Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps Novel

Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps Novel

Source: Internet



Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps Novel

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Da Yan’s first female emperor has transmigrated! When she opened her eyes, she had become an 18th-tier actress who bore the same name as her and was participating in a variety show about surviving in the wilderness. Netizens: Do variety shows not have any standards? They let just anyone participate nowadays, huh?Su Yangyang: I’m indeed incompetent.However, when the camera turned to her…She opened up wastelands and made farming fields. She set up traps, made musical instruments, caught fish and tore through wild boars with her bare hands, climbed trees to pick fruits, weaved fishing nets, learned traditional medicine…The result of that was a massive increase in viewership! Netizen 1: What the heck did she mean, “incompetent”?!Netizen 2: Miss Yang is amazing!!! As the program went on, there was a sick actor by her side who was always weak for no reason, and often fell into her arms. Su Yangyang: Men are so troublesome. Until one day, the top star covered the camera and changed completely. Instead of his usual sickly and weak demeanor, he pressed her up against the wall and kissed her. The next day, Su Yangyang became one of the top searches on the Internet due to the marks she sported. Su Yangyang: It was just a mosquito bite. A misunderstanding. Actor King Bo tweeted: @Suyangyang I heard my name changed and is now Mosquito? That night, the entire Internet was paralyzed with shock.

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