“It’s useless… I can’t… I can’t win!” I coughed, spurting blood from my mouth in the process.
My body was weakened already, and I knew it was the end for me. I had no more strength to escape, and even if I did, this ‘thing’ was way faster.
I couldn’t even put up a fight, since none of my attacks would be effective. Victory was never even an option.
The figure slowly descended, ready to execute me. Sweat poured all over my body while myriads of thoughts rang in my head.
“I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die!”
For the first time in a long time, I witnessed the same amount of fear I had when I was still a powerless nobody. No… This was even far worse than that. After all, with enough training and leveling up, there was no Demon I couldn’t ultimately beat in that apartment.
But now, in face of true terror and sheer power, enough to disintegrate even the most powerful of my weapons and nullify all of my skills, I knew true despair.
It was my loss.
Finally, the ringing stopped in my head, replaced by one definite and absolute conclusion which was that I couldn’t escape.
“I’m… going to die here…”.
It has been quite a while since the expedition team decided to take me under their wings. We already left the apartment and were making our way to the Camp.
Of course, the members spared no time in assembling all the junk I stocked my ‘base’ with, taking everything they could.
‘Who would have thought one of them had a shrinking Gift. How convenient…’ I mused.
Using his Gift’s ability, the one called Daniel collected what he could into his bag as well as the luggage of the rest of the group.
Still, there wasn’t enough space to contain everything, so we had to leave some stuff behind.
“It looks like the Camp will have to send us or another expedition team to take the rest…” Ana inferred.
In any case, we didn’t waste any time and departed as soon as they were done taking the best stuff; Food, clothing, electronic appliances… and the 12Volt 100AH battery that could provide enough electrical charge to last for weeks.
Still, looking around me as we journeyed, I was now even more certain that the world had not entirely become hell.
While a lot of buildings had fallen, and many cars remained damaged, it hadn’t gotten past the point of recovery.
“Stay close to me, Jeremy. We may encounter some Demons soon…” Ana said with a smile.
Of course, I would be treated like this. I was considered the weakest among the group, as well as their golden egg.
“Y-yeah… thanks.” I resumed my pretense of fragility.
“Oh, don’t worry kid. The monsters we’ll encounter aren’t very strong. The ones closer to the Red zone are more dangerous, but since we’re in a Yellow area, we’ll be fine.” Peter suddenly spoke.
I’m certain this was his way of trying to be friendly with me, so I didn’t mind. Of course, I already knew the system of colors and danger levels in this new world.
Green Zones are safe spots, and this is where Camps are erected. The probability of running into monsters is close to zero and safety is guaranteed.
Yellow Zones are areas where Demons can be seen, but since they are not too many, they can easily be dealt with if a good team is around. Sometimes it’s possible for a single Gifted to handle Demons in Yellow Zones, depending on skill.
Orange Zones are more dangerous, and Demons can be seen in groups. It’s always advisable for a team to subjugate them, rather than single individuals.
Finally, the Red Zones. Currently, it’s the most dangerous of the colors, and the difficulty, size, and number of monsters are so overwhelmingly high that it’s advisable to not attempt entering them.
Of course, in the future, more colors such as Purple and Black would be invented as the world is plunged into more chaos.
‘But, that’s still a while away, so let’s enjoy what we can for now.’ I smiled.
Colors and Danger levels are measured according to the Demonic concentration of energy in the area, as well as System Warnings to the Gifteds.
The <Danger> notification when entering a zone is multiplied the higher the difficulty. If the <Danger> warning exceeds 3, then such a Gifted was most likely not going to survive, and it would be a guaranteed Red Zone.
‘Apparently, I survived in the Red Zone by myself. It’s a good thing the first set of Demons I met were fodder, plus they were in a disadvantageous state.’
A most notable feature of a Red Zone is the existence of a Gate. Since monsters spawn nearly endlessly from a Gate, the numbers keep increasing, and the Demonic energy intensifies. It’s impossible to quantify how many Demons will be in a Red Zone, but unless the Gate is destroyed more will keep coming.
‘Time is of the essence!’
If I wanted to grow stronger in preparation for the catastrophes to come, I would need to challenge more Red Zones and Level Up!
“Demon Incoming!!!” Lily shouted.
Using her observational Gift, [Great Sight], she was the first to spot the creature approaching. I had been too lost in thought that I didn’t spread out my senses. Plus, since it was a Yellow Zone, I didn’t think I had to exert myself so much.
Focusing my attention on the direction Lily pointed at, I took a quick look at the imminent threat.
There was no way I could mistake the slimy green appearance of the monster, its humping frame, and disgusting bodily features. There was no doubt about it…
It was a HobGoblin.
‘Figures…’ I thought in disappointment, proceeding to check its Status.
[System Information]
– Name: Hobgoblin
– Level: 30
– Race: Demon (Lesser) – Grade: 1
– Age: 50 days
– HP: 50
– MP: 5
– Strength: 200
– Agility: 450
– Vitality: 190
– Intelligence: 5
‘Welp, it’s stronger than the fodder I fought back in the Apartment. But still… too weak.’
“Get in formation, everyone!” Ana suddenly yelled.
The battle was about to begin. This would give me a better chance to see them fight properly… I suppose this Demon was going to be useful after all.