Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess Novel

Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess Novel

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Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess Novel

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“Rascal, I’m going out to do something, so I can’t take care of you any more. You can go down the mountain and have fun. But if you can’t find someone who matches your Innate Pure Yang Body in three years, you’re finished!”

These were the last words the old man, who was Yang Luo’s teacher, threw to him before he vanished. Meanwhile, having mastered most of his master’s skills, Yang Luo went down the mountain and took his first step into civilization for the first time in years.

With his unparalleled medical and martial arts, he sets forth on a journey, befriending new allies and crushing all the enemies that stand in his way, as he attempts to resolve his Pure Innate Yang Body constitution, and cultivate to the top of the world!

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