After staying in that grassland for a quick sleep, the trio continued their journey into the territory of the lizardmen after dealing with that sudden ambushes. Del looked at the time limit on his tablet.
He only had less than two days to reach the valley of death, and he even hadn’t entered the most dangerous territory of them all. It was the place where the serpent might or might not live.
So, why Del considered the serpent to be a dangerous creature even though that was only a myth? It was mainly because he considered two factors. One, the serpent was really a myth and the myth about the serpent originated from the lizardmen themselves. Or two, the most dangerous probability of them all, the serpent was real and no one was alive to tell the tale about it.
Del was packing his belonging into the car. He was also preparing himself for any future battle with the lizardmen. He had come to the conclusion that he needed to prepare himself to face the worst which was the serpent.
Del feared the serpent so much was not because he was afraid of snakes in general, but a snake whose mouth was as big as a humvee really needed a precaution to handle. Hell, that serpent might be as long as a regular train for what he knew.
“Cassandra, about lizardmen, what do you know about them?” Del asked as he put his bag in the car.
“Lizardmen, huh? Well, for starters, I think that the lizardmen in Ilbistirum and Elbanian are way too different. In ilbistirum, lizardmen are literally only a lizard with humanoid features, they can talk, they can learn, they can study in college, etc. However, the lizardmen in here are more tribal-ish. They are no different than goblins in this continent,” Cassandra said.
“Hmm, I wonder how Ilbistirum looks like, it must be very technologically advanced, right?” Del asked.
Cassandra laughed, “Hahaha, that’s a good joke Del. Listen, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows there. However, it’s way better than what Elbanian is.”
Cole approached them, “Yo, bro, are we going to continue our journey or what?”
“Ah, sorry, let’s go, we don’t have much time left after all,” Del said.
Del entered the car and Cole manned the heavy machine gun turret as usual. Del gave a quick course to Cassandra on the usage of the G3. At the very least, Cassandra was able to put the magazine inside of the rifle and used it effectively. However, Del didn’t recommend Cassandra to use the full-auto mode of the G3. Wolfie was just being Wolfie, he sat down on the backseat.
Del started the engine of the car and he began driving towards Nean Cliff. The road was bumpy as usual, but it wasn’t as bad as the road in the forest before. At the very least, it didn’t have as many large rocks as the previous road. Truth to be told, he wished that he could take a helicopter if Pidma provided him.
Then again, he wasn’t a person that could operate a flying vehicle, let alone a helicopter. He was barely able to drive the Humvee just because he had a driving license that he got so he could take the car that his parents left after their passing.
“What’s the plan in dealing with the lizardmen?” Del asked as he drove.
“Well… I am suggesting that we just drove through the cliff as quickly as possible. However, it’s really up to you,” Cassandra said.
“Well, I’m more inclined about the serpent rather than those lizardmen, they weren’t even a threat, to begin with,” Del said.
Cassandra sighed, “If a serpent attacks us, let’s just say that I have some pretty good time with you and I’m happy to meet you.”
“C’mon, don’t be that negative, I have prepared for any possibility,” Del said.
Del’s plan with dealing with the serpent was rather simple. If he saw the serpent, the Tandem Charge of the RPG-7 would be fired to the head of the serpent in hoping that it would kill the serpent in one shot. If one shot wasn’t enough, he would fire another shot at the serpent. If two shots weren’t enough, he would fire another one. Basically, he would keep firing his RPG.
If the serpent somehow ate them, well, Del also had a backup plan as long as the digestive system of the serpent wasn’t too aggressive. A snake couldn’t chew anything, they would let their stomach do all the work. Del would use a bunch of satchel charges to blow the head of the serpent. Maybe forty kilograms of C4 charges would blow the head of the snake open.
Eventually, they arrived at Nean Cliff. To pass through the cliff, there was only one way, and that one way was through the road between two cliffs that were practically unclimbable. The only road was through that road that was practically a perfect place to set up an ambush.
Why? Lizardmen were living in the cave systems above on the cliffs and they usually showed up to ambush any unwanted visitor and it could be deadly. Because of that, Del took safety precautions to make sure that Cole was safe.
“Cole, I don’t think I need you to be on the turret, for now, this is too risky and you’re too prone to ambush,” Del said.
Cole got down from the turret as Del approached the cliff. His first impression of the cliff wasn’t that bad. There wasn’t anything that resembled a lizardman or a serpent. He continued driving through the valley, He could have sworn that the road quality was downright awful.
“Damn, it is rather… peaceful, isn’t it?” Del said.
“Yeah, perhaps…” Cassandra commented just before everything went dark so suddenly.
“Great, who turned off the goddamn light?” Cole asked.
“Ah… I don’t think we’re even in a cliff anymore,” Del uttered as he turned on the light of the humvee. The lights shone the fleshy red part of something’s inside. “I think we’re inside of the serpent.”