As soon as Vicente returned to the ship’s interior, the group set off, following his haste without really understanding what his powerful warrior was doing in such a hurry.
But as soon as the ship reached some speed so that the combat area was gradually left behind, the observers noticed several signals on their instruments, indicating vehicles or large living beings following them.
“We’re being pursued. Enemies coming from the east,” said one man in the command center of Nan’s ship.
“Impossible! I don’t see anyone coming from the east.” An observer’s voice sounded through the speakers in the command center.
Nan looked at Vicente with narrowed eyes, realizing that there was indeed someone following them. “What’s this about?” she asked, not understanding why he had fled from the enemies now pursuing them.
“The submarine pirates from earlier weren’t alone. They had a large group waiting for them nearby… I interfered with one of their communication attempts and found out their numbers,” he said as he took a deep breath in his seat.
He continued, “Honestly, I could fight them and have a good battle. But it would be a competitive enough fight that I wouldn’t be sure I’d win… And in the end, I’d be weakened in this dangerous sea. I preferred to run away.”
“How many enemies are chasing us?” Hervi heard Vicente and asked the observers of the ship’s sensor instruments.
“Seven vehicles, each of them bigger than our ship… Possibly a couple of hundred enemies.”
The dwarf paled on hearing that, understanding why Vicente had preferred to follow a different path of final combat against his enemies.
“And they have more Grand Magus than the group I exterminated.” Vicente laughed with a bitter smile on his face. “Let’s get away with everything, or we’ll be in trouble!”
Nan agreed with him, reinforcing Vicente’s earlier requests for the group to speed up and stay alert for a naval battle!
The men moved their weapons and cannons into position, but they knew they were in a dangerous situation. Against small submarines, there weren’t many ways for them to fight their opponents or even dodge enemy attacks.
They would largely have to rely on their own defenses and the speed at which their vessel moved!
“Didn’t you get anything that might help us against them?” Larissa approached Vicente, thinking about the items he had quickly collected before returning to their ship.
Vicente hadn’t had time to check these newly collected items and turned a fraction of his mana to the storage item in one of his hands.
Checking for valuable items, he came up with some interesting things, useful in the short term for his group.
“Indeed, there are a few things here that can help us.” He summoned three items, making a bright green stone, a map, and a white staff appear in the air in front of him.
Nan flapped his small wings and approached these items, noticing the magical fluctuations of two of them.
“That’s a Sea Heart of an intermediate level!” The fairy exclaimed in surprise at the sight of that green crystalline stone. “That could attract a ferocious sea beast!”
That’s exactly what Prisiche informed Vicente’s mind as he scanned the item, quickly finding a weapon against his enemies.
“We’ll let the trail of this item slip secretly for a while. That will draw powerful creatures towards us.” Minos laid out his escape plan. “When some powerful being is near us, we’ll throw this item toward the enemies and let them become the targets of these creatures who will fight over the Sea Heart. We’ll escape in the meantime.”
The map he presented next to the Sea Heart had information about the territory of the nearby underwater tribes and, according to Prisiche’s information, it would cover weeks of their travels. This was useful for the group and was soon on the hands of the crew’s chief navigator.
The last item, the white staff, was an enchanted weapon with fascinating properties for them.
“This here will erase our tracks for those over three hours away from us.”
Larissa’s eyes lit up. As long as they could use it to their advantage and an eventual problem for their pursuers, they could leave these enemies completely behind.
Nan and his advisors agreed with Vicente’s plan until, as expected, their boat was shot at the beginning of this escape from enemy attacks.
The enemies had the advantage of sight and position to attack them and soon launched their offensive to destroy the enemies who had wiped out one of their groups.
Everyone on Nan’s ship felt the boat rocking, their defenses sensing the enemy’s power. Fortunately, a single attack wouldn’t be enough to destroy them. freē
“We have to hurry!” Vicente said as he used his powers to let the Sea Heart trail off the item, marking the path they were taking.
For creatures not so powerful, Vicente’s act would be almost imperceptible. But for the powerful beings of the sea who could benefit from that item, its trail could be felt a long way from the item!
Ten days later, at the bottom of the sea, somewhere between Light Cay and Amae…
A group of fish men were standing around the remains of several submarines at this very moment, where several bodies of their comrades were left behind, with the survivors seriously injured.
As these fish men felt the bitterness of having fallen for the tricks of their enemies, they now saw the powerful opponent who had destroyed them swim away with his shiny prize in his mouth.
Seeing their enemy, a powerful Sorcerer, leave them behind without bothering to eliminate them, one of the survivors crawled away, his eyes red with rage. But his anger was not directed at that 9th stage being, but at the leader of the enemy group they had been chasing for days.
“Damn earth beings!” he spat, his voice distorted by the water but no less filled with venom. Despite the extensive damage to his body, his life force remained strong, fueled by an overwhelming desire for vengeance. “I will take revenge for this tragedy, whatever the cost!” His vow echoed through the water, a promise to the vast, uncaring sea.
Another fish man, less injured but equally shaken, swam closer to the enraged survivor. “Senior, what shall we do now?”
“Hire the sea serpents! We’ll put everything we have in the hands of an assassin capable of eliminating them!”