Sonia broke the kiss first, and took a step back to gaze into Bryan’s intelligent blue eyes with a mocking smile, “You missed me, didn’t you?” She asked, raising her right hand to pat his cheek in a fond gesture.
Looking at the way they both stared at each other with their hands wrapped around each other’s waist, an onlooker would think they were two people deeply in love with each other, and who had missed each other.
Bryan hadn’t realized just how green her eyes were, until that moment as he gazed into her pair of compelling green eyes. She was a witch. A green-eyed witch with a beautiful smile.
“More than I thought possible,” Bryan assured her with a crooked smile as he wrapped his right arm around her waist in a firm grip and pulled her closer to him as though he was embracing her, “I’m sure you have had enough fun for the day, we should leave now,” he whispered for her ears only while using his left hand to tuck a stray strand of hair away from her face.
Without pulling away from his tight grip Sonia raised her hand to pat his chest and threw her head back, laughing happily as though he was saying something naughty, “You’re so naughty, my love. Why don’t you take me out to one of your favorite fun places? After that, we can do all the naughty things you want later,” Sonia said in a somewhat loud voice so that everyone around them could hear her, and that way Bryan would be unable to turn down her request. She knew that once they walked through Bryan’s doors he was likely going to switch back to his arrogant and annoying self, and she wasn’t ready for any of that attitude yet.
Sonia flashed Mia a smile of gratitude when she saw that Mia had picked up the luggage box and handbag which she had dropped earlier and was taking them to the car.
‘Well played,’ Bryan mused as he watched her. It was obvious she wasn’t only a talented writer, but also a very good actress. “Anything for you my love,” Bryan said, waving at the cameras with a smile on his face as he led Sonia to the car. He held out the door for her to get inside before joining her.
“Hello! You’re Mia, right? I’m Sonia!” Sonia said, placing her head between the two front seats so that she could have a proper look at Mia who was now seated in the driver’s seat.
“I know who you are. But how come you know my name?” Mia asked with a surprised smile as she shook the hand which Sonia had extended to her.
Sonia giggled at that, “I should at least know the name of the beautiful lady who works for my fiance and puts up with his nonsense most of the time, shouldn’t I?” Sonia asked making Mia laugh out loud.
“Of course, you should,” Mia said, and quickly stifled her laughter when she spied Bryan glaring at her from the corner of her eyes. She had just indirectly admitted that she was putting up with his nonsense. She quickly cleared her throat and asked, “So where are we going to? Home?”
Mia was coming with them? Sonia wondered, “We? You don’t live with him, do you?”
“Of course not!” Mia denied quickly.
“Good. That means you don’t have to drive us anywhere. I’m pretty sure you have more important things to do with your spare time instead of driving him around like his driver. It’s not like he is shooting any movies at the moment, so you can leave,” Sonia said, and Mia looked at Bryan uncertainly, waiting for his permission.
Although Bryan didn’t like that Sonia was giving his staff orders without first consulting him, as though she was his wife, but he also didn’t want to get into such a minor argument with her yet, so he gave Mia a nod. It was best to allow her to win the small arguments, while he did his best to win the major ones instead.
“You are free to leave,” Bryan said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, before getting out of the car to take the key from her.
“Thank you. I hope to see more of you,” Mia told Sonia with a wink before getting out of the car, and that earned her a glare from Bryan. Hope to see more of who? He was going to have to talk to everyone who worked for him. None of them were permitted to like Sonia or serve her. She had come here without invitation, and as such, she was on her own.
“You surely will,” Sonia assured Mia with a confident smile before she walked away.
Hearing the confidence in Sonia’s tone Bryan snorted as he got into the driver’s seat. He turned to look at Sonia who was still comfortably seated at the back seat, “I thought I was playing the role of your fiance, or am I getting the script mixed up?” He asked with a slightly raised brow.
Sonia giggled as she said, “How I love a man with an excellent sense of humor.”
She got out of the back seat with her handbag and joined him at the front before taking off her sandals, after that she buckled her seatbelt and glanced at him, “So?”
“So what?” Bryan asked, wondering what the question was as he turned on the ignition and drove off, leaving the paparazzi behind.
“We are alone now, you are free to say whatever you want to say to me. Don’t you have any questions for me?” Sonia asked as she opened her handbag and took out her journal and a pen.
Bryan watched as she held the pen over the note like she was waiting for him to say something so she would write it down. He decided that he wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction, “I don’t.”
He had so many questions he wanted to ask, but he wasn’t going to do it when she wanted him to. He wasn’t going to let her call the shots.
“You don’t? I’m very surprised you’re not asking me anything or growling. What is the catch?” Sonia asked, tapping the pen on the journal as she watched him with curious eyes.
“There is no catch. I have only decided to be a doting fiance to you,” Bryan said, flashing her an easy smile, “I’m glad you’re here by the way. Now I can worry less about you.. Thanks for coming,” Bryan said with a toothy smile.