My Mage System (BL) Novel

My Mage System (BL) Novel

Source: Webnovel


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My Mage System (BL) Novel

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Your enthusiasm and commitment to exploring the realms of light novels are the driving force behind our mission to provide you with a reading experience that surpasses expectations. Thank you for choosing AnimeDaily.Net as your preferred destination to read light novels online, especially My Mage System (BL) Novel, and we look forward to accompanying you on countless literary adventures ahead!

He had been the best assassin of all time in his world and when he was finally killed, a goddess took the opportunity to send his soul into the body of a boy in another world who was weak for now but who was destined to become the most powerful mage of this world.

This young boy was called Kevin and he decided to take his identity as he had kept his memories.

The only thing he had in common with him was that they were both orphans, but Kevin had a weak mind and a weak body, in short, everything he hated the most.

After successfully entering the Sun Sect as a mage, he managed to open the book Kevin had inherited from his parents and which he had been unable to open.

What was his surprise when he realized that this book had turned into a System that allowed him to level up like in the virtual reality games he used to play in his home world.

With the help of this System he will fufill his wish, he will become the most powerful humans of this world, not even shapeshifters or demons will be able to do anything to him.

Kevin turned his head towards him and seeing that he was still naked he said, looking away again : "Get dressed first, then we'll talk."

Axel found some clothes that looked loose and put them on right away, he also took a pair of daggers whose blades were just a little shorter than his forearms, and he then approached Kevin and hugged him from behind.

Kevin let him doing whatever he wanted, even though one of his daggers was now very close to his throat, Axel said to him close to his ear : "I want to trust you Kevin, so give me a good reason to."

Kevin then asked him : "What do you want to know ?"

Axel sighed, threatening Kevin with his own daggers won't do him any good, and he risked breaking the bond they were just making.

He then took a decision and planted the two daggers in the ground in front of them, he ran his hands under Kevin's sweater and circled his waist with them, pressing him more against him.

Kevin hadn't expected this turn of event and he felt his heartbeat quicken. Axel's hands were warm and he could feel his huge erection against him, one thing was sure, it was that he didn't let him indifferent.
WARNING this is not a slowburn romance and it's a R18 BL novel with lots spicy scenes so if you like reading 100 chapters before the mc and ml kiss for the first time just skip this story it's definitely not for you

Otherwise, follow the adventures of our two heroes, if you love worlds filled with mysterious creatures, magic, fights, a System that allows you to level up quickly, and a unique and powerful love story then this story is for you.

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