From the throne room, my family and the tree spirits moved to the conference room to tackle the details of our agreement. We had to formally document the pact for legal purposes in case of problems like a misunderstanding or when they withdraw the agreement.
In the pact, it was stated that the Raevender Queendom, or the Raevender Family, specifically, possessed the ownership of the World Treant and the place where the tree spirits lived. In other words, their territory was now part of the queendom, and the tree spirits were added to our citizens.
One of the things that we had agreed on was to keep the existence of the World Treant a secret. For that reason, we should not officially announce the agreement between us and the tree spirits to any of the nation and even to our own population.
In addition, we would deploy further reinforcement on the barriers that veiled the World Treant to protect it from external threats such as invading individuals as well as any explorers who ended up there intentionally or accidentally.
With my support, the massive tree and the home of the tree spirits would be virtually imperceivable to any being. Even powerful Illusion Magic spells were not enough to undo the tree’s mirages.
There were other ways to protect the World Treant, but they had consequences and needed thorough discussion. One way was to transfer the tree itself to one of the dungeon floors.
Sure, that would guarantee the safety of the tree, but despite the enormous area of the dungeon floor, it could not contain the stupendously massive root system of the tree. Its coverage could even put a prehistoric aspen grove into shame. freewebnσ
Aside from the dungeon’s insufficient capacity, removing the tree from the forest would be disastrous. The thick mana it produced attracted monsters to the forest, concentrating them within, which created the forest’s own ecosystem.
If we suddenly removed the tree, the forest’s soil would gradually lose its signature high level of fertility, which was essential for the growth of some plants and trees that herbivore monsters consumed.
Over the years, those monsters would eventually find a suitable place that might push them to migrate. Whenever they went, their predators would follow. It would be terrible if they ended up in a human civilization.
Removing the tree would break the balance of the forest, which might later on inflict damages upon humankind. We already removed the ancient dragon from the forest, which gave humans and nonhumans courage to dive deeper, and we could not afford to cause problems again.
Well, it was not like that the inhabitants of this world were aware of the concept of how biodiversity actually worked. But I personally disapprove of this idea, as it was too much to achieve and risky.
Even though if we were to approve that idea, I did not think we had the power to uproot the World Treant in the first place. I was certain that my Portal, at full extent, could not swallow up the whole tree after all.
True, the tree was a treant, a monster, but the tree spirits themselves said that it did not have the ability to move anymore. According to them, the tree itself was so massive that gravity prevented it from treading. Not to mention that its roots, which were spread out all over the forest, were buried so deep underground.
The only logical way to protect the tree was to improve the layers of protection that the tree spirits had laid out. We did not know if that method would be temporary or permanent, but it was our most optimal choice for now.
There was this plan that suggested Czarina come to the surface once in a while and then blast her ominous miasma so that it could incorporate with the mana that the World Treant was releasing, but it was still under consideration.
We tackled a lot of things regarding the pact between the two sides, but protecting the World Treant was the most important matter to discuss. Once the agreement was settled, Aesfen, the de facto matriarch of the tree spirits, sealed the pact with her signature.
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With that, a mutual pact between the Raevender Queendom and the tree spirits of the Great Forest of Darkness had been officially established. Since it was still hours before nightfall, we offered the three tree spirits a sightseeing around the City of Louisiana.
But before anything else…
“Hm, not bad. Even though the incongruity of those majestic green silky dresses is now gone, at least you all looked like more humans now.”
“Is that so?”
In the palace, Big Sis, Iris, Sophia, and I were feasting our eyes as we looked at Aesfen, Fyr, and Gron in casual human outfits.
Wearing their usual dresses would stand out and would draw attention to the people, so they agreed to put on those clothes. We were supposed to keep their existence a secret, and it was necessary for them to blend in with the humans to a certain extent.
I confirmed that tree spirits could really manipulate their tangibility. Right now, they were all completely physical so that they could equip their outfits.
For their outfits, they all wore the same Renaissance-style clothing, gowns with voluminous skits, tight bodies, and long, intricate sleeves, but in different colors. While Aesfen wore blue, Fyr wore red, and Gron had green.
“I don’t think I can move comfortably with this, but we have no choice, don’t we?”
Fyr expressed her opinions about the clothes as she inspected her outfit. She did not seem to be a person who would not get out of her comfort zone, unlike her younger sister.
“What do you think about it, Gron?” Sophia asked. “Do you find it uncomfortable too?”
“Not at all.” Gron turned around, fluttering her long skirt a bit. “I think it is kind of cute.”
“It’s good to hear.”
Gron was probably a lot older than us, but her mental maturity was like that of a curious teenager. But we should not underestimate her, as she might be very intelligent in other fields.
“It seems like everything is ready.” I said. “Are you ready to explore the city?”