Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming Novel

Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming Novel
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Qin Guan was reborn and sent back to his final semester in High School 18 years ago. Getting a second chance at life, he works hard to turn things around and eventually become a Prince Charming. What will his life be like the second time around? What will he have to go through? How will he succeed in turning from a loser into a Prince Charming?
Translator: Lan_, May_Wiggins
Editor: Efydatia
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Eighteen Again
- Chapter 2: Crushing on Cong Nianwei
- Chapter 3: The Days Before the College Entrance Examination
- Chapter 4: Graduation Party
- Chapter 5: The Moneymaking Barbecue Stand
- Chapter 6: A Prince Charming With A Choppy Hairstyle
- Chapter 7: Buying A House in Beijing
- Chapter 8: Military Training
- Chapter 9: The Troublesome Student
- Chapter 10: Cong Nianwei’s Suitor at Tsinghua University
- Chapter 11: Landai Club
- Chapter 12: The Dance Competition and The Fight
- Chapter 13: A Fight Between Rough Men
- Chapter 14: Eggs Laid by the Red Flag
- Chapter 15: The Bateau Interview
- Chapter 16: Big Plate Chicken at the China World Mall
- Chapter 17: Vinexpo China
- Chapter 18: Huang Jiajia Vs. Cong Nianwei
- Chapter 19: CET 4 and the Computer
- Chapter 20: Abacus Level 5 and the First Pot of Old City
- Chapter 21: Holding Her Soft Hand
- Chapter 22: The 1998 Snowfall
- Chapter 23: The First Photo Shoot
- Chapter 24: Barbeque on Principal Filter
- Chapter 25: The Driving License Exam
- Chapter 26: Niu Street and the Zhang Yiyuan Tea Shop
- Chapter 27: A Kind of Successful Confession
- Chapter 28: The Long Train Ride Home
- Chapter 29: A Martial Artist Among Ordinary People
- Chapter 30: Business in the Morning Market
- Chapter 31: The Urban Management Officer
- Chapter 32: The Big Deal
- Chapter 33: The Carrefour Poster
- Chapter 34: Three Small Gigs
- Chapter 35: Liu Xiaoyang’s Gigot
- Chapter 36: Huan Jiajia’s First Test
- Chapter 37: Professor Li's Training Courses
- Chapter 38: Business with J Boss
- Chapter 39: The Friend-Making Party
- Chapter 40: The Red Star Bar