Walker held out his hand allowing onyx to travel down his arm and in to his own palm. The two monsters looked at each other swaying a bit as the moves their heads. Onyx seemed to be happy taking a closer look at another monster that had also recently been born. He may have a sister in midnight but he had yet to converse with her since she was asleep meditating.
The porcupine let out small chit chit sounds as it moves slightly closer. These were met with onyx making small hissing sounds. The pair seemed to be getting along. Seeing this walker decided it would be best to move to another room. “Let’s head to the dining room, besides the large table we also have a decent sitting area with som couches. We can relax and talk there. I think my father might be around, he used to work guarding the outer gate and has spoken to a few of your guilds members before. I’m sure he’d like to pry some stories from you.” Walker may have been joking a bit but the truth was that he also wanted to hear more on their travels. He wasn’t planning to join the tamers guild but since they traveled more than most other guilds he might decided to go on an adventure with them especially if it was a joint quest.
The group made their way to the dining hall and found that Su and Hilda were enjoying a pot of tea while chatting. It seemed Su had told her about everyone’s new skills and how her son could manipulate the elements. “Ah this is Su, I’m sure you saw her at the auction, and this is my mother Hilda. Mother, Su, these are the tamers I met at the auction this is Riley, Laurence and his newly born red quill porcupine, and Elise with her sister Stella. They came to spend some time and eat with us later.” Hilda quickly stood up surprised that walker had invited guests. It was not long ago that he didn’t really even have friends. He had always been consumed by finding his system. As a mother she was extremely proud that her son had never give up, found his system, found a party of friends he treated like family, and now was able to branch out to meet new people. It was all a lot for her to handle.
“It’s so nice to meet more of walkers friends, I’m sure he already brought you to meet midnight. You know she was much smaller when they first found her, just like your little puff ball there. I’ll make some extra dinner so the little fella can fatten up a bit.” Hildas warm smile was so strong Laurence couldn’t admit that the red quill porcupine ate minerals and not traditional food. “Ah how rude of me as one of the mothers of the house I need to go get more tea. I’ll be back just find a place to sit.” Hold rushed off mumbling about bringing enough sugar and milk for all of them.