I instantly released the Pale Rider from [Subspace], welcoming him with the flurry of attacks waiting to bombard him.
Since I could edit whatever was within [Subspace], I made sure to spit him out without any gear.
He was just a naked, pale being.
It seemed like his body was coated in purple flame-like energy which exuded a vast amount of negative pressure. Still, he wasn’t as tall as before. The being called Death was just a bit taller than I was, having a bald head and gleaming purple eyes.
‘So, this is how he looks like without the armor, uh?’ I sneered internally.
He was on the ground—still recoiling from shock—when my subordinates’ attacks clashed with him.
“Uh?” My eyes were met with a peculiar strike.
The multiple attacks did not connect with him! Rather, some form of invisible barrier blocked them from landing any blow on him.
‘An automatic defense function, even without his gear?’
For it to have been capable of shielding Death from all those attacks, just how durable was it? I was amazed—no, intrigued—by the barrier, so I took it.
Death let out a surprised sound, and then the attacks connected to him.
Large clouds of smoke and destruction ascended to the pitch black sky, and I simply watched from my distance.
With that loud, intimidating cry, the smoke around cleared, and Death was floating at the center of the destruction. His eyes contained fury and rage unimaginable.
He stretched out his hand and prepare a blast that seemed to be capable of obliterating me..
“Haven’t we been over this already?”
The blast was launched at me, ready to destroy me completely. I simply stood in my position—even my subordinates didn’t bother attempting to defend me.
After all… I had <Auto Retrieve>.
The attack vanished the moment it entered my range, and I was left unscathed.
“W—WHAT?!” Death’s loud voice echoed through the dark, barren land.
“Surprised? Well… I suppose you should be.” I smiled.
“You bastard! You enslaved my subordinates, you took away my horse, and you dare allow me to suffer such humiliation? Me? The Lord Of Death?!”
I rolled my eyes at his words.
“Yeah, yeah! Let’s continue!”
Instantly, I poured out all the attacks that my subordinates had thrown at me—directing everything at the enemy.
“W—WHAT? Y—YOU—?!”
In preparation for his pesky barrier, I absorbed any form of resistance that surrounded him, allowing all the attacks to hit him.
“GUARRKKKKKKK!!!” I heard his screams from within the explosion.
Usually, this level of power would be enough to kill any other Boss—even Helios—but this guy’s Vitality and HP were too damn high.
The blast radius seemed to extend to a mile, and the intensity was too great.
Death could turn incorporeal, but I mixed Soul-based attacks into the explosion and gave each assault the astral inflicting attribute, so he couldn’t escape.
Once the bright explosion calmed, Death remained at the center—floating—but he didn’t budge an inch.
I understood what that was.
It was the Status Condition: Stun.
Dealing so much damage to the monster had stunned it. Even though his health was well above thirty percent, I was still glad that he had been pushed to this extent.
“I guess it’s my turn now!” I grinned, launching myself high into the sky.
My body was full of so many buffs thanks to Helios’ Items especially, but the one I was currently the most grateful for was the Bracelet of Supplication. My body was surging with power.
“Let’s start with thisssss!!!”
I strengthened my body to the limit and filled myself with Miasma, brandishing my fist. As soon as I reached Death’s floating gait, I gave him my finest right hook…
… Sending him crashing to the ground.
The earth split, and for as far as I could see, the ground quaked and trembled.
Such was my power!
“Hoo. This is crazy good!” I beamed.
I caught a glimpse of Death’s HP by the time I struck him. It got reduced to 25 percent in a single stroke. If that wasn’t crazy, then I had no idea what was.
“Looks like with this my physical abilities have increased quite well.”
I pondered on whether I should try the Mantle Of Death’s effects or the Necklace of Undeath’s abilities, but I was becoming a bit excited that I just decided to finish things.
“Let’s go!”
I kicked the air behind me and charged at the monster who was on the shattered ground.
Before it could recover from my hit, I launched another blow, and then another, sending multiple attacks at it.
Everything became devastated as I pounded the monster.
However, I noticed something as soon as its HP got to 10 Percent.
‘The number stopped moving! It’s not taking damage?!’ I was surprised.
It had to be a Passive Skill or something, considering the fact that my foe was in no shape to resist. Since his name was literally Death, it was expected that he would be able to pull something like this off.
‘Since it has come to this, then—’
Before I could complete my thought, the enemy beneath me regained consciousness and glared hatefully at me.
“ROARRRRRRR!!!” It sent shockwaves flying, and I was forced back by the pressure.
An incredible surge of Miasma filled the area, more than anything I could dream of producing. I was beginning to have a bad feeling about it, seeing as the purple smoke-like energy ascended to the sky.
Not only was he not taking damage anymore, but he also received an incredible power boost that screamed of danger. I saw my subordinates shrink back. This realm was well beyond them, so I couldn’t blame the lot.
Currently, with my build, I was equal to—no, slightly superior to—a Grade 5 Demon, so I wasn’t going to be capable of overpowering the monster with sheer physical abilities as well.
The bracelet granted me indescribable power, but it wasn’t like I had infinite Miasma.
If I couldn’t find another alternative, then this battle was going to take a drastic turn.
Death snickered from his distance, and then his malevolent pressure intensified.