My Rich Wife Novel

My Rich Wife Novel
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"Three years into Qin Yu's marriage, his wife and in-laws all hated him.
On a fateful day, he found out that his wife was cheating on him, and she chased him out of their house.
Just as Qin Yu was completely devastated, the daughter of the prestigious Yan Family of Jing City came to him. She handed him his father's will and a contract of his and her marriage.
Years later, whenever people talked of Qin Yu, he was either the Holy Healer, Master of Martial, the Apex Cultivator, and more.
Qin Yu had become the strongest legend that had ever existed.
However, Qin Yu denied all the praises, saying that he was a man that loved his wife a lot."
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6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 2944 - Chapter 2944: The Golden Lotus
- Chapter 2943 - Chapter 2943 Breaking the Buddha of Wish
- Chapter 2942 - 2942 The Killing Intent that Blocked the Enemy
- Chapter 2941 - 2941 The Wish Buddha's Statue
- Chapter 2940 - Chapter 2940: Killing the Holy Consciousness
- Chapter 2939 - Chapter 2939: The Holy Consciousness’ Attack
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - The Cold-Hearted Su Yan
- Chapter 2 - The Girl of His Dreams
- Chapter 3 - Get Him Back Here
- Chapter 4 - The Domineering Yan Ruoxue
- Chapter 5 - Remove Them From the List
- Chapter 6 - Kneel Before Me and Apologize
- Chapter 7 - I Said That He Is
- Chapter 8 - Do You Think You Deserve It?
- Chapter 9 - A Unique Girl
- Chapter 10 - The Daughter of the Yan Family
- Chapter 11 - What If I Hurt You
- Chapter 12 - What About Me?
- Chapter 13 - The Prideful Su Yan
- Chapter 14 - Do You Deserve It
- Chapter 15 - She's the Yan Family's Oldest Daughter!
- Chapter 16 - It's Actually Her!
- Chapter 17 - Please Welcome Qin Yu!
- Chapter 18 - Gutsy Su Yan
- Chapter 19 - Uncle Wu's Skepticism
- Chapter 20 - Who's Trash?
- Chapter 21 - I am the One Chosen by the Yan Family!
- Chapter 22 - The Su Family Received a Shock
- Chapter 23 - Miss Yan, Can You and I be Together?
- Chapter 24 - The Shameless Sun Yumei
- Chapter 25 - I'll Get Lei Hu To Beat You Up Again
- Chapter 26 - Make a Bet
- Chapter 27 - Flustered Uncle Wu
- Chapter 28 - Miserable Uncle Wu
- Chapter 29 - I Refuse to Treat Him!
- Chapter 30 - Chuzhou's Shen Tian
- Chapter 31 - Treat a Radish Like It's Ginseng
- Chapter 32 - Ten Million
- Chapter 33 - The Challenge of Shen Tian
- Chapter 34 - The Cocktail Party of the Rich Kids
- Chapter 35 - The Shameless Su Yan
- Chapter 36 - This Slap Is Payback
- Chapter 37 - No One Will Be Able to Rescue You Today!
- Chapter 38 - I've Shown You Too Much Respect, Right?
- Chapter 39 - He Deserves It!
- Chapter 40 - Make the Shen Family Bankrupt!