He was surprised by the confident smile and claims of the king , he thought
” Ofcourse how can such a force as the rebels not have their own method and plans, the plans might only be privy to the higher officials and there might also be other reasons behind why they are not implementing their plan… It is also possible that y own plans and actions might have caused problem for the plans that they have been preparing for years… hmm “
But Dror soon calmed down and bowed slightly again, then showing an apologetical face he said.
” Please forgive me, king. I was presumptuous and arrogant earlier, I have not spent much time on this planet .. I might have been a little hasty with what I did too… All I saw was too many people who were suffering and I only thought of doing something about it with my own strength…. If my actions have brought inconvenience or any trouble to the plans that you have been working on… please forgive me, I will do everything in my power to correct my mistakes..”
The three seniors and the King had a slight smile on their face, then the king showed a serious expression before he spoke.
” It is good that you can see your mistakes, for now your actions have not brought many problems for our own plan … but I would advise that you talk with the commander Luke before implementing any such big plans… “
Dror bowed his head and spoke with an apologetic tone.
” Thank you for your benevolence, your highness..”
The king showed a pleased smile and continued ” It is not actually me that you should be thanking… but these three who had spoken on your behalf… they believe you are someone worth nurturing and trusting, I hope you will grow to their expectation… the prime minister will discuss the rest of the matter…”
All three of the seniors along with Dror bowed to the disappearing figure of the king.
Dror could only cast his thankful glance towards the three people who still remained in the room.
” Thank you seniors for trusting in me.. I was hasty and arrogant before.. thanks for showing mercy and understanding..”
The Prime minister had a smile on his face, while the commander happily nodded towards the young man and even though Lady Raven remained emotionless a small smile appeared and disappeared on her face without anyone noticing.
It was the commander who spoke first.
” The person you should be mainly thanking is the prime minister, he was the one who convinced the King and the Rest…”
Dror gave a slight bow of gratitude towards the prime minister who always showed a calm and happy expression.
The Prime minister spoke.
” Young man, do you mind explaining your plan to us… ? “
Dror took a breath before arranging his thought process , he slowly started explaining his plan slowly.
The three seniors had varied reactions to different parts of the plan.
After a long explanation and discussion among the four people.
The three seniors were pondering about different thing’s after a while and the Prime minister asked.
” So you’re Deputy Major, Xeander knew about this plan right… hmm… That little punk had grown enough to keep such big secrets … hmph.. I will take care of this later..”
Dror didn’t know what to reply to that, he knew that Xeander would be in trouble once the details of the plan was released, but he was helpless in this matter.
It wasn’t long before the three seniors gave their feedback and their own thoughts regarding the entire plan.
Lady Raven spoke with a cold snort ” Even though your plan seemed to be good , do you know how troubled we are due to it. The number of commoner who wanted to enter the rebel forces had shown a drastic increase, you might think that this is a very good news for the rebels but in truth this a huge burden for the Raven and related departments, who are responsible for looking into the verification of each and every person that wants to join the rebel forces… With the number of people working on this issue right now we don’t know when we will be able to sort this matter out completely.
There is also the matter of the commoner getting disheartened after waiting for long and forming their own groups…”
The Prime minister and Commander nodded at this statement by the Lady Raven.
Dror showed a pondering expression before replaying.
” Actually I never intended for them to join the rebel forces together. Most of the Commoners are not warriors, they are just ordinary people who try to make a living.
But we can utilize this whole matter in another way, rather than letting them join the rebel forces directly we can have them contribute to rebel forces and become a support for us.
It doesn’t matter what little contribution that they come up with, we should accept it as a sign of acceptance and show gratitude.
Bonding all of them to the rebel forces in such a way that, even if the alliance government was to find out about their contribution they shouldn’t receive any severe punishment.. We can also use this to gauge the public opinion and support that we really garner among them..”
The prime minister showed a smile and said ” This was what I was planning to propose to the king and the council.
We can ask the commoner who wants to join our cause to show their support through contributing money… This will maintain a certain distance between us and them, even if the alliance government was to find out about this they have nothing much to charge the commoner with and at the same time the commoners will also feel like they have contributed something in this fight… This will also become a small seed planted inside them.
Just like any person who invests or gives support, they will keep on observing and do everything that they can to make sure that their investment or support do not go in vain, and at times even the little help they provide might turn out to be a big contribution…”
With more discussions and debates the four people came to a mutual agreement regarding the things.
When Dror finally said his goodbye to the three seniors and left he had a happy yet determined expression on his face.
When it was closing at night, Xeander was standing before the prime minister and the commander.
His head was bowed a little in an apologetic expression as he listened to his grandfather’s reprimand.
” You have only recently recovered yet you are thinking of creating such trouble.
You were appointed as Deputy Major to keep an eye on him not to help and support him, and even inform us of any problematic decisions that your Major makes.
You still have the guts to stand before us after secretly hiding his plan and even seeking out the Minister of war and the Jainver clan for help.
I wonder what your father would have to say about what you accomplished… hmph..”
When Xeander heard the mention of his father his usually calm and composed expression changed to that of a troubled and little fearful one.
The first thought that came to his mind, when he heard his grandfather mention his father was of the face of the well built middle aged man with long mustaches, who disciplined him with an iron cane when he used to practice spear as a child.
This middle aged man who was renowned as the invisible spear was also a commander, the current commander of the Air base Xavion his father.
Xeander didn’t have the courage to retort to his grandfather after he mentioned his father so he had to endure all the reprimand in silence with a bowed head, while silently cursing the real culprit behind this whole incident, Dror.
Few days passed by as today. In the Air base, Dror was standing along with his 100 men in front of the three people and two 3D projections.
Among the hundred men there were eight True warriors excluding Dror and the rest were all almost in the ninth level of the warrior realm.
The Earth base commander , Lady Raven and Minister of War along with the projection of the king and the prime minister, were checking out the soldiers standing before them.
The King looked at the men standing before him with a pleased expression and spoke.
” I don’t have any big speech prepared for you… I can see that all of you are determined and will give your all in this war challenge, but remember that there is no shame in retreating if the circumstances are against you, we have already sacrificed many citing different reasons…. I wish all of you the best, may the hopes and the best wishes of the ordinary people and the entire rebel forces guide you to your victory…”
Dror along with his men bowed and gave a salute to the king in respect.
The four seniors also bowed and showed respect to the king.
It wasn’t long before Dror along with his 100 men entered one of the biggest battleships of the rebel forces and departed the Air base.