Tuesday, continued …
After moving his sobbing wife into his arms Hou Yi, simply let Anna cry for a few minutes. He recognised that due to her parent’s reaction to their marriage, she needed to let out the emotions that she had kept a check on while they were on the phone. Doing this, he hoped would mean that she could focus on other things.
When her crying lessened, Hou Yi said quietly “Anna it will be OK. Your parents were shocked as they expected you to call the confirming your marriage to Lu Jinhu. They were shocked when you told them, you had not only ended your relationship with him, but that you had married me instead.”
“I got the impression that your father, once he is over his shock will be OK with us marrying, as he seemed to understand that you knew that you had almost made a mistake in marrying Lu Jinhu. He seemed to accept that we had communicated, and you made the decision to honour your commitment, until you knew that it would be the wrong decision and married me.”
“Remember that the only untruths that we have told is that we communicated and in love. Every other fact we told them was the truth. Who is to say what the future will bring? All we have agreed to do is to see what will happen through giving our relationship the opportunity to develop. You dad is only concerned for you, but I am not as sure with respect to your mum.”
Hou Yi paused for a few seconds “Tell you what. Do not let your parents get to you. I will give you a preliminary two million Australian dollar budget for you to create your dream wedding, my mother and Assistant Wang can help you organising everything, particularly if your parents will not help us. If the budget is insufficient, I can increase it. We will invite all the influential families here except the Lu’s and the Yang’s, simply to show them that they are not important.”
Hou Yi paused, “Knowing my mother and my aunt, tomorrow they will want to take you shopping for clothes. We will eventually obtain all your possessions from Australia, most of your clothes will not be suitable for the environment here, and what you will encounter as my wife. My mother and aunt are power shoppers who have been known to spend millions in a day.”
“It became so bad, despite out wealth I have had to limit their spending through taking away their black credit cards leaving them with only a platinum card with a monthly limit. Assistant Wang is collecting for your temporary use companion cards to my cards. These will eb replaced with cards issued solely in your name. Use them to by what you need.”
“Yi, I do not know what to say.”
“Anna, as I promised you, I will help you get revenge on how you were treated. In part, do achieve that you need to address for the society they inhabit.”
Hou Yi paused for a few seconds, before continuing “Can you think about what debt he might have left you with, and I will arrange for it to be paid, along with helping you use the system to get things back. The last thing you need is him to use that debt to force concessions from you. And before you say something you do not deserve what he has done to you.”
“Yi…”, and with that Anna burst out into more tears.
“Anna. Before we get ready to go to my family home, I need to understand your history with Lu Jinhu. I know it likely will be hard to talk about, but I know my parents will ask about it, and I need to know so I can help deal with it. They will more than likely expect that you know about my past as well.”
“I do not know if I can do that”
“Well let me go first. I will keep it short, as they will not expect you know specifics, but the major highlights.”