As soon as she arrived at VIP room 206, Cayenne opened the door only to find Stefan lying on a hospital bed with his head wrapped around with a gauze. He looked pale and there were scratches on his hands and on his neck.
“Stefan?” she trembled as she called his name. She couldn’t believe that he’d be in this life and death situation few hours after they just talked. The tears that she had been trying so hard to suppress, found their way to come out of her eyes and roll on her cheeks.
She took a chair and sat on beside right beside his bed. She took hold of his hand which was free from an IV drip. Seeing that there were no complicated wires and apparatus attached to him, she could tell that he’s out of danger but it didn’t comfort her at all.
“Stefan, what happened to you? We were just talking moments ago and here you are, lying on this crappy bed that my mother used to lie on.” She mumbled while kissing the back of his head. “Two years ago, Travis got into car accident to save his wife. Months later after that, Jillyanna was also in constant danger. Wealthy people really have it hard. You always have enemies lurking to eat you alive. Hey, what am I suppose to do to protect you? Your friends protected each other but I don’t know how I can protect you. What am I supposed to do?”
“Are you Mr. Dumrique’s fiancée? I was the one who answered your call.” Said the doctor who came inside the room. Cayenne knew that someone came inside but she had no time for them so, she ignored the person. Upon hearing that it was the doctor, Cayenne turned around to see who the man was.
“Dr. Wilson, right?”
“Yes, that’s me.” He walked to the other side of Stefan to check on his drip and on his vital sign. “An accident occurred on his way back home. According to the driver, Mr. Dumrique was on his way back from buying green mangoes when they noticed that someone had been tailing them. The driver tried to sped up a little to see if the other car will also follow, and it did. However, they didn’t expect that someone from an alley would drive a motorcycle over them and it so-happen that he bumped his bike on Mr. Dumrique’s side. The broken glass wounded him and he used his hand to protect his skull but still, he bumped his head on the side of the car. Aside from the wound on his head, he only got scratches on his body. We already did full body check-up and it showed that he’s fine. He should wake up after three hours.”
Cayenne nodded her head but her tears didn’t stop from falling. It was actually because of her that he got into accident- all because she told him to buy mangoes.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”
“Where’s Chris? Is he okay?”
“Hn. He is fine. He’s in the other room next to this. “
“I see. I’ll come and check on him later.”
“As soon as the patient wakes up, please press this button and I will come to check on him.”
“Thanks, doc.”
“You’re welcome.” The doctor went out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Cayenne was really devastated. Even though they were not official yet, they’re still dating and they were even staying under the same roof. She couldn’t help herself but feel sad for him.
After an hour, she finally calmed herself. She was patiently waiting for him to wake up but because of the exhaustion she felt from morning till night time, she fell asleep while sitting on the chair and had her head placed on the side of the bed, still holding his hand.
Three hours later, Stefan woke up just like the doctor said. He found a sleeping Cayenne on the side of his bed, and her eyes were swollen. “I must have worried you. I’m sorry, Ayen.” He rubbed her head and caressed her face which was really cold. “You’re still careless as ever.” He whispered as he removed his blanket and draped it over her. He found the remote for the AC and lowered the increased the temperature a little.
Dr. Wilson checked the time and he knew that the patient in VIP room 206 should be awake but the intercom didn’t sound at all; thus, he decided to come over. He was standing right outside the door, watching this scene, wherein the patient was the one taking care of his fiancée. The reason why he was mistaking Cayenne as Stefan’s fiancée was because of her name on Stefan’s phone. It was FutureMrs.Dumrique. And seeing the scene in front of him, he was sure that he wasn’t wrong.
Stefan knew that the doctor was just waiting for him to be done. So, when he finally made sure that Cayenne’s fine, he waved his hand for the doctor to come inside.
“How are you feeling?” The doctor whispered, knowing that the man didn’t want to wake up the girl beside him.
“I’m fine.”
“Not feeling nauseous or dizzy?”
“No. I just feel a numbing pain on my head and on my arms. I guess that’s when I protected my head.”
“You must be aware of what was happening around you, then?”
“Hn. And I realize I should protect my head at all cost because I wouldn’t want to forget this woman if I happen to live a second life.”
“Right. Amnesia is a very serious matter and Travis Madrigal experienced that. I was so touched with the dedication of his wife.”
“I remember it now. You were one of the attending doctors and this is where he stayed that time.”
The two of them spoke in whispers, doing their best not to disturb Cayenne from her sleep. The doctor prescribed him some medicine and advised him a lot of things for his recovery.
Stefan didn’t complain at all. He just listened attentively while keeping his eyes on Cayenne. Every single time she’d stir from her sleep, he would reach out his hand to gently rub her head and caress her face right after.
“Do you have any question?” Dr. Wilson asked.
“None so far but I’ll let you know if I have one.”
“Alright. I’ll leave you then.”
Few minutes after the doctor left, Chris came in with his belongings. He only got minor injuries but he was still looking a bit pale. In his hand was his bloody coat and his broken phone.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Chris uttered. “I should have just faced them.”
Stefan sighed while watching his all-in-one secretary. “It’s not your fault. If you faced them head on, I would still be in danger and you will have to expose your identity. We couldn’t do that. And what matters most is that we’re both safe.”
“I’ll ask permission from the city to engage combat if needed in the future.”
“If you think that’s best you can do it but, I personally suggest you to cooperate with Travis and his men. They knew a lot and their coverage is not just in City B.”
“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.” He shifted his gaze and looked towards Cayenne. “You worried her.”
Stefan watched Cayenne and he felt hurt seeing her swollen eyes and exhausted face. “Process my discharge papers once she’s awake. And can you buy a long coat for her?”
“Hn. I’ll go out now. Tell me if you need anything.”
The room sank into a deafening silence but it was a comfortable silence since Cayenne was there with him. He was contented watching her, knowing that she’s worried and concerned for him.
Around midnight, Cayenne curled her body to sleep comfortably but she noticed that something was wrong. She opened her eyes and looked around her. “Stefan.” She whispered as she looked for him but the room was empty and cold. “Stefan, where are you?”
“Ayen?” Stefan came out from the bathroom. “You’re awake. Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?”
Seeing the figure standing not far from her, Cayenne burst out crying. “I thought I lost you. I thought you left me.”
“Hey, stop crying now. There’s no way I’d leave you.” Stefan responded as he walked towards her. He pulled her close and hugged her. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I won’t let this happen again. I promise.”
“You better keep your promise. I don’t want to come to this hospital to find you again.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be very careful next time. I won’t worry you again.” Stefan kissed the tip of her nose again and again.
“Ah! Stop kissing my nose.” She pushed his face away from her while looking down on the floor.
“Just stop kissing it. I’ve been crying and uhm…I…”
“And you’ve got snots and tears all over you?”
Her face felt hot from embarrassment and she refused to look up and see his face. “Just stop kissing me.” She whispered, fidgeting and shuffling her feet.
Stefan chuckled and gently pinched her chin to make her face him. He kissed her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her brows, her forehead and the corner of her lips. “I’ll kiss you because I love you. I don’t care if your face tasted a bit salty because of your tears or that you felt sticky because of your snots. I will still love you because you’re the one that my heart chose.”
Cayenne didn’t care about the embarrassment anymore. She only cares about the two of them and their future. “I love you, too.”