“So why did you do it? For fun?…”
Carmi quickly turned around, grabbed Yuki by the collar and stared into his eyes.
“… or does the killing of a player provide a reward?” Carmi asked.
Yuki didn’t know what to say, he had been taken by surprise. However, Yuki knew how to keep his composure. After all for many years he had dealt with a tyrannical mother as well as the experience of getting bullied. Even though he hated every second of those times, he was grateful for them as he had learned how to deal with situations like this.
“Isn’t that too serious of a question to ask a 15 year old? Especially one that has only recently exited a trauma inducing dungeon,” Yuki replied.
Carmi let go of Yuki and continued to guide him towards the kingdom.
“I guess that’s fair, you’ll have plenty of time to gather your thoughts until we return to the kingdom,” said Carmi.
The group continued on their journey, all while Yuki tried to come up with a hypothesis as to what was happening as well as what would happen.
“How was I found out so soon? Even if they did manage to uncover my murder streak, I can easily escape or even kill them here instead.”
“Wait, that wouldn’t be too smart, it is possible that someone else is controlling them. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that there is a judicial system in place already.”
“If that’s true, it won’t be much longer until a government is put in place.”
“Dammit, did I waste too much time in the dungeon? Even so, the damage has been done, I’ll need a way to slow down the progression of humanity,” Yuki thought to himself.
“We’re here,” Carmi told Yuki.
Yuki had been so lost in thought that he didn’t realize how much time had passed.
Carmi guided Yuki to a place which seemed like a police station. When they went inside Yuki instantly knew it was an NPC building. Carmi talked to the NPC and led Yuki down stairs to where the prisoner cells were. Carmi grabbed Yuki by the shoulder and placed him into the cell. Yuki didn’t resist a single bit. Before Carmi exited the cell, he began informing Yuki of a few things.
“You are under suspicion for the murder of 9 individuals. Your interrogation will begin in 4 hours and then you will be taken to court for your official hearing.”
“Do you have any questions or concerns before I leave?” Carmi asked.
“I only have 2. My first question is if I will be able to receive food here. My second is if I may bring some of my items from my inventory out so I can play with them,” Yuki replied.
“For your first question, yes, a guard will try to accommodate for your needs. Now for your second question. You may bring them out however, any attempt of escape will be taken as an act of treason which will cause you more trouble. You yourself are only a level 2 player.”
“On our side, we have 5 level 2 players, which consist of Jobon, Rui, Katsumi as well as 2 others. The two remaining players are from a neighbouring kingdom and have been summoned as part of a treaty between the kingdoms.”
“If you even try to escape once, all 5 of these skilled players will come after you with no hesitation,” Carmi explained before finally leaving.
Yuki waited for the group to leave the police before finally beginning to set his plan into motion.
[Open inventory]
Yuki pulled out “King’s Crown” and placed it on his head.
“Serve your king!” Yuki said as he thought about Meurig and Feliu.
Instantly, white liquid began flowing from the crown and formed the two undead monsters.
“What happened?” Meurig asked.
“Basically I was found out by the kingdom. They figured out I killed people for exp and now I will get sentenced,” Yuki spoke casually.
“You deserve that! But I don’t really care, I owe my life and freedom to you so I’ll follow you till the end.”
“So do you have a plan to get out of this Mr. killer?” Meurig asked.
“Of course I do, but the plan doesn’t involve me getting out of here as fast as possible,” Yuki replied.
“First of all, are the enemies strong?” Meurig asked.
“Not really, they’re pretty weak. I displayed fake stats using the skill I earned after I reached level 5. Now that they think that they’ve got me under control, I can destroy them from the inside,” Yuki replied.
“Are you sure you’re not a psychopath?” Meurig asked sarcastically.
“You can assign me any task my liege, I will do anything you ask for,” Feliu spoke.
“At least someone here is respectful,” Yuki said as he stared at Meurig.
“Right now all I need is to admit my crimes and try to get along with everyone by volunteering for community service. After that I keep a low profile.”
“As I continue to work , I will gradually summon more undead monsters using my crown to have a small army,” Yuki began to explain.
“But why my king, I would be more than enough to kill your enemies,” Feliu interrupted.
“I already know that, if it was a matter of strength, I would have dealt with it already. Anyway…” Yuki continued.
“The reason I need an army of weak undead monsters is so that it seems like they came from the forest and not an external cause. Even if some die, the main goal is to cause as much destruction to the kingdom as possible.”
“Once that happens, the kingdom will be forced to hire more workers like me. Since they’ll have so many problems to deal with, they’ll eventually forget about me and I can make my escape,” Yuki explained.
“But I still don’t get it. Why are you choosing to opt for such a complex plan when you can just kill all of them and leave?” Meurig asked.
“This kingdom has already made a treaty with another kingdom. Even so, I could take out both of them by myself. The real problem is afterwards. What will I do if someone stronger than me finds out about what I have done and doesn’t agree with my motives?”
“That’s the reason I need to deal with this in the most civil way I can,” said Yuki.