“Congratulations, Vicente. That configuration of pentagrams you obtained is quite impressive. Probably the most powerful in most of Anicane!” Larissa said as she approached her partner and friend, smiling graciously, truly happy for him.
“That’s really impressive, master.” Rex brandished, excited by the fantastic journey his master would take, which would surely lead him to the peak of this mighty world.
The dwarves were more restrained, each of them making submissive gestures, full of respect in each of their movements. They knew Vicente was powerful, a prodigy, so to speak. But they did not know how powerful he was, nor how much stronger he would become today.
After receiving congratulations from his group, Vicente was satisfied and feeling good. His mind turned in the direction of his subsequent plans and he didn’t miss the opportunity to tell his partners about it. “Well, that concludes our hunt. It’s time for me to go back and help the fairies finish the business with the elementals and other enemy tribes.”
“Aren’t you going back to the tribe with us, senior?” One of the dwarves asked, longing for Vicente to maintain close ties with the Dwarves Tribe. Having someone so strong as a friend could greatly change the fate of even an entire group.
“There’s no time. I want to return to the Elves Tribe and gather some information before engaging in the final battles of this war… Anyway, it’s time to leave. The Dwarves Tribe is stable now and must find its way to peace.” He said with a serene look, not doubting that Hervi would fulfill all his obligations to him and the fairies.
Vicente had used enough mechanisms to be confident, so he was ready to leave right then and there.
“In that case, we sincerely wish you a good journey, seniors.” The dwarves said
simultaneously. “If you need the tribe for anything, I’m confident that we’ll do our utmost to resolve your demands as quickly as possible.”
“Hmm, I appreciate that, hehe.” Vicente nodded before finishing. “Say goodbye to Hervi. Perhaps I won’t see him again before my departure from Amae.”
At the level of power he had reached, Vicente didn’t expect to stay in Amae for another month. He was confident that he could already be considered stronger than all the leaders of Amae before he got his pentagram today, so now his journey should become even smoother.
‘I will return to the Fairy Tribe to find out how the tribe is doing and then set off for the Elf Tribe to get the meetings I was promised earlier. After that, I’ll continue the hunt for the enemy leaders in this local war.’
Vicente waved goodbye to the dwarves, watching them leave before he and his two companions left as well, disappearing from that forested and mountainous area.
The remains of the bird that gave rise to Vicente’s new pentagram were naturally in his space ring now. Parts of it would be precious for producing resources and even strengthening Rex. Rex and Larissa had little influence in combat for Vicente in this part of his journey. But they were his companions and as long as they wanted to travel with him, he would help them grow stronger.
There were things he couldn’t keep to himself or his family, so he intended to give them to friends like these two.
Both lion and human were aware of their traveling companion’s generosity, but neither liked the idea of taking advantage of his fruits.
They had both thought that their journey alongside Vicente wouldn’t last much longer and were weighing up the possibilities. This was an important decision, so for now, they were just moving on to wherever he was going to take them.
A few days later, Vicente and his two companions met up with Nan at the core of the Fairy Tribe’s territory.
Nan had good news for Vicente, having heard from the elves that they were already ready for him, as well as finding targets for him to hunt.
When she heard that he no longer needed to hunt for pentagrams by the hour, she was surprised, not expecting him to get that while on a mission with the dwarves. But having grown accustomed to Vice’s great talent during their journey together across the Star Sea, Nan absorbed the news very well.
She heard from him what had happened to the Dwarves Tribe, as well as informing him of the alliance’s actions against the enemies. His plans to use the enemy’s actions against the elementals themselves had been very successful, yielding several victories for the alliance over the last two weeks.
However, the war was far from over and in this meeting, Nan gave the location of four points that the alliance needed someone as powerful as Vicente to neutralize.
He accepted their missions, asking only for a little while, as his curiosity to return to the Elves Tribe and hear new information about their purposes was constantly on his mind. Despite being a powerful magician, Vicente still had his desires and anxieties, which he had to deal with from time to time.
There was nothing to complain about and Nan just told him to follow his own plans and just keep open communication with the tribe. Prisiche would help him with this so he wouldn’t worry, settling the matter from the fairies’ point of view.
With that settled, after just two days in the core of the Fairy Tribe, Vicente and his two companions moved on to the Elves Tribe.
Supposedly, the elders of the Elves Tribe were attacking enemies, so he shouldn’t have expected to meet the same individuals he had talked to previously. Vicente saw no problem, having faced something similar in the Fairy Tribe itself, where only Nan of his acquaintance welcomed him.
Besides Larissa and Rex, Garnot followed alongside Vicente, guiding them to the tribe of his race, just a few hours away from the home of the continent’s leaders.
Vicente made his way to the Elves Tribe with several expectations in mind, having already heard from Nan and the Fairy King about the information they would share with him before his departure from the island.
Eager to get this information and get on with his journey of cultivation, he hurried his pace, reaching the home of the people of Garnot the next day.