“Don’t worry, once this dungeon is cleared, you’ll all be reborn and serve me as your true king,” Said Yuki. Now the perfect combination of a masochist, sadist and narcissist.
When Yuki finished whispering in the ear of the hellhound, before it could move away or retaliate, Yuki kicked it in the cut. Temporarily immobilized from the pain, the hellhound froze in place as Yuki clenched both his hands together and hit him the top of his head, crushing its skull. Now dead from the damage it sustained, the hellhound disintegrated.
“Who should I take in next,” Yuki mumbled to himself.
His eyes glared at the monstrously large 3 headed dog.
[Guard of the underworld mini boss: Cerberus]
“A mini boss right at the second stage? Interesting,” Yuki said to himself.
Yuki leaped on one hellhound onto another, using their backs for propulsion until he could finally reach the head of the 3 headed monster. Within the second that Yuki was at the height level he needed to be to look the dog in the eyes, time seemed to stop as their aura clashed. Seeing the arrogance in the monster’s eyes, Yuki decided to land on its lips and grab hold of its left fang. Using all his strength, Yuki bare handedly pulled the fang out by force. Cerberus, now enraged, began going on a tantrum. However, before it could accomplish anything significant, Yuki ran from his mouth onto its shoulder then eventually on its head.
Yuki held the fang he had just forcibly removed with both his hands and jabbed it into Cerberus’ head. To go even further beyond, Yuki jumped on top of the fang and stomped on it to permanently engrave the fang into the monster’s head. Cerberus, now barely conscious and put into a weakened state could only watch the upcoming events to occur.
[Open inventory]
Yuki pulled out 4 attack boost and 2 stamina boost potions and drank them all as the hell hounds growled at him.
“Don’t worry, it’s almost over,” Yuki grinned at them.
“Activate ability: Fire control”
Using his flames, Yuki made himself levitate. Due to his increased strength from drinking the attack boost potions, he was able to lift Cerberus alongside him with only one hand.
“Now watch this spectacular event,” said Yuki.
Pointing his index finger from his right hand to the ceiling, he made a small fire form on top of it. It gradually grew and increased in size, quickly draining a large amount of stamina from Yuki until it eventually resembled a small sun. Now that the fire ball had reached the size Yuki desired, he made it fall like a meteor on top of the rest of the hellhounds, all while forcing Cerberus to watch. Incinerating each one of his servants in front of him, Yuki forced Cerburus to experience the immense pain of losing everyone you care about.
After the fire died down, Yuki returned down to the ground.
“So how did that feel?” Yuki asked.
“Oh wait, animals can’t talk,” Yuki mocked Cerberus.
[Open inventory]
Yuki pulled out “Fallen angel on hell” and held the hilt with both arms and began to concentrate. Red glowed from the engravings embedded into the sword. As the sword’s aura began to increase, wind pressure formed around it. Using all his might, Yuki sliced Cerberus’s head off clean.
“I guess the stamina potions do help in bringing out more of the sword’s potential.”
“That was more exhausting that I thought,” said Yuki.
[+60000 exp]
[Player: Yuki Kaito]
[Level 8: 18500/90000]
As per usual, an object fell from the sky as Yuki had completed the stage.
[Item drop: Cerberus’ fang]
Yuki double tapped on the large fang which was white and gleamed in the stage.
[Rank: C]
[Attack: 0]
[Description: Power: Item used to craft any 1 equipment from the set “Demon dog shield”. Contrary to Cerberus’ origin, his story is much sadder. There once were 3 kind dogs. Cursed with horrible luck, they were abused and treated harshly by their owner. Enraged one day, their owner beat them to death with a bat. As they crossed into the underworld to be judged, Hades himself took pity upon them. No matter how harshly they were treated, they stayed loyal to their owner. Learning what had caused their death, he merged them into one creature so they wouldn’t have to feel alone anymore. Enhanced their strength so that they would never be beaten ever again. Once he had done that, Hades sent Thanatos to kill their owner and bring him to be judged. Hades instantly sent him to Tartarus without a second thought. Cerberus, wanting to repay the kind actions of Hades devoted himself to guard the gate of the underworld.]
“Seriously? Was this the best origin Zero could think of?”
“Well, whatever. It doesn’t matter anyway,” Yuki said as he placed the item in his inventory. While his inventory is still open, Yuki grabs an apple and “King’s Crown”. After he placed his crown on his head, Yuki sat on the ground, resting his back on one of the boulders in the stage as he ate his apple. Even though he was eating Yuki didn’t feel anything, he was still hungry. Noticing this, Yuki kept taking out more apples from his inventory. No matter the amount he consumed, Yuki still felt empty.
He hadn’t gotten over the pain of losing his close friend. While he regretted what he had done, Yuki knew it was the right thing. It wouldn’t be right to force someone into doing what they didn’t want. Meurig now had the ideal life he never got to enjoy.
“He was bound to leave you sooner or later, there’s no point in getting sad over him. He would eventually become a liability.”
Yuki had tried to numb the pain by letting out his anger out on the stage monsters but that clearly hadn’t worked. Unlike other times Yuki didn’t cry. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t. It was as if he ran out of tears.
“Serve your king!”