The group of five people came out of the cinema and looked for a café where they can take a rest for a while. Kath and Cayenne has now calmed down and the former started to get nervous again.
Aside from Luiz, she never really met anyone from Kyle’s family and she didn’t know if they’d find her annoying. She sat far from them and she stayed silent the whole time. If Kyle or Luiz won’t say anything to her, she wouldn’t dare open her mouth.
“By the way, Yen, I’d like to introduce my classmate to you. Her name is Kath Labrador.”
“Hello. I’m Cayenne. Nice to meet you.” Cayenne waved her hand since she’s too far to do a handshake. “This is my partner. His name is – just call him Stefan.” She didn’t say the last name and there are many people named Stefan, too. It wasn’t really a problem.
Kath waved her hand at them with a shy smile. “Nice to meet you, too.”
Stefan wasn’t happy though. Although he was wearing glasses, and she couldn’t really see her facial expression, she could tell that he was upset because his lips were pursed in a straight line.
“What’s the matter?” Cayenne asked him while receiving the menu from the waitress. “Did something happen?”
Stefan placed his hand on the table and rested his chin on the heel of his palm while looking at her intensely. “I was just wondering. If everyone calls me Stefan, what makes you different than everyone else?”
Luiz and Kyle snickered while Kath just covered her mouth while laughing silently. On the other hand, Cayenne was having a predicament. What can she do about it?
Luiz and Kyle just ordered their drink and so was Kath. They ignored the couple in front of them.
“What do you want me to call you, then?”
“I don’t know. Find something unique that’s exclusive for me.”
“Aren’t you demanding, Mr.?”
“I’m not. It’s my right to receive a unique endearment from you.”
“I’ll think about it.” Cayenne dismissed this topic because she couldn’t really think of an endearment which is exclusively his. “What do you want to drink?” She ultimately changed the subject which made Stefan shook his head with a smile.
“I’ll get whatever you like.”
While they were busy looking through the menu, Stefan was also exchanging messages with Shein. He wanted to have a video call with them and show that Riley was really alright.
After three minutes, Shein’s call came in and his face looked so handsome on the screen. “Just promise that you won’t show this video to anyone else.”
“Hn. I just have my friend here who couldn’t get over with the movie. They wanted to make sure that she is really fine.”
“Sorry to hear that.” Shein responded and gave the phone to his girlfriend. “Come and show your face. You are causing so much emotional trouble with your fans.”
“Really? Was my acting really good? I didn’t watch the movie yet.” Riley’s voices sounded from the background. In the next second, she appeared on the screen who was rubbing her hair with a towel. “Oh, it’s Stefan.” She waved her hand on the screen. “Who are you with?”
“These are my friends.”
“And the lady beside you?” Shein questioned.
“She’s my partner.”
“I see. Hello, everyone!” Riley waved her hand at the shocked people. “I hope you enjoyed the movie.” No one said anything and Kath even pinched her face to check if she was still in a dream or reality. “This might have come as a surprise.” Riley murmured with an awkward smile. “Didn’t you tell them that you’d be calling me?”
“I did.” Stefan responded. “Anyway, since you’re fine and lively, I’m ending this call now. Bye.”
“Bye. Bye.”
Even when the call has ended, no one said anything. Not even a single peep can be heard. “Are you still alright? She’s fine, right? So, get over with the movie and move on.”
Cayenne looked at him and then shifted her eyes on his phone. The name Shein was still reflecting on his call history. “No way! Was the call real? Was that really her? That wasn’t a poser?”
Stefan flicked her forehead and rubbed it right after. “How can you be so silly? If I know Travis, isn’t given that I know his family, too?” Stefan whispered to prevent other people from hearing them.
“You’re amazing!” Cayenne hugged his waist and rubbed her face on his chest. “Never in my wildest dream did I ever think of talking to her. Even though it was just a video call. It was still surprising.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.” Stefan kissed the top of her head, ignoring the envious gazes of the café employees.
Luiz coughed drily to snap out of his reverie, too. He even put his hand on his chest to rub it. “She’s really pretty.”
“Hn. Too bad she’s taken.” Kyle added.
“Do you like her?” Kath asked after getting back to reality.
“Who in the world doesn’t like her? She’s smart, talented and pretty.” Hearing his response, Luiz elbowed his brother again. “Why did you keep hitting me with your elbow?” Kyle glared at his younger brother.
“Nothing. I just realize that you’re actually dumb.” Luiz retorted and ignored him.
After getting their orders, they realized that Kath ordered a takeout. “Are you leaving?” Cayenne asked her when she noticed that the lady was now fixing her things to leave.
“Hn. I have something else to do. Thank you so much for letting me watch the movie.” She bowed her head deeply and raised her head with a smile. The whole time that she was with them, she realized that Kyle never once looked at her in the eyes and that really disappointed her.
“I’ll help you get a taxi.” Kyle volunteered after noticing that six pairs of eyes were looking at him.
“No need. I’ll be fine on my own.” Kath walked out of the café with the takeout order. She walked out without looking back.
Luiz took a deep breath and sighed. “If you won’t stop her this time, if you won’t tell her what you feel, you will miss out your happiness.”
“Why are you saying that to me?” Kyle frowned while watching his sister’s reaction from his peripheral vision. “She’s not the only woman in the world.”
“Correct. She’s not the only woman in the world but, she’s the only woman you have liked in the past three years. Kath likes you, too. However, if there’s no progress today, she told me she’d leave the city and forget you. And that’s the end of your story.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?!”