Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy Novel

Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy Novel
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“He is the entertainment king who is in charge of everything. Been single for years, he had zero scandal. One day, a woman and a girl turned his life upside down.
The little cutie held him tight, not letting go. “”Handsome uncle, you look very much like the daddy I have lost for many years!”” Huo Yunshen felt depressed. “Me? Daddy?!”
The little cutie proudly pulled her mommy over, “”Mommy, I have found a long-term meal ticket for you, handsome and gullible.””
Xu Xiyan smiled at the elegant man.
Recalling the accident five years ago, his face sank. “”How dare you steal my DNA?””
She laughed. “”Not steal, just borrow!”” The man took her in his arms and warned in a dangerous tone, “”Woman, should I get what’s mine back, with interest?””
She stood on her toes. “”Yeah, how about another baby?”””
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6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 2778 - 2778 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (The Grand Finale)
- Chapter 2777 - 2777 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (295)
- Chapter 2776 - 2776 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (294)
- Chapter 2775 - 2775 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (293)
- Chapter 2774 - 2774 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (292)
- Chapter 2773 - 2773 Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (291)
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - He Was So Strong
- Chapter 2 - A Born Actress
- Chapter 3 - Screwed a Handsome Guy
- Chapter 4 - The Storyline Was Changed Too Fast
- Chapter 5 - Be Serious!
- Chapter 6 - Breaking up
- Chapter 7 - In My Dictionary, There Is No Such Word as Concession
- Chapter 8 - What a Refined Rascal
- Chapter 9 - Her Cuteness Is in Defiance of Nature
- Chapter 10 - Protective of Her Mother
- Chapter 11 - She Has a Child?
- Chapter 12 - Ignorant
- Chapter 13 - One More Enemy
- Chapter 14 - A Familiar Face
- Chapter 15 - Still Holding a Grudge
- Chapter 16 - Dreaming of Choking Him to Death
- Chapter 17 - A Surprise Arranged by God
- Chapter 18 - A Bit Overwhelmed
- Chapter 19 - She Forgot Him
- Chapter 20 - Thank Him Wholeheartedly
- Chapter 21 - He Is Extremely Territorial
- Chapter 22 - That Was Surprisingly Touching
- Chapter 23 - Too Cruel
- Chapter 24 - I Should Thank Him
- Chapter 25 - I Will Be Responsible Until The End, Deal?
- Chapter 26 - Where Did She Come From?
- Chapter 27 - Beautifully Done
- Chapter 28 - An Outstanding Actress
- Chapter 29 - An Unexpected Surprise
- Chapter 30 - The Face of a Hypocrite
- Chapter 31 - An Annoying Stumbling Block
- Chapter 32 - Meddling Behind the Scenes
- Chapter 33 - Xu Xiyan, Well Done!
- Chapter 34 - I Want a Boyfriend That’s Loyal
- Chapter 35 - He Finally Got A Reply
- Chapter 36 - I Want to Meet Her in the Future
- Chapter 37 - Her Words Were Moving
- Chapter 38 - Learned A Lot
- Chapter 39 - Who Wants To Become A Stepfather?
- Chapter 40 - Felt Like Dying