Monarch of Solitude: Daily Quest System Novel

Monarch of Solitude: Daily Quest System Novel
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Waking up with grave dirt in his mouth, his new life started with death.
Rino wakes up as a lich in the afterlife. The once-respected court magician took a while to understand that his newly found immortality came with a strange responsibility. Marked by the Gods managing the world he destroyed, they sent him to another world with the powers of a lich, doomed to work for all eternity.
"Build us a kingdom and we will let you rest in peace," the Gods told him.
Given a daily quest system to assist him with his kingdom building project, the rebellious Rino built it one body at a time.
"Nobody will disturb my idle days," Rino vowed. "Not humans, nor birds, nor Gods."
Can he successfully thwart all attempts to work? Read to find out.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Lazy Lich
- Chapter 2 - 6 Days To Sharpen An Axe
- Chapter 3 - Rather A Rat Than A Lady
- Chapter 4 - A Lich's Shadow
- Chapter 5 - Hear Me!
- Chapter 6 - First Brick
- Chapter 7 - First Side Quest
- Chapter 8 - Rat Knife
- Chapter 9 - Best Material For Underwear
- Chapter 10 - Suspicious Reward
- Chapter 11 - Storage Solution
- Chapter 12 - Silk Heist
- Chapter 13 - Fashionably Tardy
- Chapter 14 - Go Clayzy
- Chapter 15 - Au Revoir, I Have A Reservoir
- Chapter 16 - Mana Recovery
- Chapter 17 - Water Mastery
- Chapter 18 - Weaving Machine
- Chapter 19 - Magic Meets Science
- Chapter 20 - The Power Of Depression
- Chapter 21 - Quality Sleep
- Chapter 22 - You Must Be Kilning Me!
- Chapter 23 - For Your Own Good
- Chapter 24 - Rino Rebels
- Chapter 25 - Civil Work Rights
- Chapter 26 - Cat Got His Tongue
- Chapter 27 - Brick By Boring Brick
- Chapter 28 - Brick Head
- Chapter 29 - A Useful Boner
- Chapter 30 - Kilning Business
- Chapter 31 - A Grand Farmhouse
- Chapter 32 - Home Sleep Home
- Chapter 33 - Minimalist Design
- Chapter 34 - Mutt
- Chapter 35 - Noir’s Present
- Chapter 36 - A Whole Village Of Free Slaves
- Chapter 37 - Lich Limits
- Chapter 38 - Sweet Feet
- Chapter 39 - Penalty Introduction
- Chapter 40 - Farming In Style