Clone 3 POV.
Appearing where his Daughters were previously, Victor whistled.
In the next moment, the horizon began to swarm with Dragons. Unlike before, all sentient Dragons were here, and all these Dragons were females. After all, their role would be something more specific.
“We salute our Primogenitor.” They all immediately lowered their heads in a submissive position.
“The wait is over.” The Dragons shivered, and happiness emanated from their Beings. “Through recent tests, my Daughters have achieved sufficient emotional maturity to have subordinates.”
Victor raised his right hand, and a violet sphere formed in it. “Those marked will become direct subordinates of my Daughters, aiding them in anything they need. You will be their guards, their protectors, their assassins, and if necessary, will lay down your lives for them.”
“A single warning to those of you who are selected. Even if my Daughters decide to attempt to do so, whether out of curiosity or for any other reason, under no circumstances are you allowed to form relations with them…” Victor’s eyes glowed dangerously: “They are mine, do you understand?”
All the Dragons immediately nodded their heads. They knew very well what he meant by ‘forming relations’. Despite the fact that all of them here were female, if someone from the Emperor’s Lineage were to grant their blood to any one of the Dragons, it would immediately signal a direct promotion in status. After all, if done so, the Dragon who received the blood from a willing grantor would cease to be a simple Dragon and instead would become a True Dragon of the Emperor’s Lineage.
What that meant was that they would invariably form a connection with the Soul of the Emperor’s Daughter, who granted them her blood. An example of this situation would be what occurred in the past between Zaladrac and Victor.
Victor was much too possessive a person to allow anyone other than himself, much less strangers, to come into contact with something as intimate as the Souls of his Daughters, even if said ‘strangers’ were his Creations.
“To prevent such a situation from occurring, a rotation schedule for the subordinates shall be established. This will also serve to test whether my Daughters can deal with different kinds of personalities.” Victor’s intense eyes began to dim. “Depending on your performance, rewards will be granted. And who knows? Perhaps even a promotion to True Dragon status might become a possibility for one of you.”
The Dragons’ eyes lit up excitedly.
“Carry out my orders, and remember, although you are Servants of my Daughters, ultimately, you are my Servants. My orders will always take priority.”
He didn’t even need to say this since, to them, the Primogenitor’s orders were absolute. After all, everyone here knew that, if he deemed it necessary, Victor could simply erase them and Create new, more ‘loyal’ Dragons.
“Those who are not chosen need not be saddened, for you will serve my Empire directly as Draconic Soldiers.”
“War is coming, and in this war, everyone will have opportunities to shine.” The moment he said those words, the Orb in his hand dissolved, sending beams of Violet Energy into the sky. In the next moment, these beams of Energy swiftly changed their trajectories before arriving at specific Dragons among the lot of them.
Each Dragon hit by these beams received a qualitative improvement in their Power, several minor support abilities, and some additional abilities derived from the Gods Victor had consumed.
With his current Powers, it was very easy for Victor to copy and grant Powers he’d gained from other Beings to his Creations. Of course, he would not be granting them the complete version of these Divinities from which these Powers were derived but instead would bestow upon them the ability itself. Still useful and certainly very powerful, but incomplete without the corresponding Divinity.
After all, it was necessary to leave room for growth so that these Beings maintained their motivation to improve.
The carrot and stick tactic was something Victor had completely mastered. He was even thinking of writing a book called: “101 Methods On How To Govern An Empire Efficiently” and giving it to those incompetent God-Kings.
Clone 4 POV.
Earth, the territory formerly known as Australia.
“A hypocrite… a monster, I am… But even I would not do what you have done here.” Victor spoke with disgust as he stared at the bodies of male and female children who were bereft of their limbs and organs, just empty carcasses of what they were once before.
Human men and women, who had believed that sacrificing children to the God of Fear would grant them some form of strength, were floating with their mouths sewn shut in mid-air.
“I admit that, over time and throughout my existence, as I came to grow stronger and stronger, I often questioned the futility of my morality. After all, with my Power, I can reshape Reality as I please.”
“…But seeing scenes like this reminds me of my ideals, ideals that were granted to me by the important people in my life.”
“A God without morals and principles will become trash like Zeus.”
“A God with too many hypocritical morals will become short-sighted like Odin who, even after sacrificing his own eye for wisdom, would still make mistakes because of his ego.”
“I must remain balanced, just as I have always been until now. I thank you. Because of the existence of fools like you, I will always be reminded of who I am and will remember that I must not lose myself. After all, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
While floating in his Emperor Form, Victor declared: “Martial Honor is my Dogma. Slay those who point their swords at you, even if the one doing so is a child. After all, if someone raises a sword, they too must be prepared to be cut themselves.”
“Murder is my Principle. It is not wrong to kill a rival for your goals as the struggle between interests promotes growth.”
“I am War in its purest form, I am Destruction in its most intense… but I am also Creation, Home, Dreams, Nature, and Life.”
“A contradiction, I am. In a way, I represent the very essence of what sentient Beings truly are. After all, no one is entirely Good, and neither is anyone entirely Evil.”
“Even Diablo, the one hailed as the Primordial Evil, committed a small act of kindness. The Heavenly Father, the one whose existence is known for his compassion, can and has committed unimaginable atrocities.”
“From a God’s point of view, Good and Evil make no sense.” The bodies began to writhe in the air.
“Because of this, principles are important, morality is important. When you are a God, your actions depict the kind of Being you are, not your words.”
“And even I, at my most evil… have never touched the innocent Soul of a child.”
“Rejoice, maggots. You prayed to the God of Fear for Power… And now you will be granted these Powers. In the darkest depths of Hell, a special place awaits Beings like you.”
A portal to Hell was opened, and in the next moment, all these Humans were cast through, arriving at their new home where they would suffer for an indeterminate amount of time. Even if they begged for mercy, they would not receive it. Their minds would not be broken, and their spirits would not be shattered. Their newly granted ‘Powers’ would not allow it. All that awaited them was suffering.
Looking at the scene of dismembered and gutted children once more, Victor was reminded of his Daughters. He was reminded of the day they were born, of the first time he laid eyes on each of them, and his heart twisted a little.
“I could revive them; it would be as easy as snapping my fingers. But… It would be a meaningless action, one that would likely prolong their suffering. They were orphans, orphans of the war that Diablo waged against the world.”
“They deserve a new beginning, one with a loving family.”
The bodies burned to ashes, and their Souls appeared in Victor’s hand.
“So pure… Not even a visible stain in sight. At least their deaths were quick, and they did not have to suffer…” He sighed.
“May the Blessing of Home be with you in your next life.”
Instead of returning these Souls to the cold Primordial System, he sent them straight to his Paradise, where they would eventually be reborn into a family among his people.
“Oda, Hassan, Abe-No-Seimei, Yggdrasil.”
“Yes, Master.” The three men appeared behind him.
The World Tree of Earth appeared next to the men and looked at Victor.
“It’s time to put Earth under my total control. The behind-the-scenes actions are over. The treaty needs to be broken.”
“Finally, Humanity will definitely prosper under the wise hands of the Emperor,” Hassan said.
“…Since when did you become such a flatterer, Hassan?”
“It’s not flattery if it’s true,” Hassan said seriously.
Victor smiled faintly.
“We’ll do as the Romans did, huh,” Oda said.
“About the other Gods, what will you do?” Yggdrasil asked.
“The Celts won’t do anything; they are too weak to even try. The other Gods don’t even have functioning Pantheons, and the Angels are my allies, so they won’t do anything either.”
“But the Hindu Pantheon… I will give them a choice.”
“We’ll do as the Romans did, huh,” Oda said.
“Exactly. Conquer them, then integrate them into our culture. That’s the most effective option for dealing with a large number of new Beings in the future.”
Problems definitely would occur, but these problems would be minimal within the Emperor’s sphere of influence. No one would dare raise their voice. Victor was simply too immense a presence, and his Wives and helpers were no different.
Despite all this, Victor had to play it right. The carrot and stick method needed to be applied. After all, no one would refuse the desire to become stronger… Little did they know that this same desire would make their integration much easier.
Power corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. But corruption can be guided. That was how Victor brought peace to one of the most problematic Races: The Demons.
“My disciple.”
A portal opened, and the High Priestess of The Blood God’s Religion appeared.
“Your work in the days ahead will be extremely important.”
Religion was a useful tool. Just like politics, they were tools of control. To maintain a huge Empire in the future, Religion was necessary, as well as good Politics.
An effective Religion has the effect of doubled control. The more Beings that believed in Victor, the more their minds would be free from control by external Gods.
A Meritocratic Policy where everyone in society was useful no matter what type of talent they possessed would ensure even greater control.
Victor created a vast spider web, and all who entered it could not escape his sphere of influence.
“All for the Emperor of Humanity.”
“Now go, the plans have already been sent to your minds. Complete your roles.”
“Abe-No-Seimei, you stay.”
As soon as the others left, the ancient Heroic Spirit looked at Victor.
“Are you satisfied with your current state?”
“To be honest, I am. Being a Spirit is convenient.” The man opened the fan in front of him.
“Do you not wish to Ascend further?”
“I merely wish to observe… What kind of society will the Husband of my Disciple create? I wish to see that.”
“I have witnessed near the entirety of your journey up till now, Victor. From a simple Vampire to what you are now… I wonder, will you be the same in a million years?”
“I wish to see that.”
“I understand.” Victor nodded, respecting the old Spirit’s decision. “Unfortunately, even a powerful Spirit like yourself cannot live so long, therefore,”
Victor snapped his fingers.
“…I am alive.” He saw that he had also become a bit younger, his appearance now that of a middle-aged man rather than the elderly man his Spiritual Form had displayed.
“I have transformed you into a High Human.”
“And I gave you biological immortality while increasing your mental fortitude.”
“Humans were not made to live thousands of years.”
It wasn’t a disrespect to Humans. It was a fact. Living so long was harmful to a Human’s mentality, High Human or not.
“Keep watching me, Old Man. And if I happen to change from the way I am now, I hope you talk some sense into me.”
Abe-no-Seimei rolled his eyes. “You have your Wives for that. They will ensure you don’t stray from your path. You don’t need an old man for that.”
Victor smiled. “That’s true.”
“…But, if I see that you need a push, I will try to help. It’s the least I can do for the one who brought my Disciple out of her poor state.”
“Thank you. Now go, I will not have lazy people in my Empire. My Wives more than make up for that.” He muttered at the end.
Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable
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