Cayenne’s chest hurts so much because of the abnormal beat of her heart. She thought she’d suffocate and she felt her face going hot.
“Are you alright?” Stefan asked.
“I’m fine.” Cayenne asked. She continued to walk beside him without saying anything. Although they were dating like real couple, Cayenne couldn’t get herself to act like one. She didn’t want to show her feelings to him no matter what happens in the future. She knew that he was just doing this to patch up their current relationship and that he has no special feelings for her. Cayenne was well-aware.
Five minutes of walking, the two of them finally arrived at the ticketing booth. They presented their tickets and got their pamphlets and a special pin with the title of the show written on it. They were going to watch the play titled The Great Gatsby which was a 1925 novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This was a very famous novel and many people like it. Universities and secondary schools always include this amazing literary work in their curriculum.
Stefan have watched several plays before but that was when he stayed in UK and US. He watched theater shows during his vacations and this time, he wanted to share the experience with Cayenne.
“Can I keep this?” Cayenne asked him while showing the small circle pin.
“Sure. You can have it.”
Cayenne put the pin inside her bag to make sure that she won’t lose it. There were many people inside the theater and it was very dark. Someone from the staff was leading them to find their respective seats and Cayenne held on to Stefan’s hand tightly. She didn’t want to lose him as well.
Even though it was her first time to watch an actual theater show, Cayenne knew the etiquette and proper manners when watching one. She studied before and there were times that students from the Education Department needed to create their own play. She watched a show created by a student before. Although it wasn’t the best play, she still liked the story that the students made.
Cayenne sat quietly beside him and Stefan was also observing her from his peripheral vision. Since they’ve been staying inside for few minutes now, he was slowly adjusting to the dim light and could faintly see her beautiful face.
“I hope you’ll enjoy this show.”
“I think I will. I like the novel of this play so, if they’re not going too far from the original version, I think I will like it.” Stefan reached out his hand and carefully rubbed her head to make sure that he won’t mess up her hair.
After few more minutes of waiting, the curtain was finally lifted and the bright and carefully chosen set showed up in front of them. The casket of Jay Gatsby was placed on the stage which can be seen by everyone. The stage was arranged as to let the audience feel the actual moment of attending someone’s wake.
One after the other, the actors showed up and played their part. Cayenne was so focused with the play that she didn’t notice him holding her hand. Stefan wanted to feel her warmth and because she wasn’t paying attention, he intertwined their fingers once again and he even covered it with his other hand.
The first act ended and it received a round of applause from everyone. Cayenne let out a deep breath and that’s when she realized that she was so caught up with the show making her hold her breath for a while.
“Like it?” Stefan questioned with a smile. She turned her head to see him and smiled brightly.
“Thank you. I really like the show. I just hope that the next act won’t become boring.”
“Let’s wait and see.”
Cayenne wanted to wipe the sweat on her face when she noticed that her hand was held by him. Instead of using her right hand, she wiped her sweat with the left. Seeing her struggle, Stefan pulled out his handkerchief and wiped her sweat for her.
“Stefan?” It was her turn to call his name now.
“What is it?”
“Forget it. I forgot the things that I wanted to say. I’ll let you know once I remember it.”
“Sure.” He answered nonchalantly and looked towards the stage once again.
Cayenne looked at his side profile and when he turned around to face her, she looked away immediately. ‘My god! He almost caught me! That was really scary. Please don’t let him think anything. Please let him ignore me.’ Sadly, that’s not going to happen. Stefan has no plans to ignore her.
Two hours later, the play finally ended and they received a standing ovation from the audience. Cayenne clapped her hands as well after Stefan let go of her. Holding him for a long time made her felt warm but when he let go of her, she realized that she needed to do the same with her feelings – she needed to let go of him.
They crowd slowly got out of the theater and many people congratulated the staff for their successful play. Some even gave tips and asked them to prepare for another play in the next few months.
Cayenne and Stefan walked out of the theater, still holding each other’s hand. “We still have some time before their dinner. Do you want to go somewhere?”
“How about we go to the nearest amusement park? It’s been a long time since I’ve had fun in an amusement park.” Cayenne suggested to him. She wasn’t sure if he would agree but she wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel once again. She wanted to see the stars at the highest peak of the wheel and watch the beautiful city below their feet.
“Let’s go.” Stefan pulled her close and led her to the nearest amusement park. ‘Chris told me that amusement parks are women’s favorite. Is it really fun in there?’ he asked himself while walking beside her. He couldn’t really understand why women like crowded places.
Nonetheless, he still brought her to the place that she wanted to be at. ‘The happier she is, the sadder she’ll become when all this end.’