My Master Disconnected Yet Again Novel

My Master Disconnected Yet Again Novel
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Everyone said that Yi Qing was the number one Sword Cultivator in the world, with a swordsmanship and cultivation that no one could surpass. Whether it was when he was cultivating in the Lower Realm, or when he was in the Ten Heavens of the Upper Realm, he has always been undefeated.
Yi Qing laughed and said: “That is because you do not know of my Master. If we speak of cultivation, I am not as good as she by a long mile. Thinking about it, at the start, out of the ten Heavenly Emperors of the Upper Realm, my Master beat up nine, and the one left was myself.”
“Master? You actually have a Master! Who? How come we never heard of it?”
“My Master is…. Eh? Master? Master! And my Master? Has anyone seen my Master?”
A person next to them quietly raised her paw. “I am here!”
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Myriad Demon Congregation
- Chapter 2 - Rabbits are Delicious
- Chapter 3 - Disturbing a Sweet Dream
- Chapter 4 - Sword Cultivator Yi Qing
- Chapter 5 - The Hidden Expert
- Chapter 6 - Volunteering as a Disciple
- Chapter 7 - Sealed by Force
- Chapter 8 - Infiltration of the Demonic Aura
- Chapter 9 - The First Crisis
- Chapter 10 - A Temporary Job
- Chapter 11 - The Ghost King is Born
- Chapter 12 - Taming the Ghost King
- Chapter 13 - Journey to Xianmen
- Chapter 14 - The Soul Formation Supremacy
- Chapter 15 - Supremacy Fights Over Disciple
- Chapter 16 - No Need to Expose
- Chapter 17 - False Epiphany
- Chapter 18 - Purging the Ghost King
- Chapter 19 - General Knowledge of the Cultivation Realm
- Chapter 20 - The Novel's Storyline
- Chapter 21 - Adversity of the Sect
- Chapter 22 - Temporary Hostage
- Chapter 23 - Protection Stemming From Sheer Stupidity
- Chapter 24 - Frightening Murderous Intent
- Chapter 25 - Dorae-Ying
- Chapter 26 - Body of Pure Yin
- Chapter 27 - Breaking into Sword Comprehension Peak
- Chapter 28 - Chengyu's Revenge
- Chapter 29 - Vengeance Exacted
- Chapter 30 - Leading Them on an Experiential Training Expedition
- Chapter 31 - A Demon Creates Havoc
- Chapter 32 - The Savvy Civet Cat
- Chapter 33 - The Eighth-Stage Demon
- Chapter 34 - Pursuing the Fox Demon
- Chapter 35 - The Ancient Array Formation
- Chapter 36 - The Green Pasture
- Chapter 37 - The Ancient Mystic Realm
- Chapter 38 - Guests from the Upper World
- Chapter 39 - Toward the Mystic Realm
- Chapter 40 - The Beast Kings that Guard the Forest