I paused, noticing that his facial expression appeared conflicted. Perhaps I needed to pry even further.r
“This Camp won’t last much longer, and there’s no telling what could happen in the future. Besides… with your wife’s ability and your brains, I don’t think it will be impossible to survive out there. So, tell me Charles… why do you remain bound here? Why are you intent on leading this failed venture and supporting those useless maggots that merely take up space in this place?”r
His fists tightened when he heard my last statement, but I didn’t care. What else would one call a bunch of useless liabilities that only knew how to do domestic work.r
“This is a sinking ship, Charles… and you know it. It’s only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down.” r
“You think I don’t know that?!” He finally burst out, unable to control himself anymore.r
A smile formed on my face since I had finally gotten the reaction I wanted.r
“Why then?” r
“Huu… It’s none of your business…” He said in a low tone.r
“Excuse me?” r.
I instantly used my skill, <Rule> and instantly demanded his subservience.r
“arrgghhh!!!” He let out in shock, bowing his head as he felt the intense pressure of my power sweep through the room.r
I smiled as I observed its effectiveness. This would be the first time I was using the Skill, but I already knew how it worked. The Hell Kobold King used it to command its minions however it wished. As I expected, it was useful for commanding lower beings to do your bidding through the domination of your will.r
“Do you really think it’s none of my business?” r
He shook his head violently, clearly regretting his earlier statement. Charles couldn’t speak, but I could tell that he was ready to confess.r
“Well… let’s hear what you have to say,” I whispered, undoing the skill.r
The room became more comfortable and the poor guy gasped for air, beating his hands on the table.r
“Urh-Urghhh!” He wheezed.r
“Speak quickly.”r
Charles quickly gathered his thoughts and began.r
“I have… I have a kid…” r
My eyes bulged the moment he said this. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to digest the ground-shattering news.r
“A… Kid…?” r
He nodded, giving a defeated sigh. He had given up trying to hide it, so he decided to spill instead.r
“She’s only two years old. There’s no way I can leave this Camp with her on the line. It would have been one thing if it was just me and Tasha, but I can’t bring her into this too… that’s why this Camp is important to me.” r
I was slowly understanding his point. As expected of someone logical. He wasn’t doing this because he cared about the people around him, but for his own selfishness.r
He could protect his daughter, keep her safe, and ensure that she had the semblance of a normal life within the Camp.r
Also, if things turned south, I was certain Charles had a secret stash hidden somewhere that would last his family for a while.r
‘He’ll most likely use everyone else as meat shields and run. Still, it appears he has been avoiding that option as much as possible.’r
“But what’s the point? You guys won’t last at this rate.” I pointed out.r
Charles shook his head stubbornly. He still clung unto hope for their survival. Why? r
‘Don’t tell me… he actually has a hidden card?!’r
“There is a way we can survive. It’s the project I’m currently working on with some of our Camp Members. But, it’s far from ready.” He revealed.r
“Oh? Pray tell… what is it?” I asked, gleaming with curiosity.r
For a moment, it seemed like Charles was pondering whether or not to speak, but, upon seeing that he had no choice, he chose to be reasonable.r
“We intend on growing our own food!”r
‘W-wha-?!’ My mind rang.r
That sounded absurd. r
“I know how it sounds… but hear me out.” r
And so, Charles filled me in on the crucial and desperate attempt at survival that he came up with. To my surprise… It actually made a lot of sense.r
Firstly, they already had the necessary seeds to use in planting. As for soil, it wasn’t an issue as well. That could easily be obtained. They also had readily available fertilizers! While human feces wasn’t as effective as that of other animals, it still served as organic manure, and so it would have to do.r
As for water, Charles was already undertaking a borehole project, and in two weeks, it would be ready.r
For the borehole water construction, they would dig into the underground water channels and obtain enough to last them for a very long time.r
They also had someone with the Gift of [Farming]. As ridiculous as it sounded, it was of extreme importance in an Apocalyptic world such as this, and this individual was the centerpiece of their plan.r
Apparently, she could alter the growth speed of anything she personally grew at a frightening speed.r
The Camp did a mini research on it and attempted to plant a maize seed, one of the few crops they had in stock for planting.r
Apparently, she made it sprout within a week! It even brought forth corn! Of course, for them to make such a large-scale project that would last the Camp and keep it sustainable, they needed way more resources.r
Still, the plan was almost perfect. The only problem they had was time!r
“We have supplies that can only last us for two weeks at most, and the borehole project will take about two weeks as well. Even if we set things up and begin the planting two weeks from now, we’ll need about a week for the whole thing to grow. Then there’s the harvesting and other processes. There isn’t enough supply to last us through the farming process…” Charles said, gritting his teeth.r
Despite having such a marvelous plan, it was still flawed due to that major setback.r
“There’s a solution to that, though,” I remarked.r
Charles looked at me with surprise, hoping I would offer him some sort of assistance. Well, to be fair, my advice could be counted as that.r
“Why don’t you just kill some people off? That way your supplies will last you till then… What do you think?”r