“What do you mean Hunter Raven is dead? Hyungnim cannot be dead?” Min – Ho spoke shaking his head.
A smile parted his lips but it soon grew bitter as Ruan Zhaohui’s expression became more somber. Min – Ho looked to his left where Mok Jae-Hwa stood, fist clenched and head bowed.
“C’mon. What are you guys doing? Why are all of you suddenly acting like that?” His voice began to wane. He looked to his right and around. “Do you know hyungnim’s spirit? So what if the gate closed. My hyungnim is indomitable!”
Murmurs slowly moved across the crowd as if his words were giving them some hope.
Ruan Zhaohui slowly shook her head, her mouth was bitter with sorrow as she saw them reluctant to accept the truth. Swallowing her spit, she explained:
“Hunter Rizo has the power to conjure gates, sometimes he can even feel them. According to him… the gate did not just close. It ceased to exist, it was consumed by nothing and made to disappear into nothing.”
Her voice continued to shake. She lowered her head in another respectful bow.
“I am sorry, I couldn’t protect Hunter Raven. We might not be able to use the word death but whatever consumed the gate consumed both Hunter Raven and the monster he was fighting.”
Balam frowned. .𝒎
“That is absurd. My master will not succumb to death so easily. Do you know how many times I have killed him and yet he rose?”
Mok Jae-Hwa looked at him.
‘… his right. Only that… Raith has lost the power of death.’
Mok Jae-Hwa closed his eyes. Not knowing of how to handle this situation, he was the only one that Raith had talked to privately before leaving. Speaking of his fear of death.
He could vividly recall Raith’s distant face, his lost eyes as he contemplated if he would be able to face terror the way he used to now that he had lost the power of death.
Mok Jae-Hwa was not well informed about how Raith’s power worked and didn’t bother asking. But that dawn, he knew that Raith had lost something very important and was scared because of it.
And so he more than everyone suspected the news to be true. But he also knew of Raith’s indomitable spirit.
Suddenly the road began to part from behind. Few ladies in the same pink kimono made it to the front, a white haired young girl with porcelain skin coming out from their midst. She stood in front, her kimono was blue. The magnificent view of the blue sea imprinted on it.
“What are you saying? What did I hear?”
Slyvia stood arms akimbo, asking Ruan Zhaohui with a vicious scowl on her face. In fact, she seemed to be looking down on the woman with contempt.
‘I have never seen her around. It’s subtle but the energy I feel from her is stronger than his’ she looked towards Balam. And brought her face back to Slyvia.
Mok Jae-Hwa stepped forward, standing beside Slyvia. He was very cautious in the way he stood next to her. His hands were crossed in front and his back was almost bent, ready to bow anytime if need be.
And Ruan Zhaohui observed all of this.
‘Who is she?’
“Lady Slyvia… we cannot afford to–
He stumbled back as Slyvia turned to him. Her face was overwhelmed with horror. Her blue eyes glinted with malicious sparks. Her canine teeth were little longer than usual. That gaze was meant to ward him off and nothing more.
She turned back to Ruan Zhaohui.
She began walking closer to the old woman, her kimono carefully fluttering in the cold air that was being emitted from her body.
She stood a foot away from Ruan Zhaohui and looked up to her.
“What did you say now?”
Ruan Zhaohui attempted to open her mouth but couldn’t, her heart was gripped by something hard. She didn’t know why, cold air assaulted her insides and she began to shiver. Ruan Zhaohui lowered her head and looked at her shaking legs.
‘What… is wrong with me?’
She asked herself but could only trace her answer to one source.
The young girl standing in front of her.
Who is she?
“I… said… what… did… you… say… NOW?!”
A tempest of wind exploded forth from her as she shouted.
Ruan Zhaohui shuddered and fell on her buttocks. She beared up with a distorted expression, her face grew pale, gripped by the cold tendrils of fear.
She wanted to speak but she couldn’t. Not to say the mighty storm of wind that swirled around Slyvia. She subtly began to grow scales over her body. Her frame distorted and grew larger as if another ‘thing’ was tearing out of her.
Suddenly Ruan Zhaohui’s eyes widened, lines of exhaustion formed beneath her almost round eyes, her eyeballs thinned in and froze in fear.
Something towered above her. It was a massive almost serpentine beast. Its neck long, curled downwards to her. It’s eyes exuding frigid ferocity. Dangerously calming. .
It’s panting breath was enough to freeze anything it came in contact with.
Ruan Zhaohui shivered, her eyes shook, blood streaming down from her nose as she beheld the creature.
Her mind jolted back to the raid she had participated in during her prime. The gate where a juvenile dragon spawned in. Memories of screams and cries, as her comrade perished under the smelting flames of the ferocious beast – years past and she hasn’t stop dreaming about it.
To think there was another creature like this.
Her mind was almost shattering.
Just who is Hunter Raven? Who is he to host a dragon? What has she gotten herself into.
Ruan Zhaohui came prepared to die so far her death was going to console the people. Faced with a terror like this, her common sense begged her to flee. But then it wasn’t like she could before a dragon.
If she used her full power would she be able to? Would she be able to at least send a message to Rizo?
“Stop Slyvia!”
Green speckles shimmered in her front and formed a young lady, pristine and beautiful, silver hair and green eyes. Her clothes woven from leaves and dry wood.
She stood in between Ruan Zhaohui and the dragon.
“Get out of my way you forest wench”
Slyvia’s voice resounded with tremor permeating the air.
“No! And who the hell do you think you are calling a wench?!!”
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