“We won’t be having romantic dinner like what Brown said.” Stefan told her when they’re walking back to the parking lot where they left the car.
Cayenne wasn’t disappointed about not having a romantic dinner with him. They already talked that they’d eat street foods that night, something common for the both of them. “It’s fine with me. We’ve talked about having street foods for tonight. So, where should we go next?”
“I’ll bring you to the nearest university around here. There are so many street stalls around the university.”
“Okay. You lead the way and I’ll follow you.”
“No, you are not following me.”
“Huh?” she got confused with his words. If they’re going to eat together, she should be following him, right?
But that’s not what Stefan had in mind. He looked at her and squeezed her hand gently. “I don’t want you following behind me. I want you to be walking beside me.” Cayenne felt her face became hot but since it was night time and the place they were at had a dim light, she wasn’t worried even though he was staring right at her.
“Ahem.” She cleared her throat and averted her eyes from him. “I get what you mean. Let’s go.” She gave his hand a little tug and the two of them continued to walk. When they reached the car, Stefan opened the car door for her and closed it. He walked to the backseat and placed the huge teddy bear inside as well as the stuff toys that Brown and Valkyrie gave her before going to his side of the car to driver.
“Can I play a music?” Cayenne asked since she wanted to listen to something that can calm her heart. Ever since his declaration of their relationship in front of all the audience this afternoon, she had been having a hard time keeping the normal rate of her heart beat. Anything that he did or said to her seemed special for her and it brought electric jolts to her heart, making it beat like crazy, causing her to blush again and again.
Stefan gave his phone to her. “Find a music and play it. It’s connected to my car’s speaker.”
“Oh. Thanks.” She searched for a song on his music app and found her favorite. Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra. “You don’t mind me playing this music, right?”
“It’s fine but, why this song?”
“It’s my favorite.”
Stefan frowned. It was rather surprising for a single woman to like such emotional song and when he continued to listen to it, his frown got even deeper. Somehow, the lyrics hit him where it hurts. The words struck his heart and he realized that he can relate to it.
“Little do you know
I know you’re hurt while I’m sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drownin’ me
Little do you know
I’m tryin’ to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know I
I love you ’til the sun dies”
‘Love. What is love?’ he questioned himself and stole a glance at Cayenne who was scrolling on his phone to find another music that she can play. ‘Is my plan backfiring me now?’
“Do you have any favorite music? I can play it for you.”
“Hn. Can you look for ‘Let’s Stay Together’ by Al Green?”
“Sure. Wait a sec.” Cayenne searched for it and when she found it she raised her head in doubt. “This song is kind of old. Is this really the right one?”
“Yup. Something made me remember this song.”
“O-okay.” As soon as her choice of song ended, she played the song that Stefan chose. Unlike her favorite song which was melodramatic and was heavy with emotions, the song he chose was light and upbeat. It made her want to dance to the music.
Stefan was smiling when he saw her snapping her fingers to the beat. The music was really nice even though it was a little bit old. This time, it was Cayenne who was affected with the lyrics. The lyrics of the song spoke of the words that she couldn’t utter. It showed him the feelings and the things that she wanted to show to him but couldn’t.
“I’m, I’m so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is alright with me
‘Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you”
Cayenne shut her mouth and just listened to the song. She got herself familiar with the lyrics but she couldn’t sing it loudly. She was afraid that he would know what was really inside her heart at the very moment.
The university that Stefan wanted to go wasn’t very far. They just finished two songs for the whole travel time and they reached the place immediately. They didn’t really stop at the university. They continued to drive to the back area of the large university and found a café where they can park the car.
They walked for three minutes and found a large night market. There were different stalls for different things and at the very end of the line of the stalls, there was a group of street food vendors. They offered varieties of foods and Cayenne’s eyes lit up when she saw the place. It brought her a very nostalgic feeling. She scratched the tip of her nose, fearful that she’d cried from the onslaught of her childhood and adolescent memories.
“Let’s just eat whatever we want tonight. No limit. Eat until you’re fully satisfied.” Stefan told her which lit up her eyes instantly.
“Are you sure? You might regret with what you said.”
“Nope. Making you happy is my job.”
“Aiyoo! If you want to eat, just eat. Stop displaying your affection in front of me. Have pity for us singles.” The lady vendor stated which made the other customers and vendors laugh.
“No wonder I found lots of ants near their feet.” Commented a young woman. “They are just so sweet.”
Cayenne blushed again from their comments. ‘How I wish that this date isn’t fake.’