Wirata was watering the plants when the tall figure walked to her. He handed a cup of coffee to her with a sullen face.
She put the watering can back to its place and received the coffee to sip. Gazed at the unpleased expression face he sent her.
Stefan lifted the coffee to drink and looked at her face. The two drank and stared at each other. No one turned away as though they want to measure their opponent’s strength. Who will be the best?
“Never ever dare to order me in front of my men again.”
The harsh voice was the first to speak, indicated that he was still unpleased and did not like the way she told him to make coffee.
Wirata lifted her eyebrow as if to say that…Then why bother to brew it and bring it?
She knew deep inside her heart that the godfather did not like to be humiliated and lost face because no one dared to do that to him before and he would never get used to it. He wanted her to worship him and to praise him. It was the way she should do, he expected the employee to be modest and knew her place more than to argue with him, especially in front of his bodyguards.
“You said I was afraid of you.” She replied and sipped her coffee.
“So? What’s wrong with that?” He asked a question and drank coffee, still wearing his moody face. Wirata could not believe the statement she just heard. Did he mean Stefan Mackenzie never said anything wrong another word, never did anything wrong?!
“Yes, it’s the wrong statement because I am not afraid of you. I am not afraid of bad people at all.”
She spoke hardly. Stefan turned to stare at her. She was only small compared to him. Her head was just under his nose . But when arguing, she probably thought she was as big as an elephant. No sign of fear at all from her beautiful eyes. Stefan was used to women who came to his life to be obedient not to ask a question or to argue with him.
“Bad people? You mean ME?”
Not very pleased apart from she was not afraid of him, now she was saying he was a bad man.
Wirata shrugged.
“I’m not afraid of bad people. But I pay respect to good-hearted people and that is it.”
She responded without blinking. Stefan frowned.
“Oh, yeah. I am a bad person in your eyes. But who’s fucking helping you out of your trouble, huh?”
He asked with a harsh voice. His grim face was outstanding. Raising the coffee to drink every drop and then threw the empty cup at the wall that made Wirata and Summer jumped unexpectedly. Wirata looked at the smashed broken cup and then looked at the person who threw it.
“A good person wouldn’t do that. Throwing things, breaking, smashing materials. It indicates his immature behaviors like a wayward child. A big man with a mature mind would know better than throwing thing to scare a woman and a dog. “
The crystal voice moralized him. Stefan sent her a daggered glare. She definitely thought she was as big as an elephant to speak to him that way! Stefan stared as she coolly lifted her coffee to sip. This woman was making him boiling with her words. He did not like the way the thing was going. She too cool and it was just the start of their relationship, meaning he had to make it clear to her that he was still her boss. The person who paid to help her family.
Stefan stepped in to grab her coffee cup and raised his hand up to throw it.
“Hey! … Don’t … If you do it again, I will not speak to you forever and I will not sleep in the same room as you! You won’t be allowed to come to my room! “
She shouted. Stefan’s hand was paused in the posture of holding the cup in the air.
“I mean it!” She repeated.
Ben and James came back. They heard the argument and walked out into the large balcony with the beautiful garden. They stopped their steps immediately when seeing the picture in front of them. The boss was holding the cup in his hand ready to throw away and Miss Wirata was putting her hands on her hips with a determined face.
They decided to stop at the door to observe, best to play safe!
“This is too much. Who do you think you are? I paid for you to be here and now you raise your voice to me like this?” The intense voice shouted loudly. Wirata was quiet and just staring at him unblinking.
“And do you think I care if you would talk to me or not? I don’t care at all! Remember a man like Stefan Mackenzie doesn’t care about a woman he buys with money. You are not that important.”
The harsh voice continued. But the hand gradually lower the coffee cup and gazed into it when he saw there was still some coffee left, he drank it clean.
Wirata stood still, listened to him babbling to the point that there was nothing more to come out of his doggy mouth. As for his words she was already used to it and trying not to let it get to her. She got better and better to have it under control. The persons who could master their mind always won the battle. She had learned to ignore whatever he said. Stefan Mackenzie did not have a filter between his mind and his mouth.
If she let his words get into her head, she would probably go crazy and lost her cool. She was not going to let him win easily. Wirata withdrew her breath when she talked to her consciousness successfully. She looked at the tall man who drank her coffee with his stern face.
“Have you finished your speech yet? … If you have, then please clean the floor, get rid of the broken pieces because Summer might step on it. “
The smooth voice said. She walked and picked up the equipment from the shade, put it near the messy broken cup on the floor. Then picked a bone and walked straight to the puppy.
“Are you okay? Don’t be scared. It’s okay. Do you remember that your father was bitten by a big dog not long ago? He’s got madness disease. It will take a while for him to get better. Here is your reward if you run for one round.”
The clear voice spoke to the puppy, causing Stefan to turn to look. She was bending down to talk and swinging the bone to lure summer.
The little dog turned to look at Stefan and walked toward him. He must have sensed something and wanted to be with him, or he did not want to run another round!
Stefan rushed to pick him up, resting the puppy on his shoulder because he was afraid the dog would step on the broken pieces.
“Don’t go there. Let me clean it first.” He said to the puppy. The other hand picked up the brush, tried to clean the floor.
Wirata sighed when seeing the tall man holding Summer and using the other hand to brush the floor. She went to him and pulled the brush off his hand. He did not let go and glared at her with his I’m-still-angry face.
“Let me clean it.” She said. He pulled it back.
“Stefan. Let it go. I’ll clean it for you.” She sent him a scolded gaze. He let the brush go unwillingly. Wirata shook her head. What a stubborn man he was! She started to clean the floor.
“What would you like for breakfast?”
Wirata looked up and asked. He was standing facing the buildings view in front of him, holding Summer on his shoulder. Saw the unruly person turned to look at her. Wirata could not help to smile a little. He really was like a child. She could imagine when he was young. He must have been a handful for his parents.
“American or Thai?”
She asked again as if trying to please him. Stefan glanced, saw the beautiful face with a little smile. He let out a sigh. Now she was happy to be able to irritate him and spin his head to entertain herself.
Once she had finished cleaning, she looked up and gave him her smile brightly. Stefan wiggled his finger to call her to come to him. Wirata raised her eyebrow to warn him. She put the debris into the trash and kept the equipment back in the shade. Then washed her hands.
When turning around, she saw him making a sullen face. Wirata then shook her head and walked to him. She stopped in front of him and reached to squeeze his nose to tease him.
“Do not frown like a wayward child. It doesn’t suit you. You are a mafia, remember? “
She said then kissed him on his cheekbone and tilted her face to look at him. Stefan tried to guess her mood. He was a little confused and amazed that she was not really angry that he was shouting at her. But remained as calm and cool as a cucumber. It made him feel unsure whether he played the game right or not up to now.
“If you want to kiss me, do it on my mouth, not on the cheek.”
The voice ordered. Wirata shook her face.
“I already told you that don’t order a woman to kiss you. If I want to kiss you, I will do it myself. Your mouth this morning is not very nice. Next time, if you want a kiss, say nice things, okay? “
She said to him as if he was a child. Stefan pulled her to hug and planted a kiss on her forehead.
“You are a strong head woman. American breakfast with a lot of eggs. Last night I lost so much energy. “
He responded. This time he turned to look at Ben and James who were standing at the door as though they were statutes. Stefan shook his head to his men.
“You can breathe now. Nobody’s going kill anybody here. What’s up?”
Stefan said. Seeing them like this, it meant that they had something to report but not dare to interrupt him.
“Um, about Bruno. We have our men to find out the truth and soon we will know. And next month, Santo invites you to join a graduation party of his daughter.”
said Ben. Stefan lifted his eyebrow up.
“What a thick skin. How many months behind till now? Party, huh. He hasn’t had money to pay me but he can hold a party for his daughter. How dare him to invite me.”
The dashing voice said. He put his arm around her waist and let Summer down. Then they walked back into the penthouse to the kitchen. Ben and James followed along.
Wirata went to the fridge. She took out the ingredients and started to make breakfast. Stefan sat sit on a stool in front of the counter.
“I think he probably wants to take this opportunity to launch his youngest daughter.”
Ben continued to report. He glanced at Wirata. She was focusing on beating eggs in a bowl as if she didn’t pay attention to what they were talking about. Stefan followed Ben’s gaze then the handsome face lit a crafty smile.
“Tell him that I accept his invitation.”
The boss said with a hint of fun in his voice. Ben and James looked at each other back and forth, not understanding the boss’ purpose.
“You go with me.”
He turned to say to Wirata. She did not pay attention, continued to concentrate on cooking.
“Wirata, did you hear me?” He knew that she heard him but pretending to be deaf.
“You go to a party at Santo’s house with me next month.”
The voice ordered. Wirata sighed and nodded.
“Yes, Boss.”
The voice responded with a hint of irony mood. Ben and James were looking at the boss’ face. He nodded in a pleasant expression. They knew the boss was planning something in his head. His Eyes glanced at his lady. They hoped he wouldn’t ask for trouble again. Ben and James sent the secret language to each other.
“Will you two eat with us?”
Stefan asked. Saw his bodyguards exchange their looks. These two were good at gossiping about him in silent language. He knew what they were thinking.
“Eat together, Ben, James. I cooked enough for everybody. I know you guys haven’t eaten yet. Being bodyguards for someone who likes to do business by fighting, you have to eat healthily and earnestly. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have the energy to serve the big boss who’s good at ordering. “
She said sarcastically. The handsome face immediately turned to look at her. Ben and James gasped and felt scared that the boss would leap to jump her neck. But he only gave her a mocking smile. Wirata did not trust this kind of smile when he wore one on his face like this. It usually meant he was planing something not good for her.
“After eating, we’ll take Summer for a walk.”
He spoke in a good mood. Ben and James eyed one another. At the moment they could not guess the boss’s mind.