“How can I remain calm when my daughter has been kidnapped? And-And the media people are even saying that it’s a psychopath criminal case and my baby Ran is the sixth victim. What if that murderer has already done something to my baby Ran?”
Hearing that Sia could not wait to go and beat the shit out of Chief Zhou, thanks to the mess he has caused, now she has deal with the mess that was created by someone else.
“Uncle, please calm down”
“No, Sia tell me where you guys are. We will immediately come there and I will personally look for my daughter. Also, where is that damn bastard who promised to always protect my daughter and keep her safe? If he can’t even protect my daughter then why the hell do we need him?” Uncle An roared furiously
Though her temple was throbbing, Sia still tried to best to reason with uncle An “Uncle, please calm down. The media must be at your door by now, and if you step out they will definitely ask you things that you can’t handle. Even if you can face them, please think of aunty. She is not in good health right now and can’t be extremely emotional”
“But, my daughter-“
“I’m personally seeing through the case and we are doing our best to find the killer as soon as possible. You coming here would do us no good but might also cause us to be anxious. Uncle I understand your emotion and An Ran is not only your daughter but also my friend, and I’ll do my best to find my friend Alive at any cost. So please believe in me and stay strong okay?”
“Alright I will believe you, but please keep me update on any news regarding my daughter okay?” Uncle An asked New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet
After hanging up the call, Sia inhaled a deep breath and suddenly turned around to kick Lu Jin’s ass and roared “Get the hell out of here and take care of your in laws before they get into trouble”
“No way! I want to stay here and find An Ran, I’m not going anywhere without finding my wife” Lu Jin said stubbornly
“This person-” Sia asked, almost certain that this was the killer they were looking for
“Yes, he is the one who came to repair the computers. He is also the one who spoke to my girlfriend many time. This man was extremely careful but he got captured unknowingly when a colleague of mine was celebrating his birthday”
Standing up form the chair, Sia asked agitatedly “Are you sure he is the one?”
“Yes Mr. Shien, I have already asked all the employees and they are sure he is the one” Mr. Hou responded confidently
“That’s great, thank you Mr. Huo. This video is extremely helpful to us and I’am very greatefull to your helpful. Thank You! Thank You!”
After hanging up the phone, she clicked on the file that Inspector J had sent and immediately pointed at one man. After looking through his address, she immediately called inspector J and said “We have found the identity of the killer. Its Mr.XX, immediately bring the team to the location. I’am heading there now”
“Yes Sir!” Inspector J answered immediately.
After hanging up the call, Sia turned to Mu Jun and said “let’s go”
Not long after, Sia arrived at the location. By now, Inspector J has also arrived with his team and were on standby. The killer lived in an independent yard covered with walls so they did not need to worry about harming the civilians.
Exchanging glance with Inspecor J, she nodded her head. Receiving her order, Inspector J immediately issued the order “Fly the drone”
“Yes sir”
Soon a drone was controlled to fly over the house where the killer stayed. Through the monitoring screen, they could see the entire layout of the house. Just as Sia observed the house, her brows furrowed. After a moment, something suddenly clicked in her mind and she said “Not good. We are going inside, immediately”