Yuki was now outside his apartment. He had taken care of one of the people that made his life a living hell. Yuki felt satisfied more than anything. There was no guilt nor sadness in his heart.
Feeling accomplished, he prepared to take out his revenge on his next target.
[Teleport: Chad’s house]
Yuki disappeared from his current location and appeared in front of Chad’s house. Wasting no time, he rang the doorbell.
A middle-aged woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes opened the door.
“Do you need something?”
Putting up a fake smile, Yuki responded to her as calmly as he could.
“Yes, ma’am, I’m looking for Chad. Would he happen to live here?”
Her boring face quickly lit up. No one had ever asked about her son. She had believed that no one wanted to talk to him.
“Yes! He’s inside getting ready for school. It should only take him a few minutes.”
“By the way, I’m Chad’s mother but you call me Ms. Claire. Thank you fo-“
[Summon: Sword]
Before she could finish her sentence, Yuki swiftly sliced her head off clean.
“Thank you for the information. I don’t need your assistance anymore.”
Right as Yuki finished speaking, Chad started coming downstairs.
He froze at the sight of his mother’s lifeless body with her head detached.
“Perfect timing Chad. I wanted to show you something.”
Yuki slowly walked towards him. Chad tried to move away but his legs wouldn’t stop shaking. Yuki lightly touched his shoulder.
Now Chad couldn’t move a single muscle.
“If you think this is bad. Just wait for what I’m about to do.”
Yuki walked back to Chad’s mother.
The lifeless body on the ground began to rise. Her head began to rise as well until it was connected again. Yuki had brought Chad’s mother back to life. Chad was perplexed but he was happy because his mother was no longer dead.
[Summon: Sword]
This time, Yuki stabbed Ms. Claire right in her ribs. With a smile on his face, Yuki turned around and grinned at Chad. His eyes filled with tears, Chad couldn’t do anything but watch as his mother’s body fell to the floor.
Yuki resurrected and killed her multiple times. All to cause Chad an endless amount of pain.
After he had killed Ms. Claire for the 17th time, Yuki began to feel bored.
On the 18th resurrection, he prepared himself to kill her permanently.
“Now Chad, pay close attention.”
“She’s not going to come back.”
“How does it feel, Chad? To have your perfect end in an instant.”
“When you knocked me out that day you said ‘That’s what happens when someone tries to get in my way'”
“How the tables have turned.”
Yuki walked towards Chad once again.
[Release: Immobilization]
Right as Yuki released the binding spell, Chad fell to the floor. All he could do was cry. He couldn’t even let out a single word.
“You won’t be getting the luxury of death. I’ll let you bathe in the pain.”
“Goodbye, Chad,” Yuki said as he left the house.
Now Yuki only had 2 things left to do before he would be satisfied.
This time he teleported to his highschool. Since the school day was about to begin, everyone was present on the school grounds. This also included everyone who had bullied and tormented him.
He teleported to each one of them, breaking one bone and teleporting to the next person. Once he finished his attack on every person, he would go back and break another bone. By doing this, they would feel the pain for a long amount of time. Yuki had created a cycle to torture every one of them to the fullest.
He dislocated every joint and broke every bone in their body. He made sure to put them in a state where no amount of hospital care could fix.
Now, there was only one thing left.
[Teleport: Sophie’s current location]
Yuki again disappeared from his current location and appeared somewhere else. This time, he was in a school hallway. In front of him were Sophie and the captain of the basketball team from his middle school. They were holding hands while heading to their classroom.
Yuki was filled with anger and jealousy. He would’ve gone to extreme lengths to be in place of the guy Sophie liked.
“It’s okay, they aren’t real. Everything is just part of a dumb game anyway,” Yuki told himself.
He was once again calm and composed. He teleported beside Sophie grabbing her by the forehead. He moved her aside and put his focus on the guy beside her. Before he could even react, Yuki put his finger on his chest.
With a calm demeanor, Yuki killed him.
[Life Removal]
By using this ability, Yuki could kill a person but their physical body would remain. Next, he put his gaze on Sophie.
“Before I kill you, I want you to answer some of my questions.”
“If you comply and answer truthfully, I’ll let you live.”
“Yes! I’ll do it! Please just don’t kill me,” Sophie replied without hesitation.
This brought a smile to Yuki’s face.
“Okay then. What’s that guy’s name?” Yuki asked as he pointed to the guy she had been holding hands with.
Sophie was confused as to why he asked such a boring question. However, she knew that hesitation could mean the end of her life.
“His name is Todd, Todd Logan.”
“Next question,” Yuki continued
“When did you start liking Todd?”
Sophie was now even more confused. Reluctantly she answered.
“Since the first day of school in 8th grade.”
Yuki sighed.
“If you already had someone on your mind, why did you manipulate and humiliate me?”
Sophie didn’t have an answer. She had never thought about how Yuki felt. She just wanted to have fun.
“Nevermind. I don’t need an answer to that question,” Yuki said in a bored tone.
“So am I free to go?” Sophie asked.
“Goodbye, Sophie.”
Believing that she was going to escape, she started running to safety.
[Summon: fire]
“Incinerate,” Yuki said with tears of pity in his eyes.
Sophie was burned to death.
“Okay, Zero, I’m ready to leave.”
Yuki had once again returned to the spatial dimension.
“Welcome back, Master,” Zero greeted him.
“Do you have anything you would like to do now?”
With a grin on his face, Yuki replied.
“In fact, I do.”