[Open inventory]
Yuki made Meurig return to the crown and placed the crown back into his inventory. Once he had done that, Yuki pulled out “Niflheim’s holy treasure”.
“I guess I have some free time now so I guess I’ll practice my concentration,” said Yuki.
Yuki began to take deep breaths slowly. He calmed himself and began inserting stamina into his blade. Yuki could slowly feel his sword getting colder. This continued for a few seconds until shards began growing from the sword. While they weren’t large, Yuki was still impressed by them.
“How did this happen? It’s not like I have increased in level since the last time I tried to use its powers, unless…” said Yuki before passing out from the exhaustion from using up too much of his stamina at once.
*Knock Knock*
Camri was at the cell door for Yuki.
“Please put your weapon away before I am forced to call for reinforcements,” Camri said.
“My bad,” Yuki said as he cleared his eyes.
[Open inventory]
Yuki placed “Niflheim’s holy treasure” back into his inventory before finally leaving the cell.
“So where are you taking me?” Yuki asked as he followed Camri out of the prison.
“Well, I managed to secure you a position with the mining core, your job there is to mine in the cave all day. This will be taken as an act of good service to the kingdom and will aid you in the future if the court chooses to give you a second chance,” Camri explained.
“Thank you very much, your efforts on me will not go to waste,” Yuki replied.
Once they had left the prison, Yuki could admire the bright sun.
“Wait, has it been a whole day since you left me at the prison?” Yuki asked.
“Yes, is there a problem with that?” Camri asked back.
“No not at all,” Yuki mumbled.
“Was I really unconscious for almost 24 hours. It was around this time of day yesterday when I returned to the prison, I guess my theory was correct.”
“The virus system doesn’t rely on levels, instead it relies on solely stamina. It assumed that if it drained too much stamina from me last time, I would die but since I made it accustomed to me, it trusts that it won’t kill me. However, in exchange for that, it drained almost all my stamina all at once, I need to be careful when I use it,” Yuki thought to himself.
Camri and Yuki finally arrived at the digging site. There were orange cones and yellow safety tape all around the area. Camri gave a quick look at the director of the place and nodded before leaving Yuki there all by himself.
“I guess you must be the rookie that’s supposed to work for me without pay,” the fat man said.
Yuki nodded back as he was intimidated by the large man. He was a few inches taller than Yuki. The man was wearing a white tank top and large blue jeans.
“How stereotypical,” Yuki said to himself.
“Okay, my name is Haskel, but you can just call me boss,” the man said.
“And I go by Yuki,” Yuki reposned.
“Nice to meet you Yuki, I won’t waste your time, I’ll explain to you what you need to do then you can move on with your day.”
“I will give you a pickaxe as well as a safety helmet and other materials which you will need as you work here. You will work here 9 hours a day with a one hour break every 4 hours before you are finally allowed to leave for the day. Do you understand?” the boss asked.
“Yes!” Yuki replied.
“Now, do you have any questions about the job?” the boss asked.
“Well it’s not about the job but I want to know why you started this operation,” Yuki replied.
“Once we had been transported to this world, I saw how much I could contribute to society so I dedicated my ability to creating a mining company which will gather resources for the kingdom for a very reasonable price. I just simply want to do good in this world,” Haskel said as he smiled at Yuki.
“What a load of trash, we both know that’s not the truth. You saw that once the world restarted, it wouldn’t be long before mining companies take over the world. Seeing the opportunity, you made the investment into the oil, gold and other underground resources. No one ever truly wants the best for anyone or anything other than themselves,” Yuki said to himself. He knew that it would jeopardize his plan if he were to say something like that.
“Remember Yuki, there’s no need to get into pointless arguments. Right now, all that matters is your escape plan,” Yuki said to himself as he began to calm down.
Haskel gave Yuki a pickaxe, a safety helmet as well as a safety belt before he began to lead Yuki to the cave which he was supposed to dig in. At the entrance was a large elevator which was supposed to help Yuki get where he was supposed to work.
“I assume this is also part of your ability,” Yuki said to Haskel.
“Actually it’s not, it is my brother’s ability. Since we are only level 1, there isn’t much we can do without abilities. My ability is to create mining drones which do the work for us,” the boss responded.
“Oh, how very wise,” Yuki replied.
Yuki and Haskel both entered the dirty grey elevator and began going down. It was almost 2 whole minutes until they reached the intended level for the digging. Once Yuki exited the elevator, Haskel patted him on the back, giving him a small push and said “good luck!” before taking the elevator back up.
“If I wasn’t a prisoner, I would have killed you too,” Yuki mumbled.
“Well it doesn’t matter anyway, his existence is not an issue. He doesn’t plan on leveling up rapidly to be the first player to reach level 100 so I shouldn’t concern myself with the likes of him,” said Yuki.
Yuki grabbed his pickaxe and began walking until he found the mining drones. They were all humanoid robots which looked to be made of stainless steel. There were only 4 of them, as expected from a level 1. All around the cave were traditional torches which gave the place a weird vibe to it. Nevertheless, he followed the example of the drones and began digging.