Stefan knew that the real Cayenne won’t just say good things to him or try to please him, she would always express what she was feeling and she would also curse him, even though she was very afraid that he will fire her before.
It can be said that their relationship was still fragile but at least, it was slowly forming.
Cayenne turned around and saw Stefan with his arms crossed on his chest. “Stefan, what should I do? It seemed like Arthur is going to start doubting me. What if he’ll investigate about us? What will happen to me?”
Stefan stiffened when he saw how scared she looked in front of him. When her brothers found out about them, she didn’t show this expression and not when she told her mother about them. What’s the difference when it comes to Arthur?
Stefan strode forward and stood up few steps away from her. “I wanted to ask you the same thing. Will you leave me if he knows? Will you try to deny the fact that you’ve been sleeping with me because of him?”
“What? Of course not. It’s not what I’m worried about.”
“Then, what are you worried about?”
Cayenne looked at her phone which was given by him two days ago. “I’m worried that he will tell my mother. My mother knows about us but she didn’t know that I’ve been spending my nights with you. She still thought that I’m working at night.”
“So, let me get this straight. You are worried because of your mom but you won’t deny the fact that you’ve been sleeping with me and that we’re together?”
“No, I won’t.” She raised her head and looked at him with a helpless gaze. “Why does the word ‘sleeping’ sounds so dirty when it comes from you?”
Stefan looked at her and laughed. His laughter was genuine and melodious. This was the first time in a day that he laughed with happiness. The laughter that she would always yearn to hear. It was a way of telling her that everything’s fine between them, that he was not mad or angry at her. It was a form of assurance for her.
“I didn’t know it would sound dirty from me but I believe, I’m using the right word this time.” He took another step closer and rubbed her head playfully. “Don’t worry about him. No matter how much he investigates, if he doesn’t have riches and power that equals to what Travis has, he wouldn’t know anything; unless he’d caught us red-handed.”
“Wait. You said something about Mr. Madrigal.”
“About riches and power?”
“Well, Travis can find whatever he wanted to know if he puts his mind to it or if his wife, Jillyanna, wanted to know something. If I guess it correctly, they knew about us before I could even introduce you to him.”
“Oh god! Seriously?! No kidding?!”
“No kidding.”
Cayenne slumped on the bed with indescribable expression. She couldn’t believe that she was acting like his real girlfriend when Travis knew about the real score between her and Stefan. It was embarrassing her now that she thought of it. She didn’t care if he was there or not but, she laid on the bed and covered her whole body with a blanket and screamed at the top of her lungs on her soft pillow.
Even though she was screaming loudly, it couldn’t be heard that much because her voice was muffled with the pillow. Stefan could hear her a little and he couldn’t help but chuckle. It was his first time to see a silly Cayenne in front of him. He let her vent her feelings while he checked his phone to see if there were any important messages.
After a minute, Cayenne sat up straight and uncovered her body with a blanket. “I can’t really do anything if he knows. I can just pray that he wouldn’t say it to someone else.”
“Travis wouldn’t do that. Rest assured.”
Cayenne looked at him with indescribable expression again. She stood up and her towel and clothes to take a bath. She would rather go to sleep than dwell on something that has happened.
Just to make sure, Stefan contacted Travis to let him know about Cayenne’s worry. He also felt at ease when Travis reassured him that their secret was safe with him and his wife.
Arthur did say that he dismissed the idea but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it. The woman he saw resembled Cayenne so much. The face, the posture and the way she walked was very similar with her. The only thing that gave her away was that, Cayenne was poor and there’s no way that she would be connected to rich men like Travis and Stefan.
“What if she sold her body to that playboy?” Arthur thought about it but he also shook his head to forget such idea. “There’s no way Yen would do that. She would rather work tirelessly like a cow instead of selling her body to those kinds of scums.”
With these ideas running in his mind, he fell asleep with a deep frown on his face. He just couldn’t let go of the thought that she might have found someone to spend her life or with the idea that she sold her body to someone. His mind was a complete mess with all thoughts of her.
Arthur’s mother was sitting in the living room with Cole, Arthur’s older brother; and Sofia, Arthur’s sister-in-law. They were talking about Arthur’s recent behavior. He often disappeared without telling them and he would say that he went to seminars and other similar events but his mother knew that something else was going on.
“He did go to seminars and other agricultural projects but aside from these events, he had been visiting his old friend.” Cole told his mother who asked him to check on Arthur’s recent disappearance from home.
“Old friend? Cayenne?” Kirin asked. Her tone was one of disgust and obvious displeasure.
“I think that’s her. He didn’t really meet with them but he found out that Cayenne’s mother got hospitalized and he started visiting them since he didn’t know where Cayenne lives. Not long ago, Cayenne discharged her mother from the hospital and now, Arthur stopped seeing her. Cayenne was doing her best to avoid Arthur.” Cole added.
“It’s good that she knows her place. Keep monitoring them. Make sure that Arthur won’t find where she lives and make sure that they would never talk about the past.” Kirin reminded her son. “You two can go to sleep.”
“Good night, mom.” Cole responded.
“Good night, auntie.” Sofia bid farewell and left with her husband. Even though she was married to their family, Kirin never liked her and she had been against to their marriage. However, Cole was fixed with his path of marrying her, even if he won’t get anything from his mother’s riches. Now, they’re living with Kirin and Arthur but they had to pay half of the electric bill amount and half of the water bill. Arthur took care of the groceries and other things that needed at home. It was like they were renting in their own house just because he displeased his own mother.
Sofia has no parents and she grew up with her grandmother who died few months after her wedding. She had no one else but Cole who sides with her at all times.
When the two of them got inside their own room, Sofia breathed deeply and squeezed her husband’s hand. “Thank you for covering up for Cayenne. I really pity that girl.”
“Stop pitying other. Just endure a little more and I promise to bring you out of this place. I have found a place where we can live simply with our child. Let’s escape from her. Anyway, she doesn’t have anything on me and I’m not taking anything from her either.”
Sofia felt guilty that she needed to separate the mother and son but, she also needed him to survive in this world and to complete her own family with their new-born baby. “Cole.”
“Thank you so much. I know it’s hard on you to go against your mother.”
“It’s fine. Everyone had to decide for which path they should take. And I’m taking the one where I can be with you and our daughter. As long as we’re together, everything will be fine.” He kissed his wife’s forehead and caressed her face. “Don’t think too much. Just get stronger for our family.”
“Hn. I’ll do that. Let’s go to play.”
Sofia had no personal relationship with Cayenne and she didn’t know that other woman that much. She just heard from Cole one time that she was a really nice girl and that Arthur took fancy of her. She didn’t help her because she just felt pity but also because she could see herself in her.
When Kirin visited Cayenne and warned her to never get close to Arthur, Sofia saw that. She was on her way from buying groceries that day since Arthur was still in school. Cayenne was their neighbor before and when she saw Kirin, she followed her and saw how she embarrassed the girl and discriminated her just because she was poor. She also knew that Cayenne’s younger brother saw that event.
Now, she just wanted to make sure that Cayenne won’t go through the same embarrassment because of Arthur. It would have been fine if Arthur can fight for his love but as she observed, he still likes to follow his mother’s control and he was secretly meeting her.
Cole, on the other hand, fought for his love. He out rightly told his mother that he loves someone else and that he would not love anyone else but her – Sofia. The two brothers were very different from one another.