[King’s Rule]
Right before Meurig could touch Lydie with his palm, Oedipus disagreed. Instantly, a circular wall of arrows began to form, separating the king from Meurig.
“Move away!” Yuki yelled at Meurig.
Behind the king were 40 archers all focused on protecting the king. While the archers wore low quality armour, their numbers more than made up for it. They continued to fire arrows upwards, in turn creating a wall out of falling arrows until the king finally pointed at Meurig. All the archers pointed their bows at Meurig and began firing at him non stop.
“How does he know where I am?” Meurig asked himself.
He turned his eyes at the head of the king. Just like before, there was a label above his head.
[King of humanity Mini boss: Lydie]
However even above his label was another label in big black text.
[King’s Domain: Absolute Knowledge]
Just by reading the label, Meurig got an idea of what was in play. Before he could do anything though, 80 arrows hit him directly. Each only barely piercing his skin before disintegrating a second later.
“Good think I was wearing this coat, even though it’s not made for defending, it did a pretty good job at it,” Meurig said.
Meurig tried to analyze his situation as he tried dodging the arrows coming at him.
[Open inventory]
Yuki pulled out “Lucky Sword” as well as “Fallen angel of hell”. He threw “Lucky Sword” to Meurig.
“Use the side of the blade to deflect the arrows. It’s pretty wide and sharp so use it wisely!” Yuki told Meurig.
Meurig caught the blade and used it for defending himself as he continued to think.
“Just by the label above his title, I can tell that he’s using some ability to know my location. Would ‘Absolute Knowledge’ also grant him knowledge of my next moves as well?” Meurig asked himself.
“That doesn’t matter, either I make all of his attacks useless or I destroy him before he could even react,” Meurig continued.
Just then, a genius idea came to Meurig’s mind.
[Set ability: 0 Second Disintegrate]
[Specifications: The disintegration effect which Meurig takes 0 seconds to apply]
[Draw back: Attack power will be divided in half for 30 minutes once the intended purpose of ability activation had been fulfilled]
“Activate ability: 0 Second Disintegrate” Meurig said.
A new round of arrow fire was coming toward Meurig. He dropped “Lucky Sword” on the ground and began moving forward. Before a single arrow could touch his face, Meurig slapped all of the arrows with his right hand. Each and every single arrow turned to dust midair.
The king began to get worried. He made all of his archers disappear and began to bring back Oedipus. As Oedipus started to form from the ashes of the archers, Meurig quickly ran to the body and kicked it.
“If I kill you before you can even be born, you aren’t a threat to me,” Meurig said.
“It’s over king Lydie!”
Without batting an eye, the king made Evert as well as Kenan disappear. Lydie began to form a new creature which was in a league of its own. Both Yuki and Meurig could feel its menacing aura even before it could form properly.
Meurig was too terrified to move which gave the new guard enough time to form.
[Man’s last hope: Ourbanos]
A 10 feet guard with gold armour and iron lining appeared. He quickly ran to where Yuki was standing and grabbed the blade that Kenen was using. It was a long blade which was completely black. However, when Ourbanos held it, the black layer cracked and fell off to show the transparent blue sword hiding underneath.
For an odd reason Ourbanos began to get weaker by the second. Yuki and Meurig continued to stay still from the shock of seeing the menacing creature. Just then ice completely covered the sword Ourbanos was holding as well as some of his arm. The ice looked unstable and it continued to form. There were many shards on the sword as if the sword had a mind of its own.
Before Ourbanos would lose all control of his sword, he sprinted towards Yuki and tried slicing his head off. Yuki blocked the sword with his own “Fallen angel of death”, however he was still knocked back 10 metres.
Yuki’s head was now rushing, there was no way he could possibly beat this monstrous creature. Meurig quickly ran towards Yuki before Ourbanos could attack again.
“You hold back this guard for just 20 seconds. That’s all I need to reach the king and kill him without having to worry about anyone blocking me,” Meurig said to Yuki.
Yuki nodded and with his legs shaking, prepared himself for the most hellish 20 seconds of his life.
Ourbanos leaped into the air and swung his sword downward at Yuki. Yuki managed to block it however his feet sunk into the ground in the process.
[15 seconds]
Yuki tried to swing at Ourbanos’s side for a change however it was easily blocked him. “Fallen angel of hell began to turn cold until it began absorbing the ice from Ourbanos’s sword.
[8 seconds]
Yuki moved his sword away from Ourbanos as it was close to being completely covered in ice. The king began to notice what Meurig was planning. Lydie commanded Ourbanos to come back to his side telepathically.
“Come back!”
[4 seconds]
As Ourbanos turned his back to go to his king’s rescue, a sword stabbed his left thigh.
“This is payback for all the torture you made me go through. Didn’t anyone teach you not to turn your back to an enemy?” Yuki asked Ourbanos.
[3 seconds]
[2 seconds]
[1 second]
[0 seconds]
Meurig finally made contact with the king and made him disintegrate.
“I thought so, even if your minions are strong, you yourself are weak,” Meurig said to the king.
Yuki walked towards Meurig and gave him a high five.
“Nice job!” Yuki said.
“Thank you for relying on me,” Meurig replied as he smiled.
“That’s what I’m supposed to do, we’re a team after all!” Yuki replied.