MMORPG: The Almighty Ring Novel

Source: Webnovel
MMORPG: The Almighty Ring Novel
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Average means nothing to our young protagonist! Why be normal when you have the chance to become a real life superman! Follow Jiang Fei as he discovers a mysterious ring that allowed him to play a Hyper Realistic Immersive MMORPG call Dawn Break! As the thin line between game and reality is gradually blurred, Jiang Fei finds himself having to deal with the troubles that follow him everywhere he goes. This is a story revolving around a real-life cheat code! From zero to hero, follow Jiang Fei as his fascinating adventures unfold!
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Ring
- Chapter 2 - The First Login
- Chapter 3 - In-Game Encyclopedia
- Chapter 4 - Hack leveling!
- Chapter 5 - A Superman Dream
- Chapter 6 - A Strong Heart
- Chapter 7 - Easter Egg
- Chapter 8 - The Shoes from the Game
- Chapter 9 - The Superhuman Nerd
- Chapter 10 - The Heroic Moment
- Chapter 11 - Inevitable Promotion
- Chapter 12 - Rosette Knighthood
- Chapter 13 - A Super-Rich, Fancy Lady Coming Your Way!
- Chapter 14 - The Lucky Blacksmith
- Chapter 15 - Three-Pronged Advantage of "Cheating"
- Chapter 16 - The Wild Wolf Blockade
- Chapter 17 - Mass Producing Equipment with Bonus Attributes
- Chapter 18 - The Overly Attached Girl?
- Chapter 19 - Armored Shield
- Chapter 20 - Equipment Sales
- Chapter 21 - The Gathering of Heroes
- Chapter 22 - A “Real” Workshop
- Chapter 23 - Class Level Increased
- Chapter 24 - Clearing the Storage
- Chapter 25 - Full Armor!
- Chapter 26 - A Surprising Dungeon
- Chapter 27 - Zaire, the Ferocious Tiger
- Chapter 28 - Might of the Tiger
- Chapter 29 - Dungeon Cleared!
- Chapter 30 - The Strongest Tank
- Chapter 31 - Challenging the Elite mode
- Chapter 32 - Advanced Elite!
- Chapter 33 - Dividing The Spoils
- Chapter 34 - The Importance of a Powerful Tank
- Chapter 35 - Advancing to the second boss!
- Chapter 36
- Chapter 37 - Taking down the Boss
- Chapter 38
- Chapter 39 - Demon Lord
- Chapter 40