Lucy decided to sleep in on Saturday morning, since she wasn’t going to the office and as such didn’t see any reason to rush out. Once she finally woke up around 10 AM, she picked up her phone and the first thing she saw was a text message from Anita which contained her home address details.
Now that it was the day to go out, she wasn’t really feeling much like stepping out of the house. All she wanted to do was curl up on her bed and read a novel, or surf the net. Anything that didn’t involve dressing up and leaving her house. This was the reason she didn’t like having friends since friendships always involved visits, and that was something she wasn’t cut out for.
She encouraged herself by reminding herself that it was just a temporary friendship, and it was for the greater good. Once she managed to connect Anita and Tom, she would step back and let them both do their thing.
Lucy decided to clean up her house and fix breakfast for herself before leaving for Anita’s place. Looking around the apartment, there wasn’t really much to clean since she always kept everything in place. Still, she picked up a napkin and started to clean her already clean furniture.
As she got busy with cleaning her thoughts drifted to her conversation with Sonia the previous evening, and from there to Tom. She briefly wondered what he was up to, and why she hadn’t heard from him all morning. Or perhaps he wasn’t reaching out to her because she had said she would be busy? Lucy mused, and then quickly discarded the thought once she realized what she was doing. He wasn’t her business. He was just her neighbor, and driver, and as such there was no reason for him to reach out to her during the weekends.
Soon she got very busy with tidying up the place and tried not to think of anything concerning Tom. After ensuring that everywhere was clean and there was no speck of dust on any furniture, she settled down to eat a bowl of cereal.
Now that she was idle, thoughts of Tom came back to her, and with it came the reminder that they were having dinner that evening. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered her dinner date with Tom. The thought of the evening ahead made her feel increasingly anxious with each passing second. When she couldn’t bear it anymore, she pushed away from the table, disposed of the cereals, and washed the bowl before leaving the kitchen.
Once inside her bedroom, she walked to the closet to pick out the clothes she was going to wear out. She opened the drawer containing her undies, and her face flushed a deep shade of red when she remembered the texts Tom had sent to her the previous day.
“Look at you getting all flustered, and he isn’t even here,” She chided herself as she raised both hands to her cheeks.
Had he looked through her drawer? Maybe not. He acted a lot like a bad boy, but something told her he wasn’t the type to do something as creepy as looking through her drawers.
Walking over to the bathroom, she stopped when she noticed her pant hanger on the towel railing. Those must have been the undies he saw, Lucy thought to herself as she took out the dry undies from the hanger and folded them before returning them to the bedroom.
As she arranged the undies in her drawer, she tried to face a subject she had been avoiding all morning. The issue of sex with Tom later that evening. Even though she had been the one who had suggested it, she was feeling very nervous thinking about it now that the time for it was drawing near.
She swallowed as she looked at the undies. Since they were going to be having sex that evening, she was going to have to sort through her clothes for not just a sexy dress to wear to their dinner date, but sexy undies as well.
She picked out a new pair of matching lace oxblood-colored pant and strapless push-up bra which she was yet to wear since she purchased them. She decided that she was going to wear that for the occasion. It wasn’t every time that a girl lost her virginity twice was it?
After that, she looked through her closet trying to find a sexy gown she could wear and smiled when she sighted a mini dress her mother had gotten her during the last year’s Christmas, but she had never gotten the chance to wear it. It was a strapless blue sequin dress with a deep V-neck. She was sure her mother would be proud of her if she found out she was wearing it to a dinner date.
Now that she had gotten everything she needed ready for their dinner date, she focused on getting ready to visit Anita, since it was almost noon already.
Forty-five minutes later her car rolled to a stop in front of the address Anita had sent her, thanks to Google map, and she got out of it. She looked around the fancy neighborhood with interest before walking to the door and ringing the doorbell.
“Coming!” She heard Anita’s voice before the door was pulled open the next second. Within those few seconds, both ladies sized each other up. Anita noticed that, unlike most ladies she knew, Lucy was dressed comfortably rather than to impress. Lucy wore simple black jean trousers with a brown cashmere, and black pair of sneakers. Her face was bare save for the lipgloss she had applied as an afterthought, and her hair was packed in a ponytail as usual, with her glasses in place. Not a competition at all, Anita thought with satisfaction.
In contrast to Lucy’s clothes, Anita was dressed in a stylish blue-colored knee-length gown, her face was well made up, and her long hair fell around her shoulders in cascades. Lucy could see why Tom would be attracted to someone like her. Anita was picture perfect!
“I thought you changed your mind,” Anita said with a welcoming smile as she held the door for Lucy to get in.
“I was tempted to. But here I am,” Lucy said spreading out her arms with an awkward smile on her face as she walked into the house.
Anita giggled, assuming that Lucy was joking, “You’re welcome. Please make yourself at home,” Anita said as she walked over to the kitchen to get them something to munch on, while Lucy looked around the apartment. She had to admit that Anita’s taste showed not just in her appearance and clothes but also the decor of her apartment. Now she worried if Tom would be able to afford to be with someone like Anita. She quickly reminded herself that Tom had been to Anita’s apartment before, and if he thought he had a chance with her, then she had no say in the manner. All she was here to do, after all, was matchmake and increase his chances of helping him get the lady he desired.. He didn’t have to know that she was helping him smoothen his path in the background.