Restarting From Genesis Novel

Restarting From Genesis Novel
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Within the popular VRMMORPG "New Genesis", there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes, commonly known by his in-game alias “Merlin”.
Arthur was one of the few original beta testers still playing after 30 years, he was originally a ranker, a player whose entire goal was to stay at the top, ahead of everyone else.
However after 15 years he sacrificed his player ranking in search of knowledge.
Arthur became a lore hunter, a player who indulges himself with the world's vast lore and unexplored history, preferring to uncover the world’s secrets rather than endlessly fighting monsters.
At the age of 48, 30 years after the game came out, Arthur uncovered the greatest secret of all, and yet, ironically, his negligence in levelling up was the one thing holding him back from realising his goal, he knew he would never be able to catch up to the rankers, a gap of 15 years was Impossible to overcome.
If only he could restart…
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - The Compass.
- Chapter 2 - A Legendary Quest.
- Chapter 3 - The Angel Of Vengeance.
- Chapter 4 - Legends Never Die.
- Chapter 5 - A Medical Checkup.
- Chapter 6 - Hospitalised And Revelation.
- Chapter 7 - Back To School.
- Chapter 8 - Maths Test.
- Chapter 9 - He Shoots, He Scores?
- Chapter 10 - Retaliation And Spinal Pain.
- Chapter 11 - The History Test.
- Chapter 12 - A Father's Rage.
- Chapter 13 - Petty Revenge.
- Chapter 14 - Arthur's Birthday Party.
- Chapter 15 - The Beta Test Begins.
- Chapter 16 - Character Creation.
- Chapter 17 - The Tutorial - I
- Chapter 18 - The Tutorial - II
- Chapter 19 - The Tutorial - III
- Chapter 20 - Beginner Village.
- Chapter 21 - The Reaper Appears.
- Chapter 22 - More Goblins.
- Chapter 23 - The First Goblin Victims.
- Chapter 24 - The Best Defence.
- Chapter 25 - The Fighter Soul.
- Chapter 26 - The Milk Bandits!
- Chapter 27 - Big Spender.
- Chapter 28 - Lycoa Goblin Raid - I
- Chapter 29 - Lycoa Goblin Raid - II
- Chapter 30 - Lycoa Goblin Raid - III
- Chapter 31 - Snap Back To Reality.
- Chapter 32 - A Meal With The Family.
- Chapter 33 - The Marshmallow Tragedy.
- Chapter 34 - A Rose's Depravity.
- Chapter 35 - The Mercenary's Irrationality.
- Chapter 36 - The Bandit Leader Subjugation - I
- Chapter 37 - The Bandit Leader Subjugation - II
- Chapter 38 - The Bandit Leader Subjugation - III
- Chapter 39 - The Bandit Leader Subjugation - IV
- Chapter 40 - The Bandit Leader Subjugation - V