Mister Li, the Heart Bandit Novel

Mister Li, the Heart Bandit Novel
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“Abused and disowned by her family after she was found heavily pregnant, Ji Weixi was forced to leave her hometown with nothing to her name. She returns four years later, only to be caught in a job with Li Shaoling, her stepsister’s fiancé-to-be as her boss.
Ji Weixi was holding up a certain body part of the child and aiming it at the toilet.
The tot’s brow eased amidst the gushing. “”Comfy…””
Li Shaoling’s gaze was overwhelmingly icy. “”You are not allowed to touch him there!””
Ji Weixi stared at him as if she was staring at an idiot. “”By what right?””
Li Shaoling glared at her. “”You are only allowed to look at mine.””
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6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 197 - Side Story 3: The End
- Chapter 196 - Side Story 2: Miaomiao, I Am Fond Of You
- Chapter 195 - Side Story 1: Visiting Doctor Jiang
- Chapter 194 - You are the Most Beautiful Sight in My Life (Main Ending)
- Chapter 193 - The Little One Gets A Little Sister
- Chapter 192 - Come Home With Me, Okay?
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - From This Day Forth, You Are No Longer A Member of the Ji Family
- Chapter 2 - Special Physique
- Chapter 3 - Returning with a Son
- Chapter 4 - Cheap Daddy
- Chapter 5 - Baby Wants A Daddy
- Chapter 6 - Sister’s Fiancé, Immediate Superior
- Chapter 7 - She’s Fired, But Actually Glad?
- Chapter 8 - Bumping into Ji Jianing
- Chapter 9 - President Li Cuckolded
- Chapter 10 - Chivalry is Dead with Li Shaoling
- Chapter 11 - Is Li Shaoling Blind?
- Chapter 12 - : His Majesty Provoked Upon Entry
- Chapter 13 - Help, A Thug!
- Chapter 14 - Li Shaoling’s Image Has Collapsed
- Chapter 15 - Enjoy Yourselves While I Turn Myself Off
- Chapter 16 - Inhumane!
- Chapter 17 - Surprise Dog Food from President Li
- Chapter 18 - Excuse Me, President Li!
- Chapter 19 - Are You A Pig?
- Chapter 20 - Are You A Demon?
- Chapter 21 - I’ll Sue You, Believe It
- Chapter 22 - Li Shaoling, Let’s Runnow!
- Chapter 23 - All Men Are Pigs
- Chapter 24 - Come On Then, It’s an Act-Off
- Chapter 25 - Sensational! Congratulations, Young Master Li, You're A Dad!
- Chapter 26 - Find Her to Settle A Score
- Chapter 27 - The Great Bride Kidnapping, Live
- Chapter 28 - How Many Grams Is Your Brain?
- Chapter 29 - I Gained Weight Through Skill
- Chapter 30 - I'm Interested In You
- Chapter 31 - You Must Take Responsibility For Me
- Chapter 32 - Be Nice, I Will Take Responsibility For You
- Chapter 33 - Wedding Cancelled
- Chapter 34 - We Shall Not Meet Again
- Chapter 35 - Who Is the Idiot Here?
- Chapter 36 - Giving You A Sister
- Chapter 37 - President Li Is Really Thick-Skinned
- Chapter 38 - Poor President Li
- Chapter 39 - He Likes You
- Chapter 40 - You Must Marry Ji Jianing