Rise Of The Hoarder Novel

Chapter 52 Deliberation

It wasn’t like I could stop Ana.r

The whole ‘demons lurking about in the night’ thing had been canceled already by my story, so she was certain that the environment was safe. Plus, she had gotten enough food and rest, so there was no longer any excuse to prevent her from leaving.r

Besides, the team planned on leaving early the next day, so they had to conclude whatever decisions they had to make this night.r

“I’ll be back, Jeremy. I promise.” Ana spoke, rising on her feet with a little grunt.r

As I remained seated on the floor, I saw her from my position and appreciated her height once again. A small smile formed on my face, but I quickly killed it off.r

“Thanks for everything, Jeremy. See you soon!” She said, among other things, before finally leaving.r

I didn’t bother escorting her, so until she left, my butt remained glued to the floor.r.

“So she’s gone already, eh? Judging by her personality she will definitely be back.” I mumbled, taking account of her movements through my enhanced senses.r

Well, for all of their sakes, they had better return for me and accept my deal. If they choose to make the wrong choice, then it would only be natural that I dispose of them.r

‘They owe their lives to me, anyway. I’ll just complete the task that monster failed to.’ A wide grin formed on my face as I considered the thought.r

‘Good. Now then… let’s see what choice they’ll make!’r

“… And that’s what happened.” Ana finally concluded her narration concerning the events she experienced, and the story that the strange boy, Jeremy told her.r

For a moment, silence filled the atmosphere as her four teammates looked at her with peculiar expressions.r

“So, what do you guys think?” She added, breaking the silence.r

“W-wow. That’s a lot to take in…” Peter muttered, flicking his glasses.r

It was true that her story added up, about the strange man, the boy in the base, and his story. However, one thing was clear out of everything that was said.r

“There are no other resources in this area? Shit! It’s all thanks to that masked man! Why did he have to take everything?!” One of the group members groaned in annoyance.r

“Daniel, why are you blaming someone for that? In the first place, we don’t have any right to the resources. He simply did what we’ve been doing as well. Besides, he did it for the benefit of others who don’t have the opportunity to search for resources in this world.” Ana replied, looking a little stern.r

In such an Apocalyptic era, it was first come first served. If they had been late to the party, they just had to accept their fate, rather than blame anyone. Of course, Daniel understood that logic, but he still felt frustrated for not getting at least something for all the troubles they had been through.r

“Shit!” He could only let out powerlessly.r

“More importantly, let’s discuss what to do about the boy. Lily, Daniel, Peter, Larry… what’s your take on it?” Ana asked, looking determined.r

“Leader, I’m guessing you want us to take him with us…” Peter said.r

Ana nodded her head. She had already told them all about the masked man’s wish that they take care of Jeremy, as well as her personal conviction of the lonely boy.r

“I just imagined being in that situation instead of him… And I knew what to do right away!” r

Of course, the team members were human too, and understood their leader’s perspective. However, it didn’t erase the dangers that accompanied them taking Jeremy back to their Camp.r

The world was not paradise anymore, if it could ever have been considered that in the past. On their way to the Camp, they were bound to encounter Demons. It would be very inconvenient and inefficient for the team if Jeremy was with them while they subjugated the enemies.r

Plus, they had failed to obtain any resources. Returning to the Camp with nothing to show for their expedition, but a new mouth to feed was nothing short of a disaster. The Camp wouldn’t stand for that.r

Everyone in the room understood all of this, yet… Ana still insisted on taking the boy in.r

“I’m sorry, Ana… I don’t think we can afford to do that.” Peter spoke in his calculating tone.r

“Peter’s right. We’re already in big trouble as it is.” Daniel said, looking away in guiltr

“I… you know I’ll always support any decision you make Ana,” Lily said to the leader, though from her expression, she knew it wouldn’t work out.r

“There’s no point in deliberating this. It’s not possible to take another with us with how things currently are. We could tell the Camp about his situation when we return…” Larry said, maintaining a somewhat neutral stance.r

However, all he said were mere words. The group members all knew that once they arrived at the Camp, they would be more occupied with other matters, including the consequences of their inability to procure resources.r

With the odds of 2:3, against her favor, Ana already knew the outcome of the vote. She could try arguing her case more, which she would, but all of that would be an act of selfishness.r

Considering the situation of her team at the moment, there was very little she could do. Even if she took Jeremy to the Camp, it wouldn’t be the kind of place he would like or be safe in. One thing the Camp avoided the most… was a liability.r

‘I’m sorry Jeremy. It looks like I won’t be able to help you, after all…’ Ana thought to herself.r

“Ah, for a bunch of idiots, they have good sense.” I smiled while watching and eavesdropping on the group.r

After Ana left my building, I made it to my usual spot and watched the leader return to her group, which received her happily.r

They were just like a happy family, how cute. However, even after she pleaded my case, the group ultimately voted against the decision to take me along with them.r

While I understood their logic perfectly, and I would most likely make a similar decision in their shoes, it was still unacceptable to me.r

“It looks like I’ll have to go with my next plan.”r

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