Reject Humanity, Return to Monke Novel

Reject Humanity, Return to Monke Novel
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Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Reincarnation
- Chapter 2 - Introductions
- Chapter 3 - Introductions (2)
- Chapter 4 - Intruder Alert! Trespassers In The Monke Base!
- Chapter 5 - Trouble A Brewin'
- Chapter 6 - Monke Home In Trouble!
- Chapter 7 - Monke Used Praise, Its Super Effective!
- Chapter 8 - I'm Alpha Monke
- Chapter 9 - Stories Of The World (1)
- Chapter 10 - Monke's First Step
- Chapter 11 - Monke Meet Hooman
- Chapter 12 - Monke Can Be Gentle Too!
- Chapter 13 - Monke Meet More Hoomans!
- Chapter 14 - Monke Talks With Hoomans!
- Chapter 15 - Monke Negotiates With Hooman!
- Chapter 16 - Monke Thinks Of Future
- Chapter 17 - Monke Meets Former Enemies
- Chapter 18 - Monke On A Quest!
- Chapter 19 - Monke On A Quest! (2)
- Chapter 20 - The Party Of Misfits
- Chapter 21 - Monke Levels Up!
- Chapter 22 - Monke Gets Curbstomped
- Chapter 23 - Monke Punches Like Truck-Kun
- Chapter 24 - Monke Meets... Weredog?
- Chapter 25 - Monke Vs. More Weredogs
- Chapter 26 - Monke Do Be Like Charger
- Chapter 27 - Monke Shaken
- Chapter 28 - Monke In Bad Spot (Understatement)
- Chapter 29 - Monke Back In Dungeon
- Chapter 30 - Monke With Goblins + Migraine
- Chapter 31 - Monke With Child
- Chapter 32 - Monke Be Like Drill Instructor
- Chapter 33 - Monker Confronts Invader
- Chapter 34 - Monke Do Recruiting (Bullying)
- Chapter 35 - Monke And Trauma
- Chapter 36 - Domestic Relations
- Chapter 37 - Monke Be Quackin'
- Chapter 38 - Monke Can't Win Against Trauma
- Chapter 39 - Monke Be Territorial
- Chapter 40 - Monke Engaged